![Astrología de Chile: ¿Podrá Reconducir Su Camino? Análisis y Predicciones](http://www.lacasa8astrologia.com/cdn/shop/articles/chile-predicciones.webp?v=1725567391&width=1100)
Chilean Astrology: Will You Be Able to Redirect Your Path? Analysis and Predictions
Chile is currently at a critical crossroads, facing a crisis of security and confidence in its institutions that has left the country far from the stability that once characterized it . In recent years, the increase in crime, especially linked to organized crime , has generated an atmosphere of fear and radicalized public opinion, which now supports heavy-handed policies as a solution to insecurity. This context of violence is aggravated by structural problems that Chile has not managed to resolve, such as inequalities in education, health and social welfare , which have fueled growing social discontent.
Recently, the scandal known as the Audios Case has uncovered a network of corruption involving key figures in the political, judicial and business spheres. The case came to light on November 14, 2023, when recordings were revealed in which lawyer Luis Hermosilla, along with other suspects, discussed irregular payments to officials of the Internal Revenue Service (SII) and the Financial Market Commission (CMF). This scandal has shaken the country, exposing the deep cracks in the Chilean power structure , and has intensified the perception that Chile is far from being the safe and prosperous country it once was . With presidential elections scheduled for 2025, the country faces the challenge of regaining confidence in its institutions and finding solutions to the deep problems that plague it.
In this and subsequent posts in this series, we will explore how these current challenges are shaping Chile’s future and what can be expected in the country’s political and social landscape in the coming years.
Chilean Natal Chart
![Chile Natal Chart](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0757/1049/7076/files/carta-natal-chile_png_480x480.png?v=1725387134)
The birth chart used to analyze Chile in astrology is that of the First National Government Junta, established on September 18, 1810. This day marked the beginning of the process of Chile's independence from Spanish rule, when a group of patriots formed an autonomous government in Santiago . The Junta was convened in response to the Napoleonic invasion of Spain and the consequent weakness of the Spanish government, which allowed the American colonies to begin to seek their own autonomy. This event is considered the first official step towards Chile's independence, and that is why this date is used to raise the country's birth chart, symbolizing its "birth" as a sovereign entity.
The Role of Illusions
The first element that stands out in Chile's birth chart is the almost exact conjunction between the ascendant and Neptune, both in Sagittarius . Neptune is the planet of illusions, dreams and idealization, while the ascendant represents the visible image of a country, the way it is projected and perceived by others.
The presence of Neptune in this position suggests that illusions play a central role in Chilean identity, for better or worse. The illusion of being a better country and aspiring to more, the illusion that everyone can feel part of it, but also a possible visible -and illusory- face of optimism, faith and growth that can hide much deeper problems that the country is not always willing to face. The ascendant in Sagittarius reinforces this tendency, being associated with an expansive and optimistic vision, which can lead to projecting an image of abundance and success that does not necessarily reflect the internal reality of the country.
From time to time, Chile is adept at maintaining this magnetic, almost ideal image. But at certain moments (when planetary cycles challenge this configuration) this veil is lifted, revealing an internal situation very different from the idealized image projected outward. It is in these moments of crisis that Chile swings dramatically between the euphoria of idealization and deep disillusionment . The fall from that idealistic height can be abrupt and painful, leading to massive disenchantment as illusions crumble and hidden reality comes to light.
This dynamic between idealization and disenchantment is a central characteristic of Chile's astrological identity, where the country navigates between moments of expansion and optimism, and others of crisis and revelation, which expose the most difficult truths to face.
November 14, 2023: The 'Audios Case' is Uncovered
The day the Audios Case was uncovered was an astrologically key moment, where precisely this veil of illusion was broken in a resounding way . Mercury , the planet that rules communication and information of all kinds, was in exact conjunction with Neptune in Chile's ascendant that day, which clearly reflects how the hidden information came to light through the audios . The presence of the Moon also in transit in that same conjunction added a strong emotional charge, generating a collective reaction marked by intense emotions . Not only that; in Chile's birth chart the Moon rules the 8th house ( hidden situations, other people's resources, power dynamics, taxes ). Once again, the astrological message that day was so literal that it never fails to impact.
Letter of disclosure of information on the Audios Case (11/14/2023, Santiago, Chile).
Is there potential for the country to meet the needs of its citizens?
Chile has great potential to move forward thanks to the trine between the government - represented by the Sun - and the people - the Moon - in its birth chart. Although the trine between the Sun and the Moon is weak and out of sign, it is still a harmonious aspect that suggests that there is a potentially favorable energy between the authorities and the citizens, if things are done conscientiously and not taken for granted . The Sun in Virgo in the 11th house indicates a government oriented towards organization, constant improvement and collective work , while the Moon in Gemini in the 6th house reflects an adaptable, communicative people concerned about daily well-being, work and health .
This trine between the Sun and the Moon, though subtle, can facilitate a positive connection between the expectations of the people and the actions of the government, suggesting that there is the potential for the country's leadership to respond to the day-to-day needs of its population in a pragmatic and effective manner . Although harmony is not always evident due to the weakness of the aspect, this configuration suggests that there are times when the government's efforts can be aligned with the demands of the people, creating opportunities for more cohesive and balanced development .
Will this potential for alignment between the government and the people be expressed in the medium term?
Let's take a look at the planetary cycles that await the country.
2024: A Fork in the Road
In 2024, Chile is going through a pivotal moment astrologically due to several important factors:
1. On September 17th, a new Solar Revolution begins, a new astrological cycle for the country. This new cycle will be marked in a special way, since that same day a lunar eclipse occurs , which means that Chile's Solar Revolution will include the influence of this eclipse . Eclipses are catalysts for profound changes, and this event can mark a turning point in the direction the country takes. Simultaneously with all this, Chile is experiencing a Nodal Opposition: the country is accountable to itself, while at the same time having to avoid clinging to the past.
2. Chile has just begun a new Jupiter Revolution on May 31, 2024 , a cycle that occurs every 12 years. This revolution tends to expand and highlight the themes of growth, justice, and long-term vision . Having completed this cycle, Chile faces the opportunity to integrate the lessons of the past 12 years and use that expansive energy to redirect its path .
3. Finally, there are important planetary transits at the moment, and others that will continue to impact the country in the next two years , suggesting that Chile is at a key moment of transformation . The question is: can this potential align itself so that the country can reorient its course in a positive way, or are we facing a crisis that will be prolonged?
Solar Revolution 2024 for Chile (09/17/2024, 05:57).
Solar Revolution 2024 and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
Chile’s Solar Revolution for 2024 is marked by a key moment , especially coinciding with a lunar eclipse in the 7th house , which in mundane astrology rules political opponents, alliances, and agreements. This eclipse, conjunct Saturn in Pisces, signals a possible end or culmination of issues related to political opposition or key alliances within the country’s political landscape . The 7th house, in the context of domestic politics, represents the “other side,” i.e. the government’s adversaries, suggesting that this eclipse may mark a significant closure or transformation in the relationship with opponents or in the balance of power.
In this solar revolution there is a grand trine between the Sun in the 2nd House, Uranus in the 9th House near the Midheaven, and Pluto in the 6th House , which brings enormous creative and transformative potential. This grand trine in earth signs points to opportunities to find innovative solutions in key areas such as the economy, work, and foreign relations . The location of Uranus near the Midheaven suggests the possibility of radical changes in Chile's international projection or in its education and justice policies, while Pluto in the 6th House emphasizes the chance of profound transformations in the workplace and public service.
However, with Leo Rising , a fixed sign that resists change, and the Sun in the 2nd house (which emphasizes conservation of energy and the pursuit of stability over change) , this Solar Return suggests that while there is enormous potential for major transformations, especially in economic and political relations, the country is likely to resist these changes . While the Sun in Virgo is usually quite adaptable, being in the 2nd house somewhat minimizes that energy.
Let us also consider that, even if there is a certain potential in a planetary cycle, the energies that "rule" are those of the natal chart . In Chile's natal chart, the ascendant is in conjunction with Saturn, which brings a conservative energy that is reluctant to change , and which indicates to us that it is part of the country's character to cling to its known structures.
In short, the momentum for transformation will be present, but we may see more resistance than concrete action this year.
Credits: Government of Chile
Finally, this also has implications for the figure of President Gabriel Borić, as the eclipse falls right on his natal Moon in Pisces in the 11th house. There is a high probability that after the eclipse his figure will disappear from the foreground for the rest of his term, while deeper power struggles emerge in the Chilean political landscape.
In the next entry dedicated to Chile, we will analyze the Jupiter revolution and other planetary cycles that will help us elucidate what important changes we could expect in the medium term.
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