Próximos Ciclos Astrológicos de Venezuela, Maduro y el Régimen

Upcoming Astrological Cycles of Venezuela, Maduro and the Regime

Venezuela is at a decisive moment with the recent presidential elections on July 28, 2024. Nicolás Maduro, in power since 2013, has been declared the winner, generating controversy and accusations of fraud by the opposition and the international community. Despite widespread discontent and a crisis-ridden economy that has led millions of Venezuelans to emigrate, Maduro seeks to maintain his position against a strong opposition led by Edmundo González Urrutia. In this context, we will explore what the stars say about the future of the country and Maduro's leadership. Venezuela's Birth...

Venezuela is at a decisive moment with the recent presidential elections on July 28, 2024. Nicolás Maduro, in power since 2013, has been declared the winner, generating controversy and accusations of fraud by the opposition and the international community. Despite widespread discontent and a crisis-ridden economy that has led millions of Venezuelans to emigrate, Maduro seeks to maintain his position against a strong opposition led by Edmundo González Urrutia. In this context, we will explore what the stars say about the future of the country and Maduro's leadership.

Venezuela's Birth Chart: People Versus Government

Letter of Independence of the Provinces of Venezuela (05/07/1811 15:00, Caracas, Venezuela. Rodden A Category: journalistic report). Software: Luna

The birth chart of Venezuela stands out for having a Full Moon phase, that is, an opposition between the Moon in the 2nd House and the Sun in the 8th House. In mundane astrology, this configuration indicates an inherent tension between the government (Sun) and the people (Moon).

The Moon in the 2nd House symbolizes the well-being of the people in relation to the economic resources of the country. The Moon, representing the general population, suggests that the people are deeply influenced by economic issues and material resources. Fluctuations in economic well-being can bring about changes in the emotional state and general well-being of the population, more so than in the charts of countries with the Moon in other houses.

On the other hand, the Sun in the 8th House is associated with themes of power, transformation, and shared resources. In a country's birth chart, the Sun in this position can indicate a focus on managing collective resources, such as national wealth and state finances. It can also imply a leadership that operates with a deep transformation agenda, which can sometimes be perceived as oppressive or secretive.

The opposition between the two luminaries reflects a polarization between the priorities of the government and the needs of the people. Throughout its history, Venezuela has experienced significant periods of tension and conflict between the government and citizens, especially regarding the distribution and management of the country's economic resources.

During Hugo Chavez's rule, this tension was evident in the implementation of his "Bolivarian Revolution." Chavez, with a focus on redistributing wealth and transforming the country's socioeconomic structure, often made decisions that generated polarization. The nationalization of key industries and the redistribution of land and resources provoked both fervent support and resistance. The population, represented by the Moon, experienced significant economic fluctuations, from increases in social programs to a supply crisis for basic goods.

In the period of Nicolás Maduro (which began in 2013 when Pluto was in the 11th degree of Capricorn, activating the Sun and Moon of Venezuela), tension has intensified. The economic crisis, marked by unprecedented hyperinflation and shortages of basic goods, has exacerbated popular discontent. The government's economic policies, as well as accusations of electoral fraud and the repression of demonstrations, have increased the distance between the government and the people. Opposition and mass protests against the government are clear manifestations of the Moon in House 2, where the main concern is the material well-being and economic security of the population.

Prior to Chavez, the dynamics of tension between government and population were also seen during the “Fourth Republic,” especially in the 1980s, when corruption and economic mismanagement led to a loss of confidence in traditional political parties. This culminated in events such as the 1989 “Caracazo,” a series of riots and looting in response to austerity measures, which made clear the disconnect between government policies and the needs of the people.

Venezuelan disappointed in Brazil
Credits: Eraldo Peres/AP

A Big Disappointment

Following the elections held yesterday, July 28, disappointment among the Venezuelan population, both inside and outside the country, is considerable. Expectations of a significant change in leadership were dashed by multiple reports of electoral fraud and manipulation. Despite pre-election polls showing a clear lead for opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, the government-controlled National Electoral Council (CNE) announced a narrow victory for Nicolás Maduro. This result was met with skepticism by both the international community and citizens, many of whom felt betrayed and disillusioned.

Furthermore, the lack of transparency and restrictions imposed on the opposition during the campaign, including the disqualification of key candidates such as María Corina Machado, contributed to the widespread perception that the elections were neither free nor fair. In addition, repression and harassment of the media and human rights defenders have intensified the sense of discontent and hopelessness among Venezuelans.

Let us now look at how the Election Day card and its relationship to the Venezuela card reflect these dynamics:

Letter Home Elections Venezuela 2024

Letter of Start of Presidential Voting in Venezuela 2024 (07/28/2024 6:00, Caracas, Venezuela).

In the astrological chart for the start of the voting on July 28, 2024 in Venezuela, the presence of the Ascendant in Leo with the Sun in Leo in the 1st House clearly indicates that these elections are not about the people, but about the ruler. The Sun, in its own sign and in a prominent position, highlights that the focus is on the figure of the leader and the exercise of power. This astrological configuration underlines that the electoral event is centered on the preservation of the existing leadership and the consolidation of the ruler's power, rather than on the needs or desires of the people.

The opposition of the Sun in the 1st House to retrograde Pluto in Aquarius in the 7th House in the voting initiation chart reflects a struggle for power and control. In mundane astrology, the 7th House relates to foreign affairs, alliances, and also to declared opponents or public enemies. This opposition indicates a direct conflict between the country's leadership (Sun) and external or internal forces that represent challenges to the existing power (Pluto).

The square between the Sun in the 1st House and the Moon in the 10th House reveals a significant tension between the country's leadership and the nation's reputation internationally (in mundane astrology, the 10th House is associated with the country's reputation and status on the global stage).

The square indicates a conflict between the image the ruler (Sun) tries to project and how this affects public perception (Moon) and Venezuela's international reputation. In this case, the Moon in Taurus, a sign that seeks stability and security, reflects the people's concerns about economic and social conditions. The friction between the Sun and the Moon suggests that the ruler's actions, focused on maintaining control and power, are at odds with the people's wants and needs and, in addition, damage the country's reputation internationally.

This aspect underlines how the elections, although designed to consolidate the leader's power, have led to an increasingly negative perception both inside and outside the country, fuelling popular disillusionment and frustration.

Synastry Elections 2024 and Venezuela
Overlay of the Voting Start Chart on the Venezuelan Birth Chart.

When superimposing the July 28, 2024 voting chart over the Venezuela natal chart, several complicated astrological elements emerge. The voting chart's Sun is in exact inconjunct Venezuela's natal Moon , suggesting a lack of alignment between the country's leadership and the people's true feelings. This indicates that, from the beginning, the projected results were unfavorable to the population.

Protests in Venezuela Opponents of Maduro protesting. Credits: Carlos Noriega/AP

Furthermore, Saturn retrograde in the voting chart is in exact conjunction with Venezuela’s natal Pluto . Since Venezuela has its Ascendant in Scorpio , Pluto, along with Mars, is one of its rulers. The presence of Saturn retrograde on natal Pluto indicates a process of review and deep reflection on the power and structure of the country. However, since Saturn is retrograde, these changes will not manifest externally immediately, suggesting that an internal transformation is brewing that is not yet visible in the public sphere. When Saturn goes direct and makes the third conjunction with Venezuela’s Pluto in February 2025 , we could expect a clearer manifestation of these changes.

On the other hand, Uranus in the voting chart makes an exact conjunction to the Descendant of Venezuela's natal chart , indicating ruptures in international alliances and abrupt changes in relations with other countries, whether allies or adversaries. This aspect suggests a period of instability and unexpected changes in the way Venezuela interacts with the world.

Finally, Jupiter from the voting chart is just seven degrees away from natal Jupiter of Venezuela, signaling the impending Jupiter revolution . This event in mundane astrology is usually associated with significant changes in laws and legal structures (during the previous Jupiter revolution, Maduro came to power). However, as with Saturn retrograde, these changes are in the process of preparation and have not yet fully manifested. This suggests that even though there is a desire for change and reform, the time is not yet right for these changes to visibly materialize. Venezuela will have 3 Jupiter revolutions: on September 20, 2024, October 27, 2024, and April 27, 2025. Expect a lot of tension in this area; with advances, setbacks, and information coming to light. The situation in Venezuela will not be clear until May 2025 .

Solar Revolution 2024 for Venezuela

Solar Revolution 2024 Venezuela

Venezuela's Solar Revolution 2024.

In the ongoing Solar Revolution of Venezuela, the conjunction of Mars and Uranus on the Ascendant, in Taurus , stands out, suggesting a year marked by a strong possibility of violence, protests and revolts . This astrological configuration indicates an explosive and disruptive energy that can manifest itself in the form of conflicts and social tensions.

In addition, Jupiter is unaspected in the 1st House , which is significant, as Jupiter represents laws and justice. The lack of aspects to Jupiter indicates an energy that has been long postponed or ignored , signaling that issues related to justice have been neglected in Venezuela. Jupiter’s position in Gemini, along with the Moon also in Gemini in this solar revolution, suggests that this year will be marked by a great deal of information being revealed . This could trigger a series of significant endings or culminations, as secrets are uncovered and truths are exposed that could change the course of events in the country.

The combination of these factors points to a tumultuous year, with an emphasis on the pursuit of justice and the revelation of critical information, which may further shake up Venezuela’s socio-political situation. The ascendant in Taurus (a sign that avoids change) indicates that, despite the conflict, the chances of Nicolás Maduro’s regime ending are slim, at least until May 2025.

May 2025: The Clearest Change

There is a lot of information we could explore, including a detailed analysis of Nicolás Maduro's birth chart, its transits, and other relevant aspects. However, based on the current discussion, it is especially relevant to analyze the progressed chart of May 26, 2025 . On this date, Maduro will enter a progressed New Moon phase in Aquarius , which indicates the beginning of a new cycle in his life, characterized by renewals and possible significant changes.

Additionally, transiting Pluto will be conjunct this progressed New Moon , suggesting profound transformations and possible restructurings in your power and leadership. This Pluto transit could signal a time of crucial change, marking the end of one era and the beginning of another, with both personal and political implications.

These progressions become even more interesting because they coincide with other important cycles that we have already mentioned in the Venezuela birth chart. This synchronicity suggests that a moment of significant change is brewing.

Let us hope that these energies converge in a way that allows for real change, aligned with the desires and needs of the Venezuelan population. It would be ideal if these movements reflect a transformation that resonates with the yearning for justice, stability and prosperity that many Venezuelans wish to see in their country.

We will explore more predictions and cycles for Venezuela in future posts.

Secondary Progressions Nicolás Maduro May 26, 2025

Secondary Progressions and Transits (05/26/2025) by Nicolás Maduro (11/23/1962 9:03 PM, Caracas, Venezuela. Rodden Category: AA, birth certificate).

Main Image Credits: Fernando Vergara/AP


Ay Señor este Maduro! 🤦🏻‍♀️
La Casa 8 Astrología:


Gratamente sorprendido con los análisis astrológicos de actualidad.
La Casa 8 Astrología:
¡Muchas gracias!

Joaquin M.

Leer, curiosear, aprender.
La Casa 8 Astrología:
Así es 😊


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