The Astrology Blog
Luna Llena en Leo del 12 de Febrero 2025: Iluminando la Pérdida de Libertad
![Luna Llena en Leo del 12 de Febrero 2025: Iluminando la Pérdida de Libertad](
Luna Llena en Leo del 12 de Febrero 2025: Ilumi...
Luna Llena en Leo del 12 de Febrero 2025: Ilumi...
La Luna Llena de hoy 12 de febrero de 2025 trae una energía cargada de tensión. Es volátil, incómoda, marcada por la resistencia al cambio y por la rigidez de posturas que no ceden fácilmente. Hay una fuerte predominancia de signos fijos, lo que hace que, aunque el mundo esté transformándose a gran velocidad, muchas estructuras—y personas—nos aferremos con fuerza a lo conocido. Pero una Luna Llena siempre ilumina, y esta no es la excepción. Tanto en lo personal como en lo colectivo, revela lo que quizás no hemos querido ver. Nos empuja a cuestionar, a reconocer lo que... Leer Más
Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guía Completa
![Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guía Completa](
Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guí...
Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guí...
Si creemos que la retrogradación de Venus en Aries y Piscis de marzo y abril de 2025 será una retrogradación más, estamos muy equivocados. Este será un tránsito explosivo y con el potencial de anticiparnos muchas temáticas de lo que el mundo verá en los próximos años. Los factores clave que ocurrirán durante esta retrogradación de Venus, y que amplifican su impacto son: • Mercurio también retrógrado en Aries y Piscis, simultáneo a esta retrogradación. • Dos eclipses en medio del tránsito: eclipse lunar en Virgo (14 de marzo) y eclipse solar en Aries (29 de marzo).... Leer Más
The Four Elements in Astrology: A Beginner's Guide
![Los Cuatro Elementos en Astrología: Una Guía Para Principiantes](
The Four Elements in Astrology: A Beginner's Guide
The Four Elements in Astrology: A Beginner's Guide
If you're just getting into astrology, understanding the elements is a great way to pick up on general patterns without going into complex analysis yet. While the meaning of the elements is rich and can be as deep and sophisticated as you need, it also provides a friendly gateway considering that with so much information it's easy to get overwhelmed and not know where to start. In this guide, we will explore their characteristics and how they influence the dynamics of the signs. The Elements: The Basis of Zodiacal Energy Each of the 12 zodiac signs belongs to one of... Leer Más
February 2025 Astrological Weather: Are We Dreaming or Awake?
![Clima Astrológico de Febrero 2025: ¿Estamos Soñando o Estamos Despiertos?](
February 2025 Astrological Weather: Are We Drea...
February 2025 Astrological Weather: Are We Drea...
( Download this month's transit calendar at this link .) We have already noticed: the world is changing at a speed that we can barely process. Everything moves, everything changes, everything seems to collapse and rebuild itself in a matter of moments. The feeling of instability is no longer something external, but something that seeps into our everyday perception. What is more real, what we feel or what we see outside? Do we cling to what the information circulating tells us, or are we guided by what our intuition shows us? The astrological climate of February has a similar tone.... Leer Más
New Moon in Aquarius on January 29, 2025: No Need to Be Dramatic
![Luna Nueva en Acuario del 29 Enero 2025: No es Necesario Ponernos Dramáticos](
New Moon in Aquarius on January 29, 2025: No Ne...
New Moon in Aquarius on January 29, 2025: No Ne...
We are already in the midst of a remarkably different astrological climate than in 2024. The instability, accelerated changes and great turbulence that we are experiencing on a personal, collective and even climatic level are already being strongly felt. In the midst of this process where so many things are changing, it is natural that as human beings we look for certainties, something defined that allows us to regain a little control. This New Moon in Aquarius comes in that context: a lunation that, of course, awakens the need to start something, to find a direction that gives us security.... Leer Más
Introduction to Predictive Astrology
![Introducción a la Astrología Predictiva](
Introduction to Predictive Astrology
Introduction to Predictive Astrology
Predictive astrology is a powerful tool that allows us to analyze astrological trends and cycles to understand how they can influence our lives. Its purpose is not to set an unchangeable future, but to offer clarity about the energies that manifest in a given period of time. More than predicting the future, predictive astrology seeks to help us anticipate . It allows us to identify opportunities and key moments to make conscious decisions, aligned with our personal goals. It is a guide to managing challenges and enhancing our well-being. Therefore, although it offers us a very precise vision of the... Leer Más
The Planets, Nodes and Asteroids in the 3rd House of the Solar Return: Predictions
![Los Planetas, Nodos y Asteroides en la Casa 3 de la Revolución Solar: Predicciones](
The Planets, Nodes and Asteroids in the 3rd Hou...
The Planets, Nodes and Asteroids in the 3rd Hou...
The Solar Return is an annual cycle that we experience each year around our birthday . Interestingly, this cycle doesn’t always begin on the exact day of our birth; it can occur a day before, on the same day, or even the day after our birthday. Our birthday marks something deeply personal, where we become the center of attention, and in some way, we feel special. The Solar Return shares that tone: it’s a year-long cycle that offers us a clear vision of the lessons and learnings we can expect during that time and that bring us a little... Leer Más
What Structures Will Collapse in 2025 and How to Harness This Energy
![Qué Estructuras Colapsarán en 2025 y Cómo Aprovechar Esta Energía](
What Structures Will Collapse in 2025 and How t...
What Structures Will Collapse in 2025 and How t...
The year 2025 is marked by astrological transitions that underline the collapse of what has been our external support, both collectively and individually . There are several astrological indicators of this: 1. The sign change of the lunar nodes. The North Node enters Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, associated with chaos, dissolution and lack of material firmness . Pisces is not related to the physical or the tangible, but to the ethereal, the abstract. Where the North Node is, there is an increase in that energy, and its presence in Pisces indicates a growing sense of external instability,... Leer Más
Calculadora de carta natal
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator .
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator.
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