Luna Llena en Tauro del 15 de Noviembre 2024: Dinero, Poder e Información

Full Moon in Taurus on November 15, 2024: Money, Power and Information

As a society, we are strongly resisting the enormous changes that are unfolding before our eyes. We cling to known structures and systems, even though the environment demands that we adapt and transform. The Full Moon in Taurus that will occur on November 15 reminds us of exactly that: what we find difficult to let go of and what we continue to cling to in search of stability. It will occur in the degree 24°00' of the sign. In it, there are several factors that we will have to take into account:...

As a society, we are strongly resisting the enormous changes that are unfolding before our eyes. We cling to known structures and systems, even though the environment demands that we adapt and transform. The Full Moon in Taurus that will occur on November 15 reminds us of exactly that: what we find difficult to let go of and what we continue to cling to in search of stability. It will occur in the degree 24°00' of the sign. In it, there are several factors that we will have to take into account:

  • A few hours before this happens, Saturn will have entered direct stationary phase.

  • It will also be in conjunction with Uranus in Taurus (degree 25°17').

  • It will occur simultaneously with Venus in Capricorn in square to the lunar nodes .

  • In Taurus the Moon is in its sign of exaltation.

  • This lunation is the last in our lifetime to occur with Pluto in Capricorn.

  • The Sun (24°00') in Scorpio will be in exact inconjunction with Eris (24°56') in Aries.


This lunation will affect us all, but Its impact will be greater if you have planets or angles between 22°-26° of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius).

Full Moon in Taurus November 15, 2024
Full Moon in Taurus, November 15, 2024. Software: Moon

Bullfighting Revelations That Mark a Closing

All Full Moons bring with them an energy of culmination . But this energy is very accentuated in this particular lunation, due to several factors that we will see in this post. The energy of this Full Moon in Taurus will bring to light and define the course of themes that began at the New Moon on November 1st .

One of the factors that makes these things come to light so definitely is that the Moon is exalted in Taurus , and when a planet is in its sign of exaltation, it functions with exceptional force.

The Full Moon is already, by nature, a moment of great clarity : its brightness illuminates what in other lunar phases remains hidden in the darkness of the night. Being exalted, this Moon will reveal issues to us in an unequivocal manner ; they will be issues that we will see with total clarity. This exaltation also amplifies emotions, sensitivity and intuition, so that they will be evident and difficult to ignore. There are many things that can no longer remain indefinite or secret; everything will come to the surface with force.

At the level of mundane astrology, the Moon represents the people, so in many countries we will be able to see how people take defined, even radical, positions in the face of situations that become unsustainable . This exalted energy could manifest itself in protests or intense expressions by the people , making extraordinary situations emerge with great intensity and clarity.

Also, it is important to consider that since we are talking about a Full Moon, the Sun is in Scorpio (the opposite sign to Taurus). Scorpio is related to the hidden, to the toxic that must be purged, to deep transformations and also to secrets . With this opposition, many things related to the themes ruled by Scorpio will also come to light. On a global level, this could include situations with the stock markets, taxes, corruption, or the use or receipt of money for less than transparent purposes .

Full Moon in Taurus 2024 Revelations

Taurus , on the other hand, rules values, stability, resources, money, banks, possessions, and natural resources like crops and water – in short, everything that gives us security and that we consider valuable. During this lunation, these themes become relevant, and the emotions linked to them are felt more intensely. However, Taurus is also the most inflexible sign of the zodiac, deeply reluctant to change . In this astrological context full of closures and endings, this Full Moon in Taurus represents an energy that resists and clings, fighting against the abrupt transformations that the rest of the sky pushes. This tension between the desire for stability and the need for change adds an extra layer of intensity to the lunation, teaching us to reexamine our relationship with the value , stability, and energy of Taurus in a way that, even if resisted, is inevitably transformed and redefined.

Corresponding Sabian Symbol: Taurus 25, "A Large Well-Maintained Public Park."

(Don't you know what Sabian symbols are? Read the complete guide here )

This Full Moon in Taurus, located at 24°00', has as its corresponding Sabian symbol for Taurus 25: "a well-maintained public park." This is clearly a Full Moon with a collective focus: it speaks of countries, of societies, and of the importance of the common over the individual . It reminds us that our future stability depends on how we care for, conserve, and honor our shared resources . This symbol invites us to look beyond our personal needs and reflect on the role we play in the community, emphasizing that true progress requires cooperation and joint responsibility.

This lunation will bring revelations that underline the need to work together and build a solid foundation around the commons. We may discover that certain aspects of this stability, of these shared resources, have not been adequately cared for, or that there has been a lack of synchronization in their management and protection. We may even see that some public goods have been monopolized or used for personal gain, highlighting the urgency of restoring transparency and commitment to the collective.

Conjunction with Uranus: What Kind of Freedom Are We Having?

On the other hand, this Full Moon makes a conjunction with Uranus , a planet that represents everything that Taurus resists. While Taurus seeks stability, security, and predictability, Uranus comes to shake us out of what is stagnant and overly predictable. Uranus rejects the constant and regular, and its disruptive energy pushes us to question everything that seems fixed or immutable . In this conjunction, this Full Moon brings a culmination in which themes of freedom linked to our values ​​and resources are presented.

On a mundane astrological level, this conjunction between the Moon and Uranus in Taurus touches on deep themes of freedom and stability, in aspects ranging from resource management to corruption and control over basic goods . It leads us to question how free we feel in relation to the way resources are managed, conserved and distributed, and whether current systems allow us to meet our fundamental needs, such as housing, food and security.

Taurus , ruling the needs of the physical body, connects us to the themes of food, home, and basic well-being . This conjunction underlines the importance of these essential needs and raises the question of whether we have the freedom to manage and access them in dignified conditions. The housing crisis affecting many countries, for example, reveals a lack of freedom in something as basic as the right to a stable home. We are faced with the challenge of evaluating whether current structures are really designed to provide stability and whether they allow people to feel safe and free in their own lives.

Uranus, with its revolutionary energy, not only questions control and transparency in the management of these resources , but also demands a new way of growing and conserving these assets, challenging traditional systems. It prompts us to rethink how resources are managed and how they could be administered more freely and equitably. This lunation opens the door to a collective reflection on our ability to live with stability and dignity, and whether current structures foster or limit that basic freedom.

Furthermore, Uranus, which rules technology, poses an essential question: does the advanced technology we possess really make us free? This reflection covers not only access to technology, but also how the information that circulates is affected by values, hidden agendas and interests that often seek to manipulate or distort reality.

The underlying question here is: do we really feel free in the stability we have built as a society? Or is this stability actually a limitation that needs to be rethought ? With Uranus, revelations are always unexpected and come without warning, so it is likely that during this lunation we will encounter shocking information, news that shakes the status quo and that even more cases of corruption and fraudulent handling of information will come to light.

This conjunction also invites us to examine whether we have an obsessive relationship with resources , whether on a personal or collective level. Uranus encourages us to free ourselves from any extreme attachment or dependence on what we consider valuable, breaking away from attitudes of accumulation and possession that limit us . This is an opportunity to rethink how we relate to our resources—not only material, but also emotional and symbolic—and allow that relationship to evolve towards a freer and more balanced perspective.

Saturn Stationary Direct: Date with Reality

A few hours before this Full Moon in Taurus, Saturn in Pisces goes into a direct stationary phase, intensifying its influence in a forceful way . This moment is a powerful wake-up call: Saturn confronts us directly with the consequences of our actions (for better or worse), and will probably give us a tangible sign of it. If we have been working hard and taking responsibility, this Full Moon could bring us a pleasant surprise .

But if we have left issues unresolved or shirked responsibilities, this Saturn stationary phase brings a reality that we can no longer ignore, a kind of personal and collective reckoning . At this point, fantasies and escapism are challenged; what has no basis in reality tends to crumble. On a collective level, these demands of Saturn will also be felt, reminding us that some illusions cannot be sustained indefinitely and that when we try to make that happen, sooner or later reality wakes us up.

In another manifestation of this energy , we are likely to see quite a few public figures , especially in politics and across various spheres of influence, face accountability and reap their karma under this lunation.

Who will be most affected by the influence of stationary Saturn? Those with planets between the 10th and 14th degrees of the mutable signs —Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces—will experience even more intensely this confrontation with reality and the need to assume full responsibility.

Practical tip : Take a moment to reflect on areas where you may have left unfinished business or avoided commitment and/or responsibility. Make a list of those issues that need attention and, if possible, take a concrete first step to resolve them. Remember that facing reality now, even if it is challenging, will give you a stronger foundation for the future.

Sun in Scorpio Inconjunct Eris in Aries: Indignation of the Excluded

This Full Moon sees an exact inconjunction between the Sun in Scorpio and Eris in Aries, bringing to the surface issues of exclusion and the repressed emotions of those who have felt marginalized . Known in astrology for its symbolism of struggle and defiance, Eris represents those who have been excluded from the system, whose voices have not been heard, and whose emotions of anger or frustration have been buried and festered. This inconjunction suggests a tension that needs adjustment and reveals that these repressed emotions are seeking an outlet for expression.

In mundane astrology, the Sun symbolises rulers and authority, while Eris in this aspect challenges that power from the margins. With this configuration, we are likely to see these pent-up emotions emerge in response to revelations of information, especially that which exposes situations of injustice or exclusion . This inconjunction marks a time when conflict between power structures and those who have been left out intensifies, driving a demand for change in social and political dynamics that need to be transformed to include those who have been ignored or undervalued.

Venus Square the Lunar Nodes: Evolution to Other Values

The square of Venus -ruler of Taurus and therefore of this Full Moon- in Capricorn to the lunar nodes places us at a crossroads in relation to our values ​​and our personal and collective evolution . It encourages us to reflect on whether what we value and seek to manifest makes sense, and if it is truly aligned with our evolutionary path. This Venus in square to the nodes asks us for honesty and realism: to observe whether our current material goals and relationships are bringing us closer to our true path or if, on the contrary, they are sustaining patterns from the past that limit us. This tension invites us to make conscious decisions that align us with our evolution, leaving behind what no longer serves us and building from a more solid and authentic foundation.

Last Lunation with Pluto in Capricorn

This full moon in Taurus marks the last lunation of our lives in which Pluto will be in Capricorn , which intensifies the symbolism of closure and profound transformation associated with this moment. Pluto in Capricorn has represented, for years ( read the entry on Pluto in Capricorn here ), a process of structural change in the corporate, governmental and all hierarchies of power, dismantling and reforming what no longer serves. Now, with this lunation and its conjunction with Uranus, we can expect abrupt and unexpected endings , situations that will arise in surprising ways and that will bring a reordering of these systems.

At the corporate and governmental level, this lunation has the potential to trigger shocking events that reveal the need for a new approach, a new organization, and greater transparency. This close with Pluto in Capricorn represents the end of a traditional power cycle, which has been forced to transform, and now gives way to a future where current structures must adapt or fall.

Reflections Full Moon in Taurus 2024

Questions to Reflect On:

• What values ​​am I holding in my life that no longer resonate with me?

Reflect on the principles and beliefs that guide your decisions. Is it time to adjust your values ​​to better align them with who you are today?

• Is there something I'm hoarding and need to be more generous with?

Examine whether you are holding on to resources, emotions, or time excessively. How could you open yourself up to greater generosity and sharing what you have?

• What relationship can I notice between information management and resource management at a collective level?

Observe how resources are managed in society and how information about them is transmitted or manipulated in the press and social media. What revelations can you notice about transparency or lack thereof in the use of common goods?

• Am I playing an active role in my community, or have I been shutting myself off in my immediate surroundings?

Reflect on your connection to the collective. Could you contribute more to your community or be open to collaboration and mutual support?

• In what areas do I feel trapped in a false sense of stability?

Notice if you are holding on to certain situations just for the sake of security. What would happen if you let go of what no longer serves you?

• How can I create a healthier relationship with the resources I have?

Think about how you use and value your possessions and resources. Are they aligned with your real needs or are you being guided by accumulation?

• Am I caring for and honoring the resources I share with others?

Evaluate your commitment to the commons and the shared environment. Are you actively contributing to protecting what belongs to everyone?

• How can I ensure that my decisions are focused on long-term well-being?

Examine whether you are making impulsive decisions or whether you are building solid foundations that will support your future and that of those around you.

• How do advertising and social pressure influence my purchasing decisions?

Reflect on how advertising messages and social pressure may be leading you to acquire things you don't really need. Are you accumulating objects or resources for external motivations rather than to satisfy authentic needs?

Donald Trump Elon Musk
Credits: Jabin Botsford / Getty Images

Globally, This Full Moon Will Likely Bring Changes For:


The Full Moon in Taurus on November 15 falls on Israel's natal Sun, marking a time of significant revelations for the country. Israel is currently facing international accusations of war crimes in Gaza and proposals such as Josep Borrell's to suspend dialogue. politically with the Netanyahu government due to human rights violations. This lunation could bring to light questions about resources, stability and profound changes in Israeli politics, affecting both the country and its leadership, especially in relation to Netanyahu.


This Full Moon in Taurus falls square to America’s Moon in Aquarius and in an exact inconjunct to its Mercury in Cancer, suggesting important revelations related to communication and international relations. This configuration activates themes of transparency in information and could reveal key issues about America’s relationship with other countries and the way the government listens to or represents the voice of the people. Likewise, this lunation could impact the country’s international image, exposing dynamics that affect both its domestic politics and its position on the global stage.

Donald Trump

This Full Moon falls in exact conjunction with Donald Trump’s Midheaven, indicating that his reputation and public standing are likely to undergo significant changes. This configuration suggests that there will be important revelations about his image, handling of resources, and relationship with the press. It is a time when Trump could face consequences and accountability for aspects of his past, with karma now coming to light.

Kamala Harris

This Full Moon falls in exact conjunction with Kamala Harris’ natal Jupiter in her 12th house. Jupiter, which rules her Midheaven, suggests that important revelations and changes in her public image could arise. This configuration brings information to the surface about potential losses and behind-the-scenes affairs, illuminating hidden aspects that now impact her position and reputation.

Vladimir Putin

This Full Moon in Taurus squares Vladimir Putin's Pluto in Leo - which rules his Ascendant - and also squares his Midheaven. This configuration intensifies the exposure of his power struggles and hidden strategies. Although Putin's obsession with power and his penchant for control are already well-known, this lunation suggests that certain aspects of his methods and decisions could come to light in unexpected ways, revealing dynamics that even he may not have under control. It is a time when the consequences of his handling of power could manifest themselves in obvious ways, affecting his public image and his relationships of influence.

Evo Morales

Evo Morales’ situation seems to be at a critical point and could become even more complicated under the influence of this Full Moon in Taurus, which will fall like a sword of Damocles over his public life. The Full Moon in exact opposition to his natal Mercury—which rules both minors and his 9th house of legal matters—intensifies the repercussions surrounding accusations of rape of a minor under 15 years old and possible links to human trafficking. In addition, the square of this Full Moon to his natal Uranus in Leo, which symbolizes teenagers, suggests that unexpected revelations could arise that will aggravate his situation. Morales is already facing legal demands (such as the recently filed arrest warrant) and this astrological aspect indicates that new details of these cases could come to light, increasing the pressure and legal complications he faces.

William, Prince of Wales

The Full Moon in Taurus falls conjunct Prince William’s natal Venus – his ruling planet – suggesting that significant revelations could arise relating to his values, purpose and personal life. This astrological configuration illuminates aspects of his marriage to Kate Middleton, his finances and his public role, bringing to the surface issues that reflect his growth and future direction.

Elon Musk

This Full Moon in Taurus falls in opposition to Elon Musk’s natal Jupiter and square his Mars in Aquarius. Since Mars rules his Midheaven, major changes are likely to arise in his public image and how he is perceived professionally. Additionally, Jupiter, which rules his 9th House of international and legal affairs, as well as his 6th House of work and health, suggests that this lunation could bring challenges or revelations in issues related to his global projects and potential legal matters. This astrological configuration intensifies the exposure of his activities and decisions in the international arena, marking a time when Musk could face new circumstances that require adjustments in his vision and public actions.

The 12 Houses of the Natal Chart

What Culminations and Revelations Can You Expect in the House of Your Natal Chart Where This Lunation Falls?

These will be the themes that will be activated in your life (you have to look at which house of your birth chart the degree 24°00' of Taurus , that is where the Full Moon will fall).

House 1: Identity and Personal Appearance

It's time to review whether your external identity reflects your internal values. Are you projecting an image that matches your true priorities or are you seeking approval from the outside? Reflect on how you can build an authentic and stable presence that gives you a true sense of worth.

House 2: Finance and Values

This lunation invites you to reevaluate your relationship with money and resources in general. Ask whether your financial decisions are aligned with your true needs or whether they are driven by accumulation or fear of lack. Use this moment to adjust your priorities and act from a place of genuine abundance.

House 3: Communication and Learning

Reflect on whether you are communicating with the stability and clarity you desire, or if there is an excess of control in your words. This Full Moon allows you to find a more authentic way of expressing yourself, one that is aligned with your values ​​and that contributes to creating a genuine connection.

House 4: Home and Family

This is an opportunity to strengthen your sense of stability at home. If you have been feeling a lack of security or tension in your home environment, now is the time to reevaluate and work on building a solid emotional foundation that will give you a lasting sense of belonging and peace.

House 5: Creativity and Pleasure

The full moon in this house invites you to reconsider what you truly value in your creative life and enjoyment. Ask yourself if you are seeking superficial gratification or if you can create experiences of pleasure that are more aligned with what you truly value and that bring a sense of authentic satisfaction.

House 6: Health and Daily Routines

Evaluate whether your routines and habits reflect what you truly value in terms of health and well-being. This lunation invites you to adjust your daily priorities to build a solid foundation that allows you to take care of yourself in a sustainable and balanced way.

House 7: Relationships and Partnerships

It's a time to look at whether your relationships are based on true stability or on a search for security that could be limiting your growth. Consider setting boundaries that reflect your values ​​and promote genuine, balanced connection.

House 8: Transformation and Shared Resources

Reflect on how you manage shared resources and whether there are any attachments that need to be transformed. The Full Moon in this house invites you to review power dynamics and let go of what no longer contributes to a stable and authentic connection.

House 9: Expansion and Philosophy of Life

This lunation calls on you to align your beliefs with a stability that can be sustained over time. Ask yourself if your goals are supporting your sense of long-term worth and allowing for expansion that respects your real needs.

House 10: Career and Ambitions

Check whether your professional goals are truly aligned with your values ​​and need for stability. This Full Moon invites you to make strategic decisions that not only seek external success, but also reinforce your sense of internal security.

House 11: Community and Long-Term Goals

Reflect on your goals and social connections. Ask yourself if they are in line with what you truly value and if you are contributing to collective stability. This is an opportunity to surround yourself with people and projects that promote your evolution and your sense of belonging.

House 12: Spirituality and Subconscious

The Full Moon in this house can bring to light repressed emotions related to emotional stability and inner worth. Take advantage of this time to explore your subconscious patterns and find ways to build a solid foundation that will give you a sense of peace and inner balance.

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Un post súper completo, muy bien trabajado
La Casa 8 Astrología:
¡Muchas gracias Yolanda! 🙏🏻


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