Luna Llena en Géminis del 15 de Diciembre 2024: Una Capa se Rompe

Full Moon in Gemini on December 15, 2024: A Layer Breaks

We live in an age of rampant information crisis. Terms like fake news and brain rot —the latter chosen as the word of 2024 by The Oxford Dictionary—reflect how our ability to process and discern information is being put to the test . Critical thinking, journalism, and the way we understand the world have been deeply affected, generating confusion, polarization, and a disconnection from the truth. As we approach 2025, a year that promises to bring enormous (and enormous is an understatement) social, economic, and spiritual transformations, a clear and...

We live in an age of rampant information crisis. Terms like fake news and brain rot —the latter chosen as the word of 2024 by The Oxford Dictionary—reflect how our ability to process and discern information is being put to the test . Critical thinking, journalism, and the way we understand the world have been deeply affected, generating confusion, polarization, and a disconnection from the truth.

As we approach 2025, a year that promises to bring enormous (and enormous is an understatement) social, economic, and spiritual transformations, a clear and focused mind will be essential to face these changes. This Full Moon in Gemini offers us a unique opportunity to reflect on how we relate to information, what we consume, and what we share. This is a time to filter out the noise, cultivate mental clarity, and prepare for a future that will demand discernment and critical thinking as a survival skill.

Brain Rot
Credits: Oxford University Press

Before Astrology: Fake News and Brain Rot

The terms fake news and brain rot are essential to understanding the information crisis of our time . Fake news refers to the deliberate dissemination of false or misleading information , designed to manipulate opinions, generate fear or confusion. On the other hand, brain rot describes the deterioration of our mental capacity due to the constant consumption of superficial, toxic or excessively polarized content , which hinders critical thinking and connection with reality.

Of course, these two concepts work in tandem, feeding off each other. And please remember: these two vices regarding information did not arise alone. Someone created them, obviously with a purpose. Being clear about what each of them represents and understanding that we do not have to communicate like this is crucial to identify when we are falling under their influence and protect ourselves.

Pluto in Aquarius: Control of the Masses through Information

Remember that Pluto has been in Aquarius since November 19th. Aquarius, like Gemini, is an air sign, the element related to information. Wherever Pluto transits, we will find attempts at control, and in Aquarius this will manifest itself in the control of large masses of the population through information. This is one of the darker sides of this transit and something we will undoubtedly see in the coming years ( read more about the changes that will come with Pluto in Aquarius here ).

That is why we must prepare now. Nowadays, we ourselves seek out information that we later do not read or listen to, or we tend to blindly believe what the media or the algorithms of platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and other social networks say without questioning. We have been handing over an enormous amount of power to these information entities, and it will be in our own interest to begin to take it back. Otherwise, starting in 2025, they will eat us alive.

Romania Electoral Fraud
Elections annulled in Romania due to electoral fraud. Credits: Getty Images

The Role of This Full Moon in This Problem

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 15 will be a preview of the enormous transformations that we will experience globally with respect to information, starting in 2025 and especially in 2031. It will occur in the degree 23°52' of the sign.

While a Full Moon represents a culmination, it also has the ability to illuminate something that remained hidden.

The factors that we will have to take into account are:

  • It will be part of a T-square with Neptune in Pisces (degree 27°08').

  • It will occur while Mercury is stationary retrograde, about to return to direct phase.

  • There will be a grand fire trine at the same time as the Full Moon.


    This lunation will affect us all, but Its impact will be greater if you have planets or angles between 21°-25° degrees of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces).

    Full Moon in Gemini 2024

    Full Moon in Gemini, December 15, 2024. Software: Moon

    Gemini and the Ability to Doubt and Ask Questions

    Uranus will enter Gemini on July 7, 2025 , marking an immeasurable shift in our relationship with information. This Full Moon in Gemini will be a preview of that scenario , inviting us to reflect on the ability to ask questions, to doubt, and to go beyond what is comfortable for us.

    Gemini, as a mutable sign (that is, prone to change and variety), reminds us that there is no single truth or single source of information. Its energy encourages curiosity and prompts us to ask: Who confirmed this? Where did I check it? This slightly skeptical attitude will be of enormous help to us in avoiding falling into dogmas and the superficiality of unquestioned information.

    So, during this Full Moon we will encounter contradictory or antagonistic data, coming from different approaches, languages ​​or perspectives. Gemini asks us to open ourselves up to exploring beyond our bubble, even if it takes us out of our comfort zone. It is much better to ask questions and seek to understand more than to accept (or reject) without question. This is an opportunity to develop flexibility and curiosity, two skills that we will need in the face of the enormous changes that are coming.

    Mercury Stationary: Questions, Revelations and a Change of Narrative

    Mercury, ruler of this Full Moon in Gemini, will be stationary in Sagittarius , just hours away from going direct again. This amplifies its energy and puts us in a moment in which the questions we have already been asking ourselves come back with force: What is true? What is just an opinion? What information needs to be revised, explained or retold? With these new revelations, the meaning of many things changes drastically , and along with it, the narrative we have believed until now.

    Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius had already led us to question the line between truth and opinion. When an opinion loaded with subjectivity is presented as an absolute truth, it does not provide clarity; on the contrary, it introduces bias and confusion. This retrograde has also been directly related to political issues, votes and great collective narratives . Therefore, with this Full Moon we can expect more data to come to light , more information that changes the panorama and makes us rethink what we believed to be true.

    Politics, closely linked to information, will be a key area for these revelations. This is just a preview of the themes that we will see intensify in 2025, when Uranus enters Gemini and the information crisis reaches an even greater dimension . This Full Moon calls us to listen carefully to the revelations that come to us.

    Corresponding Sabian Symbol: Gemini 24, "Children Skating on a Frozen Pond."

    (Don't you know what Sabian symbols are? Read the complete guide here )

    The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon is Gemini 24: Children skating on a frozen pond . Ice skating, a recreational activity that seems innocent and fun, also carries with it a risk: beneath the ice there is water, and that layer could break. This symbol brings with it the duality between enjoyment and innocence on the one hand, and danger on the other.

    It speaks to us of those moments when, in order to have fun, we ignore the risks, or, on the contrary, we focus so much on protecting ourselves that we forget to enjoy life. This symbol also has a clear relationship with layers: the surface layer where children skate and what is found beneath the ice. In this context, it is about layers of information, what is revealed and what remains hidden. This Full Moon highlights the need to look beyond the surface and ask ourselves: what is behind a phrase, an intention or an apparent truth?

    Drones New Jersey
    News report on mysterious drones spotted in the United States. Credits: Fox News

    The Square with Neptune: the End of Illusions

    This Full Moon in Gemini is square to Neptune in Pisces. Neptune, the planet of illusions, confronts us with realities that had been presented as harmless , ideal or perfect, but which in reality hide dangers or distortions.

    At this time, truths that we have held as true begin to crumble, revealing our innocence or our inability to look beyond the surface . The square reveals what was intended to be hidden, what was disguised as transparency, but can no longer be sustained. Lies, confusions or distortions that seemed solid now face the light of this Full Moon, revealing what is really behind them.

    The Grand Trine in Fire: Recovering Our Spark

    A grand trine is a configuration in which three points of the zodiac are connected by trines, creating a harmonious and natural flow of energy. In this case, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, Mars retrograde in Leo, and the North Node (which is always retrograde) in Aries form a grand trine in fire signs, highlighting themes related to spirit, inspiration, and enthusiasm. However, the fact that all these points are in retrograde motion changes the dynamic: this energy is not directed outwards, but inwards, inviting us to pause and reflect consciously .

    Fire, as an element, is a subjective, very personal energy that connects with what we really are and what we want to be. But in this context, this trine brings to the table how that spirit has been extinguished - to a greater or lesser extent . It is as if everything were becoming uniform: we speak the same, we have the same interests, we end up having facial surgery and all looking alike, we buy the same fashionable things. Little by little, we sacrifice what makes us unique in favor of fitting into that uniformity.

    This trine, in the midst of this Full Moon, gives us the opportunity to reflect on how we got to this point and to reclaim our spark, that which truly makes us unique . It is a call to reconnect with our spirit, to remember what excites and inspires us, and to move away from that tendency to be like everyone else in certain areas of our lives. Of course, being ourselves again involves fear and facing the unknown , but it is absolutely worth it and the Universe is telling us that now is the time.

    Questions to Reflect On:

    Where am I consuming information superficially and not paying attention to it?

    Reflect on the times when you allow information to pass through your life without stopping to analyze or question it, or even read it.

    What things am I afraid of being categorized into?

    Consider whether fear of judgment from others is influencing how you present yourself or what you choose to share.

    Am I avoiding certain topics for fear of ridicule or criticism?

    Ask yourself if you are limiting your curiosity or censoring yourself for fear of what others think.

    Does the way I communicate reflect what I really want to express?

    Evaluate whether you are adapting your words to avoid conflict or to fit into an environment that does not represent your values.

    What are my true interests and am I giving them the time they deserve?

    Examine whether your interests are truly yours or are shaped by external trends and social expectations.

    Do the decisions I am making reflect what I believe or what others expect of me?

    Question whether you are living according to your principles or whether you are acting out of fear of rejection or disapproval.

    Am I avoiding speaking up for fear of the consequences?

    Ask yourself if your silence is protecting your peace or if you are giving away your personal power.

    What illusions am I holding on to that need to be challenged?

    Reflect on the apparent truths that could be covering up more complex or uncomfortable realities.

    What steps can I take to consume information more consciously and critically?

    Think about how you can build habits of analysis and reflection that will help you protect yourself from brain rot and take care of your precious intelligence.

    Good Boy

    This Full Moon is the Opportunity for:

    Open yourself to different perspectives

    You'll be faced with conflicting or opposing information. Use this time to step out of your bubble and consider different viewpoints, even those that make you uncomfortable or challenge your beliefs.

    Accepting that illusions can be broken

    Uncomfortable truths could come to light during this period. Instead of resisting them, allow these revelations to guide you toward a deeper understanding of the situations or people around you.

    Transforming tension into emotional clarity

    If you feel confused or frustrated, use this energy to delve deeper into your emotions and find clarity on what you truly need or want.

    Channel your efforts towards meaningful personal projects

    Instead of dispersing your energy, focus on projects that reflect your authentic values ​​and goals. This Full Moon favors strategic and conscious actions.

    Prepare for the changes ahead

    This lunation marks the beginning of a period of important revelations. Take advantage of this moment to build a solid foundation from which to face the challenges and opportunities ahead.

    Volodymyr Zelenskyy

    Getty Images

    This Full Moon Will Reveal Other Layers of:

    Donald Trump: Conjunction to his Sun

    A period of great public attention is coming for Trump (not necessarily positive). This Full Moon may expose vulnerabilities related to his public image and/or associations. Significant revelations could emerge related to the identity he projects outwardly, his relationship with his MAGA followers, or the people he has secretly associated with.

    Vladimir Putin: Opposition to Mars

    For Putin, this Full Moon will probably bring to light a confrontation with enemies that he had previously been carrying out in secret, an escalation of international tensions (the Full Moon falls in his 9th house) or a struggle to maintain control in a critical area.

    Kamala Harris: Conjunction to the Ascendant

    This Full Moon conjunction to the Ascendant highlights a period in which Harris will be more visible. This aspect could mean a key moment to redefine her image. It could also bring revelations about her true position or influence within her political environment.

    Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Conjunction to the Ascendant

    Similar to Kamala Harris, this conjunction to the Ascendant signals an increase in visibility for Zelenskyy. However, given the political and military context he finds himself in, this aspect could manifest as an intensification of his role as a leader in times of crisis. He could experience an increase in international support or a redefinition of his political identity. It is a time when his actions and decisions will have a significant impact on how he is perceived both domestically and globally.

    United States: Conjunction to Mars, Square to Neptune

    The Full Moon falls in conjunction with Mars in the 7th House and in square with Neptune in the 9th House; highlighting situations of porosity to external influences and how information around them is handled. This configuration points to issues related to alliances and enemies, where the dynamics between what is known and what has remained hidden begin to change. This period highlights tensions in international relations and how the United States handles sensitive issues related to defense, intelligence and global strategies.

    Israel: Conjunction to Uranus and opposition to Jupiter

    This Full Moon, conjunct Uranus in Israel’s 9th House, signals a period of unexpected changes related to territorial boundaries and international relations. Expect surprises in border agreements or disputes with neighboring countries, altering previously established dynamics. The opposition to Jupiter in the 3rd House highlights tensions in communication and possible disclosures of information related to international treaties or negotiations. These dynamics could expose latent conflicts or unleash new tensions in the region. It is a time when neighborly relations could be redefined, whether by adjustments in territorial boundaries, military movements, or disagreements in regional cooperation. This configuration points to a major shift in power dynamics and Israel’s position on the international stage.

    The 12 Houses of the Natal Chart

    What Can You Expect in the House of Your Birth Chart Where This Lunation Falls?

    These will be the themes that will be illuminated in your life (you have to look at which house of your birth chart the degree 23°52' of Gemini , that is where the Full Moon will fall).

    House 1: Identity and Personal Appearance

    This Full Moon invites you to question the image you project to the world. Is it truly a reflection of who you are or a facade you built to fit in? Unexpected revelations could show you how others perceive your identity and how that perception influences you. It's a time to shed layers of self-deception and return to your authenticity. If you've been feeling trapped in external expectations, this lunation pushes you to break free and connect with who you really are.

    House 2: Finance and Values

    It's a time to examine whether your financial decisions are aligned with your values ​​or whether you're acting out of fear of scarcity. This lunation can reveal uncomfortable truths about your relationship with money, such as limiting beliefs that have led you to accept less than you deserve. It can also uncover manipulations or misinformation related to your resources. Use this energy to redefine your concept of value, both personal and material, and to establish stronger foundations.

    House 3: Communication and Learning

    The way you consume and share information will be under scrutiny. Unexpected revelations may show you how certain communication patterns or superficial thoughts are blocking your growth. Have you been merely repeating what others say without question? Or have you silenced yourself for fear of being misunderstood? This is a time to rethink how you express yourself, how you process information, and how you can communicate more clearly and authentically.

    House 4: Home and Family

    Family dynamics or hidden truths could come to light with this Full Moon. If you've been repressing emotions or avoiding confrontations within your family unit, now is the time to confront them. You might discover something about your roots or family history that allows you to better understand your place in your home and how that affects your emotional well-being. Use this energy to create a safer and more honest emotional space.

    House 5: Creativity and Pleasure

    Are you enjoying life from a genuine place, or have you settled for what seems acceptable to others? This lunation illuminates the layers that cover your creativity and your ability to enjoy yourself. Unexpected revelations can show you what expectations have been holding you back from living fully. This is a good time to reconnect with what you are passionate about and let go of anything that feels like a burden or an illusion.

    House 6: Health, Work and Daily Routines

    Your habits and routines of all kinds will be under scrutiny. Are they truly sustainable and do they reflect your priorities, or have you become trapped in patterns that do not bring you well-being? This Full Moon can reveal how small oversights or limiting beliefs are affecting your physical and emotional health. It's time to adjust your routines so that they reflect your current needs, letting go of everything that does not serve you.

    House 7: Relationships and Partnerships

    Relationships you've cultivated could be shown in a new light. This lunation can uncover power dynamics, unspoken expectations, or misunderstandings that have been affecting your relationships. It's a time to reflect on whether you're projecting your insecurities onto others or whether you've allowed someone else to project theirs onto you. Use this energy to set clear boundaries and prioritize relationships based on honesty and mutual respect.

    House 8: Transformation and Shared Resources

    This lunation can bring secrets or truths to the surface regarding power dynamics, emotional dependencies, or shared resources. If you have been avoiding confronting certain issues, you may now feel compelled to confront them. It is a time to transform what no longer serves you and to let go of what has been limiting your emotional and financial growth.

    House 9: Expansion and Philosophy of Life

    Your beliefs and worldview could be challenged by this Full Moon. Unexpected revelations can show you what ideas you've been holding onto without question, or how some of your expectations aren't aligned with reality. This is a good time to adjust your life philosophy, explore new perspectives, and make sure your path forward is based on a truth that resonates with you.

    House 10: Career and Ambitions

    The professional goals you've been pursuing could be seen in a new light. Are they truly aligned with your values, or are you following a path that doesn't resonate with you? This Full Moon can reveal hidden dynamics in your work environment or ambitions that need to be reevaluated. Use this energy to make strategic decisions and ensure your progress is based in an authentic direction.

    House 11: Community and Long-Term Goals

    Your goals and social relationships will be under scrutiny. Are you surrounding yourself with people who share your values, or are you settling for superficial connections? This lunation can reveal which relationships are nourishing you and which are limiting your growth. It's also a good time to reevaluate your long-term goals and make sure they reflect what you truly desire.

    House 12: Spirituality and Subconscious

    Hidden layers of your inner world can come to light with this Full Moon. You may uncover fears or repressed emotions that have been affecting your well-being without you even realizing it. Use this energy to explore your subconscious and free yourself from illusions or limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. This is an ideal time to deepen your spiritual connection and allow healing to bring you closer to greater emotional clarity.

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