The Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo (2025 - 2026)
In 2025, the lunar nodes enter the Pisces-Virgo axis, with the North Node transiting Pisces and the South Node in Virgo. To be more precise, they will be on this axis from January 29, 2025, to August 29, 2026. This movement marks the background against which the other important transits of the slow planets that will change signs this year will be outlined (read more about them here ).
The arrival of the North Node in Pisces - the last sign of the zodiac - connects us with endings and closures . Where the nodes are, circumstances arise that feel inevitable , almost as if they were a call from destiny, pushing us towards profound transformations. During this transit, there will be instances that will confront us with the need to let go and let die what we are clinging to, both on a personal and collective level.
What Are the Nodes of the Moon?
The nodes of the Moon are mathematical points in the sky where the Moon's orbit around the Earth intersects the ecliptic , which is the apparent path of the Sun as seen from Earth.
In this case, we are using the mean nodes , which calculate the average of the nodes' motion rather than their more precise fluctuations. The nodes remain on each astrological axis for approximately 18 months , completing a cycle around the zodiac in about 18 and a half years.
The Connection of the Nodes with the Eclipses
One of the most important characteristics of the lunar nodes is their relationship with eclipses. Solar and lunar eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon align near the nodes, acting as catalysts for their energy . This means that wherever the nodes are, eclipses will occur, representing the high points within the transit of the nodes along an axis of signs (read more about eclipses here ).
These eclipses accelerate the process of evolution , symbolizing profound transformations, revelations and key moments of change. These are moments in which the energy of the nodes becomes more present, pushing us to move forward or to let go, depending on what the moment requires for our growth.
The Astrological Meaning of the Lunar Nodes:
• North Node
• Growth and expansion.
• Beginning of new and unknown paths.
• Invitation to embrace abundance and new opportunities.
• It represents learning and evolution towards the future.
• South Node
• Decline and closures.
• Connection with the past and what we must let go.
• Release from old patterns that no longer serve you.
• It represents endings and the detachment necessary to evolve.
North Node in Pisces: Purifying Waters
Thus, the entry of the North Node into Pisces invites us to increase our connection with what this sign represents: closures, detachment, spirituality and the awareness that we are energy , part of something much larger than ourselves. Pisces, being the last sign of the zodiac, symbolizes endings and transcendence , and this transit will confront us with the spiritual void that as a society we have not been able to fill, reminding us that the material is impermanent and cannot be the basis of our security.
This North Node pushes us to let go of structures that no longer support our evolution and that we perhaps believed to be immovable. These transformations can manifest themselves in events where the material is threatened or destroyed , such as climatic phenomena that directly affect our physical reality. The purpose of these processes is not to punish us, but to purify us; teaching us that destruction opens space for renewal and that we must learn to rely on the spiritual, the internal and transcendent, when the external falls apart.
While the North Node is in Pisces, it will be inevitable to feel the interconnection we share with other human beings, nature and the world. Even if our basic needs are met, this transit will make us aware of collective suffering , showing that the pain of others also affects us even if we want to believe that it is not so.
Just as in a family system , when one member suffers, the others do too; on a global level , the suffering of some has a direct impact on the well-being of all . This transit calls on us to stop evading this reality and to recognize that we are part of a large network of connection in which our actions, emotions and decisions have a much broader impact than we imagine. The North Node in Pisces tells us that it is time to assume this truth and act from greater empathy and collective consciousness.
Letting Go of Attachment to Transform Our Relationship with the Material and the Apparent
It is only when we manage to let go of our attachment to the outside, to appearances and to material things , that these kinds of things stop controlling us . The North Node in Pisces also guides us towards a more balanced relationship with the tangible, reminding us that it is not that the material is negative in itself, but that the relationship we have built with it is deeply unhealthy and destructive.
This transit teaches us that the real problem lies in how we hold on to the material to fill spiritual voids or to find illusory security. By learning to let go, to detach, and to flow with endings, we begin to transform that relationship . It is through this conscious surrender that we can establish a healthier bond with the material: one that does not depend on internal deficiencies, but rather reflects balance, purpose, and authenticity.
The South Node in Virgo: Leaving Behind Old Ways of Relating to Matter and the Body
With the South Node in Virgo, we are invited to leave behind a limited and rigid way of understanding matter, the body and efficiency . Virgo, as an earth sign, connects us with the physical, the practical and the quantifiable; but this transit calls us to let go of those visions that reduce the human body to a set of organs, skin and mechanical functions. This South Node will lead us to understand that the body is much more than the physical: it is an integrated system where the spiritual, the emotional, the energetic and the material constantly interact.
During this period, there are likely to be changes in our beliefs about health, treatments, and medicines. We could see a shift towards a greater awareness of the connection between the different “bodies” that make up our existence: physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic . This transformation involves leaving behind the obsession with efficiency and productivity, those demands that everything we do have a tangible or measurable result. Virgo, from its most unbalanced side, has represented this need to be constantly moving and overexerting ourselves to obtain the tangible results we believe we deserve (whether at work, in relationships, as a couple, in finances, in health, etc.) and the South Node invites us to free ourselves from those chains.
On the physical and symbolic level, Virgo is also related to our experience of the body, including sexuality as an expression of health and well-being . With the South Node in Virgo, there may be deep questions about how we have treated our bodies and how society as a whole has denigrated our relationship with them. This could include a greater awareness of hypersexualization in the media – including of children – as well as the excesses in the use of cosmetic surgery, which often destroys the natural and healthy relationship with the body.
This transit invites us to reflect on the damage we have allowed to happen by prioritizing external, unsustainable standards of perfection and productivity . It challenges us to abandon these destructive practices and rediscover a more respectful and sacred relationship with our bodies , seeing them not just as a “container,” but as a reflection of our totality as human beings.
Dates and Zodiacal Degrees of Eclipses:
Before the nodes entered the Pisces-Virgo axis, we already had a lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024. However, at that time the nodes were in Aries and Libra.
The eclipses that will be directly connected with the transit of the nodes in Pisces and Virgo are:
• March 14, 2025 : Total lunar eclipse in Virgo, 23° degree.
• March 29, 2025 : Partial solar eclipse in Aries, 9° degree.
• September 7, 2025 : Total lunar eclipse in Pisces, 15° degree.
• September 21, 2025 : Partial solar eclipse in Virgo, 29° degree.
• March 3, 2026 : Total lunar eclipse at 12° Virgo.
Who will be most affected by the Nodes in Pisces and Virgo?
Although the energy of the North Node in Pisces and the South Node in Virgo affects us all , it will be especially intense for those who have personal planets or important angles in Pisces or Virgo . To a lesser extent, it will also impact those who have planets or angles in Gemini or Sagittarius , since these signs form tense aspects with this nodal axis.
On the other hand, if one of the eclipses falls right on a planet or an angle in your birth chart, that eclipse will be particularly important for you . This translates into a turning point related to the themes of that planet. For example, if an eclipse falls on your Mercury, issues related to communication, learning, contracts, or siblings will be activated in your life. These events do not go unnoticed: they represent moments of change and evolution directly linked to the area symbolized by that planet or angle.
If you have the North Node in Pisces and the South Node in Virgo in your Natal Chart, you start a Nodal Revolution
This transit marks the beginning of your nodal revolution: a cycle that occurs every 18.6 years, when the lunar nodes return to the same position they were in at the time of your birth. It is a deeply significant period, where the most important lessons of your life related to the axis of the nodes in your birth chart are activated.
The nodal revolution aims to reconnect you with your evolutionary and spiritual path : it reminds you where you need to move forward (North Node) and what patterns or habits you need to leave behind (South Node).
This is a key time to realign your priorities with your spiritual purpose, embrace the changes that seem inevitable, and move toward a more authentic and connected version of yourself.
The Void as a Space of Potential
In Taoism, emptiness is not absence, but the space from which everything emerges. It is the primordial state where unlimited potential resides , a necessary pause for something new to manifest. Emptiness is seen as the origin and source of all that exists, a place of purity and stillness that allows for creation and transformation.
This philosophy reminds us that emptiness is not something to be feared, but something to be embraced. Without emptiness, there is no room for the new to emerge; without silence, there is no possibility of listening. Just as a vessel is useful precisely because it is empty , so too do our lives need those moments of emptiness to find clarity, renew our energy, and allow us to flow with change. Emptiness, far from being a lack, is the very core of transformation.
We speak of emptiness now because the complete transit of the nodes through Pisces and Virgo (and especially the eclipses) will bring us that feeling of uncertainty , that space in which something must end before something new can be born. It is essential that we learn to inhabit that emptiness , to remain in it without seeking to fill it immediately with anything.
The key will be to find peace within this transition, understanding that this is how things are meant to be now. As humans we have a tendency to fill in the blanks to feel more secure, but the best strategy right now is to stay open to possibilities and not check in for answers.
Questions to Reflect On:
1. What is my relationship with my body? Do I take care of it out of a conscious search for health or do I tend to neglect it, criticize it and/or constantly complain about it?
2. Do I allow for voids in my life or am I anxious about creating space? How do I relate to emptiness and transitions?
3. Are there any behaviors in my life that are trying to fill an emotional void that I haven't addressed? Do I recognize obsessive or addictive patterns, such as shopping, overworking, or anything else I use to escape?
4. Do I focus too much on what can be seen or shown to others, neglecting what is inside me?
5. Am I able to recognize that it is not just me who is going through an intense period of change, but that this is a collective process? Can I connect with the shared feeling of humanity and allow myself to develop greater empathy?
6. What parts of my life need more compassion, patience or acceptance to transform?
7. How willing am I to let go of what I think gives me security, but actually keeps me trapped in a false stability?
8. In what areas of my life am I committed to not having certainties or trying to find them for the moment? Can I allow them to remain in a space of indefinite potential for a while?
Effects of the Transit of the Nodes in Virgo and Pisces in the Houses of Your Natal Chart:
Here are some possible beginnings and endings depending on the axis of houses that the lunar nodes travel through in your birth chart. Look for the house(s) in which Pisces and Virgo are located.
North Node in Pisces in House 1 (Beginnings, Identity and Personal Appearance), South Node in Virgo in House 7 ( Relationships and Partnerships):
With the North Node transiting your 1st house , life may present you with almost inevitable situations that will push you to prioritize yourself. This transit marks a period in which you will be called to reconnect with yourself in a more authentic way, allowing yourself to dream big, get excited about new goals, and dare to explore unknown territories. Pisces here invites you to flow with the changes, to trust in the uncertain, and to open yourself to opportunities that may seem risky, but that bring with them profound personal growth.
You may face experiences that force you to set boundaries, let go of external expectations, and focus on building a life that truly resonates with yourself. Changes in your appearance, attitude, or personal approach could arise as part of this transit, reminding you that this is a time to rediscover who you really are, beyond what others expect of you.
With the South Node transiting your 7th house , there is an opportunity to let go of old dynamics in your relationships that no longer allow you to move forward. Virgo here signals the need to let go of the tendency to overanalyze or overcriticize, whether of others or of yourself. This transit will lead you to situations that clearly show you which relationships have run their course and should be left in the past.
You may find that you have been relying too much on your connections to feel secure or validated, and now is the time to release that need. Relationships that are based on obligations or repetitive patterns may fall apart, opening up space for you to create more authentic and balanced connections in the future.
The nodal axis in these houses calls you to focus on yourself, on your growth, and on regaining your autonomy. By prioritizing yourself and letting go of what no longer has a place, you will open the doors to experiences that allow you to evolve and align yourself with a freer and more connected version of yourself.
North Node in Pisces in House 2 (Finances and Values), South Node in Virgo in House 8 (Transformation, Taxes, Debts and Shared Resources ):
With the North Node transiting your 2nd house , life will lead you to focus on your own resources, values, and the way you handle material things. This transit is not only about finances, but about learning to value what really matters to you, beyond the tangible. Pisces here invites you to trust that you will always have what you need, even if material certainties seem to fade away. It is a time to open yourself to new ways of generating income or livelihood that are aligned with your dreams and a more spiritual sense of abundance.
This transit may present you with situations that force you to redefine what security means to you, not only financially, but also emotionally. It is a call to find satisfaction in what you have now, letting go of the need to control everything. Pisces pushes you to flow, to value the intangible and to build a more conscious relationship with what you have.
Meanwhile, the South Node in your 8th house signals the need to let go of burdens associated with debts, investments, or shared resources that no longer contribute to your life. This transit could manifest as the resolution of a debt, the decision to close an investment that no longer makes sense, or the detachment from financial or emotional agreements that kept you tied down. Virgo here invites you to let go of excessive worry and nervousness about these issues and to simplify what you share with others, both materially and emotionally.
But it's not just about finances. The 8th house is also related to deep transformations and intense emotional processes. This South Node can lead you to let go of fears, patterns of dependency, or toxic dynamics in intimate relationships. It's a time to let go of what has served its purpose, allowing a purification to occur that frees you from unnecessary burdens.
Thus, life calls you to focus on building a healthier and more autonomous relationship with your resources, both internal and external. It is a transition to trust yourself more, reduce unnecessary complications and recognize that true security comes from aligning your values with your actions. Letting go of the old burdens of the 8th house will pave the way for a freer and more balanced experience in your life.
North Node in Pisces in House 3 (Communication, Siblings and Learning), South Node in Virgo in House 9 (Expansion and Philosophy of Life ):
With the North Node transiting through your 3rd house , life will lead you to connect with new forms of communication and learning. This transit invites you to open yourself to a more intuitive and creative way of expressing yourself, trusting in what you feel and what flows, beyond what is strictly logical or structured. Pisces here pushes you to listen more, to speak with sensitivity and to connect emotionally with those around you, especially siblings, neighbors or people in your immediate environment.
This transit can also bring unexpected opportunities to learn or teach from a less conventional approach, perhaps exploring spiritual, artistic, or emotional connection-related areas. The key is to trust your intuition and allow your communication to be authentic, compassionate, and more fluid.
Meanwhile, the South Node in your 9th house signals the need to let go of skepticism or overly analytical approaches related to your worldview, your philosophy of life, or your quest for knowledge. This transit may invite you to question belief systems that have been too focused on detail and concreteness, helping you to open up to broader perspectives.
You may feel like it's time to let go of a constant search for certainty in your higher education, travels, or in the way you expand your mind. Virgo here may have led you to want to hone your knowledge or your life plans, but now the South Node is asking you to stop looking for definitive answers and allow yourself to embrace the uncertain.
With this axis activated, life pushes you to find a balance between exploring what is near and what is far, between the tangible and the philosophical. This transit is an opportunity to integrate what you know and what you feel, allowing your communication and your vision of the world to be deeply transformed.
North Node in Pisces in House 4 (Origins, Home and Family), South Node in Virgo in House 10 (Career, Vocation and Ambitions ):
With the North Node transiting your 4th house , this period invites you to refocus your attention on your roots, your home, and your deepest emotional connection. Life can present you with almost inevitable situations that push you to prioritize your internal stability and build a space of greater empathy and understanding, both in your family environment and in your inner world. Pisces here calls you to let go of external expectations and connect with a more spiritual sense of home that is less dependent on material things.
You may be faced with moments that lead you to heal family ties or rethink what home means to you. These may be changes in your physical space, your relationship with your origins, or even how you nurture your emotions and inner needs. This transit is an opportunity to let yourself be guided by intuition and emotional connection, rather than by the practical or rational.
The South Node in your 10th house signals the need to review and let go of patterns related to your career, your vocation or your professional aspirations that no longer bring you balance. Virgo here can reflect a tendency to focus excessively on the concrete, the measurable or the small details related to your public image. This transit can invite you to question whether you are prioritizing goals that truly resonate with you or if you are trapped in internal criticisms that limit your ability to grow.
It's a time to let go of the need to base your worth on your professional achievements and allow yourself to let go of those expectations that bind you to overly pragmatic or critical standards. Rather than obsessing over what's visible or external, this transit guides you toward a balance between your inner and outer world.
So, this transit asks you to refocus your energy on what really matters: your sense of home, your emotions, and the connection with what nourishes you internally. This is a time to learn that true success is not measured only in external achievements, but in the peace and balance you find in your inner world. By letting go of hypercriticism or excessive focus on the concreteness of the 10th house, you will be able to build a stronger emotional foundation that will allow you to move forward towards a future more aligned with your deepest values.
North Node in Pisces in House 5 (Creativity, Pleasure, Romance, Children), South Node in Virgo in House 11 (Community and Long-Term Goals ):
With the North Node transiting your 5th house , life will lead you to reconnect with your creativity, your ability to enjoy, and your emotional connection to the present. This transit brings opportunities that invite you to open yourself to pleasure from a more intuitive and authentic place, letting go of the need to structure or control how you enjoy life. Pisces here calls you to express your emotions through creative means, to experience love and romance from a deeper connection, and to let yourself be carried away by the spontaneity of being yourself.
This transit can also signal a period of heightened sensitivity in your relationships with children, if you have them, or in how you relate to your own inner child. It's a time to embrace the imperfect, the fluid, and find joy in the small moments that don't need to be explained or analyzed.
Meanwhile, the South Node in your 11th house invites you to let go of patterns related to how you engage with groups, communities, or long-term goals that feel overly calculated or judgmental. Virgo here may have manifested a tendency to seek perfection or validation within a collective, or to focus on goals so practical that they left little room for dreaming. This transit asks you to let go of that need to constantly evaluate whether you are being “useful” or meeting external expectations within a group or social setting.
There could also be a sense of detachment towards collective projects that no longer resonate with you, allowing you to redirect your energy towards personal passions that bring you greater joy and fulfillment. It's a time to release any baggage associated with excessive social commitments and refocus your attention on what genuinely inspires you.
This transit encourages you to find a balance between the collective and the personal. This is a time to rediscover what makes you feel alive and to learn that when you allow yourself to enjoy yourself without expectations, you are more aligned with what really matters. By letting go of the self-criticism and over-commitments of the 11th house, you will be able to find a new way to enjoy life and connect with those around you from a more authentic and free place.
North Node in Pisces in House 6 (Health, Service and Daily Routines), South Node in Virgo in House 12 (Spirituality and Subconscious ):
With the North Node transiting your 6th house , life will lead you to rethink how you manage your day-to-day life, your relationship with health, and how you feel about the service you offer to others. Pisces here invites you to flow more in your routines and to let go of the need for everything to be perfectly structured or predictable. This transit can present you with situations that push you to find a more holistic and compassionate approach to your well-being, integrating both the physical and the emotional and spiritual.
This is a time to open yourself to new ways of caring for your body and mind that are not based solely on scientific studies or logic, but on what you truly feel nourishes you. You may also feel called to connect with a deeper purpose in what you do on a daily basis, finding meaning in service and in the small acts that make a difference for others.
Meanwhile, the South Node in your 12th house indicates a need to let go of subconscious or spiritual patterns that have kept you in a cycle of self-criticism, doubt, or skepticism. Virgo here can reflect a tendency to over-analyze your emotions, your past, or your internal processes, making it difficult to fully trust the intangible or your intuition.
With the North Node in the 6th and the South Node in the 12th, this transit asks you to balance service to others with the inner work necessary for your well-being. Life pushes you to find a healthier routine, but also a more flexible and purposeful one. By letting go of the inner criticism and self-doubt of the South Node in the 12th, you will be able to integrate a deeper connection between the spiritual and the practical, learning that well-being is not only found in the tangible, but also in how you flow with life and allow yourself to serve from a place of compassion and authenticity.
North Node in Pisces in House 7 ( Relationships and Partnerships ), South Node in Virgo in House 1 (Beginnings, Identity and Personal Appearance ):
With the North Node transiting your 7th house , this period focuses on connection with others and the importance of deeper, more compassionate relationships. Pisces here can bring meaningful encounters, relationships that seem almost destined, or moments when you feel like your growth depends on being open to others. This transit invites you to trust more, develop empathy, and allow your relationships to be based on a genuine emotional bond.
This is a time to learn to flow with others, to let go of the need to over-analyze every interaction, and to open yourself up to shared experiences. Relationships that emerge or strengthen during this period will play an important role in your personal development.
The South Node in your 1st house indicates a need to let go of certain ways of relating to yourself that no longer bring you balance. Virgo here can signal a tendency to focus too much on the practical, the detailed, or the tangible in relation to your personal identity. This transit asks you to let go of constant self-criticism or excessive concern with perfecting how you present yourself to the world.
Life pushes you to shift your attention away from your individual identity and toward building more meaningful relationships. By moving away from hyper-focus on yourself, you may find that opening up to others not only enriches your life, but also transforms the way you see yourself.
The key lesson is to learn to nurture your relationships without losing yourself, while letting go of the need to focus solely on yourself. This is a period to build more empathetic and meaningful bonds, allowing growth in your relationships to become a reflection of growth within yourself.
North Node in Pisces in House 8 (Transformation, Taxes, Debts and Shared Resources), South Node in Virgo in House 2 (Finances and Values ):
With the North Node transiting your 8th house , this period invites you to delve deeper into themes of personal transformation, shared resources, and the emotional connection with what you own, share, and let go of. Pisces here brings situations that may feel inevitable, such as important closures or endings that lead you to let go of what no longer serves your evolution. This transit pushes you to trust in the process of change, to accept the uncertain, and to explore a more intuitive connection with the dynamics of sharing, both material and emotional.
It's a time to learn to navigate issues related to inheritances, taxes, debts, or investments from a more fluid place, leaving behind the need to control everything through logic or strict planning. It can also be a time of deep healing, where you allow yourself to transform emotional or psychological patterns that have been limiting your ability to flow with change.
The South Node in your 2nd house indicates that it's time to review and let go of patterns that have tied you to an overly concrete or practical view of what you value. Virgo here can signal a tendency to focus excessively on efficiency or the tangible related to your resources, leaving aside the emotional or spiritual. This transit asks you to leave behind the constant worry about material security and to reflect on what truly gives you value and stability on a deeper level.
This can be a time to let go of attachments to material possessions, overly rigid financial habits, or even to simplify your priorities in terms of what you need to feel secure. This is a call to stop defining your security solely through what you own and to rely on something broader and less tangible.
The key lesson is to let go of the need to define your security through the tangible and open yourself to the richness that comes from emotional and spiritual transformation. By letting go of limiting patterns related to the 2nd house, you will be able to integrate a more fluid and deeper approach to resources and relationships, trusting in the process of change as an opportunity for growth.
North Node in Pisces in House 9 (Expansion and Philosophy of Life), South Node in Virgo in House 3 (Communication, Siblings and Learning ):
With the North Node transiting your 9th house , life invites you to expand your worldview, your beliefs, and your connection to the transcendent. Pisces here pushes you to explore new perspectives that go beyond the rational, leading you to trust more in your intuition and a deeper sense of faith or purpose. This transit can manifest in travel, higher education, or cultural experiences that open you to ways of understanding life from a broader and more connected place.
It's a time to step out of your mental comfort zone and embrace uncertainty as a learning tool. The experiences that arise during this transit can seem almost predestined, designed to change your beliefs and help you flow with a more spiritual and less structured sense of life.
Meanwhile, the South Node in your 3rd house signals the need to let go of patterns related to critical thinking, hyperfocus on details, or the need to analyze everything on an immediate level. Virgo here may have influenced how you communicate, perhaps focusing too much on the practical, the logical, or the tangible, limiting your ability to connect with broader ideas or emotions.
This transit invites you to let go of those dynamics, allowing you to rely on a more fluid approach to your communication and the way you learn or share knowledge. It can also be a time to reevaluate relationships with siblings or people close to you, letting go of dynamics that no longer contribute to your growth.
With the North Node in the 9th house and the South Node in the 3rd house, this transit calls on you to balance the immediate with the expansive. Life pushes you to open yourself to new experiences and explore broader horizons, letting go of patterns that bind you to the known or the everyday. This is a time to trust uncertainty and intuition as guides to a richer, more meaningful philosophy of life, leaving behind excessive analysis and allowing yourself to flow with the learning that comes from unexpected places.
North Node in Pisces in House 10 (Career, Vocation and Ambitions), South Node in Virgo in House 4 (Origins, Home and Family ):
With the North Node transiting your 10th house , this period invites you to connect with a deeper, more spiritual sense of your calling, goals, and how you wish to impact the world. Pisces here leads you to explore your purpose from a less concrete and more intuitive place, allowing you to dream of a more aligned version of what you wish to achieve. This transit can open you up to new professional opportunities that resonate with your inner values, even if they may seem uncertain or ill-defined at first.
It's a time to learn to go with the flow of your career path, trusting that the circumstances that arise will guide you to success, but from a perspective that is more connected to the emotional and the transcendent. Rigid ambitions can transform into a call to something more meaningful and authentic.
Meanwhile, the South Node in your 4th house indicates the need to review and let go of certain patterns related to your home, your past, or your emotional connection to your roots. Virgo here can signal a tendency to focus excessively on the practical within the family realm, such as worrying about household details or taking on responsibilities that take you away from focusing on your professional or personal goals.
This transit can lead you to release family dynamics that have kept you tied to the past or to overly functional roles within the home. It is time to let go of the need to perfect your family space or to base your sense of security solely on what happens in your private life.
With the North Node in the 10th house and the South Node in the 4th house, this transit calls on you to balance your public life with your private life. The key lesson is to allow yourself to step out of the comfort zone of your home or roots and step into fulfilling a greater purpose. By letting go of familiar patterns that no longer resonate with you, you can build a career or vocation more aligned with your dreams and values, trusting that the path, though uncertain, will take you exactly where you need to be.
North Node in Pisces in House 11 (Community and Long-Term Goals), South Node in Virgo in House 5 (Creativity, Pleasure, Romance, Children ):
With the North Node transiting your 11th house , life invites you to connect with the community and rethink your long-term goals from a more compassionate and less structured place. Pisces here calls you to open yourself to groups or causes that resonate with your deepest ideals, allowing you to build networks based on empathy, collaboration, and a sense of shared purpose. This transit can bring almost predestined encounters with people or collectives that inspire you to dream beyond the tangible and work toward goals that transcend the personal.
It's a time to focus on how your contributions can impact the collective and to learn to flow with changes in your long-term plans. Goals that once seemed clear may transform, guiding you toward a path more aligned with your spiritual or emotional values.
Meanwhile, the South Node in your 5th House signals the need to let go of patterns related to how you experience creativity, pleasure, and romantic relationships. Virgo here may have manifested a tendency to over-analyze or over-refine these areas, limiting your ability to enjoy yourself and let yourself go with the flow.
This transit invites you to release expectations or roles you've taken on in your creative or romantic life that no longer allow you to flow. It can also signal a time to let go of the need to over-reason the way you enjoy life, allowing you to reconnect with pleasure and creativity from a freer, more authentic place.
With the North Node in the 11th house and the South Node in the 5th house, this transit calls on you to balance the personal with the collective. It is a time to redirect your energy toward shared goals and building meaningful relationships within groups or communities, while letting go of individualistic patterns that no longer resonate with you. This is a period to discover how your creative talents and ability to enjoy yourself can become a contribution to something bigger, transcending the exclusive focus on the personal.
North Node in Pisces in House 12 (Spirituality and Subconscious), South Node in Virgo in House 6 (Health, Service and Daily Routines ):
With the North Node transiting your 12th house , life is guiding you towards a time of deep introspection, spiritual connection, and releasing subconscious patterns that no longer serve you. Pisces here invites you to trust the intangible, explore your intuition, and open yourself to a more fluid and compassionate dimension of your existence. This transit can bring you moments of retreat, rest, or even encounters that you feel are almost destined to heal emotional and spiritual aspects.
This is a time to embrace silence, emptiness and contemplation. The key is to allow yourself to disconnect from external noise and reconnect with your inner world, learning to flow with what does not always have a logical explanation.
Meanwhile, the South Node in your 6th house signals the need to let go of an overly critical or perfectionist approach to your routines, your daily work, or even the way you take care of yourself. Virgo here can reflect a tendency to focus too much on the practical and concrete, which can sometimes limit your ability to see the bigger picture or connect with a more spiritual view of life.
This transit doesn't mean abandoning your responsibilities, but rather learning to balance them with greater sensitivity toward what you really need. It's a time to stop prioritizing only what's productive and allow yourself to explore new ways of taking care of your body, mind, and spirit, with less self-criticism.
With the North Node in the 12th house and the South Node in the 6th house, this transit calls on you to find a balance between your daily responsibilities and your inner world. Life invites you to let go of habits or routines that have been too restrictive and to open yourself to a more holistic and spiritual approach. This is a time to trust the healing process, explore the unknown, and discover that by taking care of your inner self, you can deeply transform your overall well-being.
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