Luna Llena en Capricornio del 22 de Junio 2024: Lo Imperfecto y lo Eterno

Full Moon in Capricorn on June 22, 2024: The Imperfect and the Eternal

"People protect what they love."

- Jacques Yves Cousteau

This June 21/22 (depending on where we are in the world) we will have a Full Moon at 1°7' Capricorn.

Lunations (which include the New Moon and Full Moon) are ideal times for manifestation because of the intense emotional energy that characterizes them.

The key to effective manifestation is to deeply feel the emotions associated with what you desire. Thus, lunations provide us with a perfect setting to connect with our emotions, as during these periods, emotions are at their peak. By aligning ourselves with the lunar phases and taking advantage of these moments of high emotional energy, we can enhance our intentions and manifest our desires with greater clarity and strength.

The Full Moon and Manifestation

By definition, a Full Moon implies that the Sun and Moon are 180° apart from each other, in opposite signs of the zodiac. The beginning of the lunar cycle, the New Moon, is related to initiating an intention to then manifest it on the physical plane. When we reach the Full Moon, lunar energy is at its zenith and a constructive tension is generated between the sign where the Sun is located and that of the Moon. It is time to culminate and let go, reconciling the signs where both luminaries are without going to any extremes.

While New Moons and Full Moons allow us to manifest our desires, Full Moons are related to the following themes:

- Let go of resistance to manifesting what we seek.

- What has not worked, we let go of it to create new spaces.

- Visualize the steps we are taking to get to what we want and identify how they align with what we want to manifest.

This lunation occurs at 1°7' of Capricorn, a cardinal earth sign that asks us to focus on our goals through discipline and responsibility, seeking structure and concrete achievements. On the other hand, the Sun in Cancer connects us with our emotions, our past, and our need for emotional security. The task is to find a middle ground between these two energies: to integrate Capricorn's ambition and pragmatism with Cancer's sensitivity and care. This balance will allow us to finish what no longer serves us while taking care of ourselves and our personal relationships.

Full Moon in Capricorn June 22, 2024

Full Moon in Capricorn, June 22, 2024. Software: Moon

Just like the previous Full Moon, this lunation will be off limits (don't know what an off limits Moon is? Check out the explanation here ), This is an excellent time to innovate and be able to create more real and authentic structures in our lives, connecting with the energy of Capricorn in a more genuine way. On the other hand, the sun in Cancer, also influenced by this rebellion, encourages us to recognize and honor our emotional needs in a deeper way. By breaking out of the mold, we can connect with people and situations that initially did not seem compatible with us, but that, over time, reveal deep and enriching connections. This integration allows us to reorient the path not only in our material goals, but also in our emotional well-being, creating a more balanced and authentic life.

Sabian Symbol: Capricorn 2

The Sabian symbol in which this Full Moon occurs is Capricorn 2: “Three stained glass windows, one of them damaged by bombing.” A planet transiting this degree of the zodiac reminds us of the importance of creating tangible structures that are not an end in themselves, but a means to transmit intangible values ​​that endure. The innovative and rebellious energy of this out-of-bounds Full Moon pushes us to find new ways to build and preserve what is truly important, ensuring that our tangible structures continue to transmit our deepest and most essential values ​​beyond the eventualities that occur to all of us from time to time.

Square Neptune at 29° Pisces

At this moment we have Neptune transiting the 29th degree of Pisces. This degree is known as a critical point in astrology, symbolizing the end of a cycle and also the definitive closures in our lives. When planets transit here - and especially Neptune - they destroy the illusions that separate us from the transcendent, they help us to surrender in peace to the unknown and to accept the imperfection that characterizes the material world. Thus, this square invites us to surrender, to let go, and to not have any attachment to the outcome of our situations even though we commit ourselves to making them prosper. This is when fear dissolves: the fear of the unknown, the fear of losing control, the fear of death, etc.

Yes, it is much easier said than done. Especially when this lunation brings to the surface those very fears we are here to heal. Let us observe, accept where we are and not overexert ourselves: we will have a second chance this coming July 21, when there will be a second Full Moon in Capricorn.

Affirmations for this Full Moon: Beauty Beyond Fear

When repeated consciously, affirmations help you focus your mind and energies toward manifesting your desires. Use these affirmations during the 14 days from the Full Moon to bring closure to whatever needs to be done, from a place of harmony and acceptance. Repeat them in the morning upon awakening or at night before you sleep, and feel how they help you get into the right state of mind without the restrictions of what once was.

1. I close this stage in complete gratitude and confidence .

2. I commit to my goals with discipline and responsibility, without being attached to the final result.

3. I embrace my emotions and needs, allowing myself to feel and connect with others authentically.

4. I find balance between structure and innovation, building a life that reflects my deepest values.

5. The physical plane is also sacred in its imperfection, and I honor and respect it.

The 12 Houses of the Natal Chart

Consider the House of your Natal Chart Where This Lunation Falls:

These will be the themes that will be activated in your life in order to complete this stage.

House 1: New beginnings, personal image, the physical body.
House 2: Financial resources, personal values, self-esteem.
House 3: Communication, learning, siblings.
House 4: Home, family, the past, the country of origin.
House 5: Creativity, romance, hobbies, the inner child.
House 6: Health, daily routines, lifestyle, mind-body connection.
House 7: One-to-one relationships, partnerships, justice.
House 8: Transformation, emotional openness, inheritances, shared resources.
House 9: Philosophy of life, travel abroad, beliefs, academia.
House 10: Career, reputation, ambitions.
House 11: Friendships and groups, long-term goals, relationship with the future.
House 12: Subconscious, spirituality, acceptance, healing.


Do you want to learn more about how to manifest your desires effectively? Then you can't miss this book:

The Magic Of Manifestation: 15 Advanced Techniques To Attract Your Best Life, Even If You Think It's Impossible Now - Ryuu Shinohara

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