Clima Astrológico de Noviembre 2024: Fechas Clave, Desafíos, Tips

Astrological Weather for November 2024: Key Dates, Challenges, Tips

November is shaping up to be a month of heightened emotions and challenges regarding information – a particular combination of influences that challenge us to maintain clarity amidst a volatile atmosphere. Throughout the month, there are several transits that together suggest a huge tendency to idealize, blindly believe or accept without question, which can lead to rigid or fanatical attitudes if we are not aware. The need for discernment will be key, especially in a context where information can arrive distorted or colored by personal perspectives. This month highlights the...

November is shaping up to be a month of heightened emotions and challenges regarding information – a particular combination of influences that challenge us to maintain clarity amidst a volatile atmosphere. Throughout the month, there are several transits that together suggest a huge tendency to idealize, blindly believe or accept without question, which can lead to rigid or fanatical attitudes if we are not aware. The need for discernment will be key, especially in a context where information can arrive distorted or colored by personal perspectives.

This month highlights the definitive entry of Pluto into Aquarius , a historic transit that inaugurates a new collective cycle and encourages us to rethink our social structures and shared values. This transit, which symbolizes a profound and far-reaching transformation, marks the beginning of a stage of great changes in our evolution as humanity.

Thus, November invites us to navigate between intense emotions and to maintain a critical perspective, avoiding idealizations or impulsive attitudes. It will be essential to find balance between our personal beliefs and an objective vision , to take advantage of the growth potential that this month offers us without losing ourselves in fleeting illusions or excessive reactions.

The Key dates of this month are:

Friday, November 1: New Moon in Scorpio

This New Moon is an excellent catalyst for emotional transformation processes . With six planets in water signs, the volume of our emotions will be high, inviting us to feel and process what we have repressed. This lunation reminds us that, although there are aspects that need to be closed or transformed (since we are talking about Scorpio), being a New Moon is also an opportunity for a new beginning . This is an ideal time to address what needs to be healed, recognizing our deepest emotions and transforming them into a source of empowerment. It is a cycle to free ourselves from old patterns and beliefs, and gain clarity about what we truly value, opening ourselves to a genuine and conscious renewal.

Practical tip: Take time to feel the emotions that arise without judgment. Journal about what aspects of your life need to change and how you might reinterpret your past experiences to move forward with a stronger, clearer vision.

(You find the entry dedicated especially to this New Moon in this link . )

Saturday, November 2: Jupiter RX Sextile Chiron 20° / Mercury Trine Mars and Sextile Pluto 29° / Mercury Enters Sagittarius

On Saturday, November 2, Jupiter retrograde in Gemini forms a sextile with Chiron in Aries, both at the 20th degree, creating an opportunity to integrate wisdom and healing around old wounds . This aspect facilitates a moment of deep understanding, helping us to reframe old experiences with a broader and more reflective perspective.

Simultaneously, Mercury in Scorpio will be in trine to Mars in Cancer and in sextile to Pluto in Capricorn at the 29th degree , bringing a mental clarity that allows you to connect the dots, draw conclusions and see beyond appearances. This trine and sextile offer a brief window of insights and revelations, where the mind will be especially sharp to delve into complex issues and discover hidden truths.

However, this clarity is short-lived, as soon after Mercury enters Sagittarius, its sign of detriment , where its precision diminishes and it leans more toward the expression of beliefs than concrete facts. In the global context, with events such as the elections in the United States and the emergence of transformative and controversial information regarding public figures in various countries, Mercury in Sagittarius will not be the best support for transparent communication. The information could be tinged with subjective opinions and personal perspectives, focusing more on interpretations than on objective data.

Practical Tip: Take advantage of the sextile between Jupiter and Chiron to reflect on issues of healing and personal growth. Seek to learn from past experiences and adopt a more comprehensive view. And, regarding Mercury in Sagittarius, maintain a critical attitude towards the information you receive; question what you hear, especially in the media, and verify before taking something for granted.

Mercury Enters Sagittarius November 2024

Sunday, November 3: Mars Opposition Pluto 29° / Venus Opposition Jupiter and Trine Chiron 20° / Mars Enters Leo

Today's opposition will be the first of three oppositions between Mars and Pluto in the coming months, but this will be the only time that Mars will be in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn . The next two oppositions (in 2025) will be with Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius, at which time Pluto will already be in Aquarius for good. Therefore, this initial opposition has a strong symbolism of closure , where emotions of rage and resistance are manifested in the face of the collective change that is coming. It is as if this final stage in Capricorn intensifies the confrontation with obsolete structures and old power dynamics that must be left behind, but not without first provoking an intense and defensive reaction.

This energy of Mars in Cancer in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn can be felt both on a personal and collective level, generating a volatile and tense environment, like a pressure cooker ready to explode. The transition to Aquarius is anticipated with resistance and pent-up anger, triggering a period of pressure and confrontation that will extend until the third and final opposition in April.

On the other hand, Venus in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini and forms a trine to Chiron in Aries, both at the 20th degree. This aspect between Venus and Jupiter highlights issues of values ​​and relationships, potentially bringing a focus on excesses or exaggerations in our expectations of others or in the realm of resources . However, the trine to Chiron offers a path of healing and understanding to address those differences with greater openness and empathy.

Finally, Mars enters Leo on the same day, after having transited Cancer, a sign in which its energy felt limited. In Leo, Mars regains strength and confidence , revitalizing our ability to act with courage and determination. However, this entry of Mars into Leo will be brief and will be marked by the upcoming Mars retrograde, indicating that these advances could be temporary and require adjustments in the coming months.

Practical tip: With the intense energies of this day, maintain an attitude of observation and awareness of your emotions. The Mars-Pluto opposition in Cancer and Capricorn can bring out anger and resistance, while the entry of Mars into Leo drives you to act. Take advantage of the Venus-Chiron trine to connect with an attitude of healing and understanding towards yourself and others, and moderate your expectations in relationships or resources, since the Venus-Jupiter opposition can amplify impulses. Allow yourself to process emotions introspectively, taking time to observe any tension without reacting impulsively.

Monday, November 4: Sun Trine Saturn 12°

On Monday, November 4, the Sun in Scorpio forms a trine to Saturn in Pisces at the 12th degree, creating a supportive energy for establishing solid foundations for our goals and commitments . This aspect offers clarity and stability, allowing us to approach responsibilities with maturity and perseverance . It is an ideal time to integrate past experiences in a constructive way, and to move forward toward goals that require patience and dedication. The influence of Saturn in Pisces softens the structured energy of Saturn, helping us to flow with our emotions while staying focused on what we want to build.

Practical Tip: Take advantage of this day to work on long-term goals or to complete tasks that require discipline and focus. Reflect on which structures in your life need adjustments or greater commitment and take concrete steps toward their consolidation, allowing you to maintain balance between your emotions and your responsibility.

Thursday, November 7: Mercury Enters Shadow, 6° of Sagittarius

On Thursday, November 7, Mercury enters its shadow phase at 6° Sagittarius, marking the beginning of a period in which issues of communication and information clarity can become especially complicated. In Sagittarius, Mercury is in detriment, as this position tends to emphasize personal opinions and beliefs over objective facts, affecting precision in communication. This influence will be particularly sensitive in the context of the elections in the United States (you can check the prediction at this link ), since Mercury's shadow phase usually anticipates delays, confusion, and misunderstandings that will be amplified when Mercury goes retrograde, and that will have to be reviewed later. Let's hope that the information does not arrive clearly or that interpretations arise that distort reality.

Practical Tip: During this Mercury shadow period, try to be especially careful with what you share and receive in terms of information. Check the details and maintain a critical attitude towards what you hear, especially on important issues (and in the press). Avoid making commitments or decisions based on incomplete or unclear data, and remember that misunderstandings can arise; patience and clarity will be key for this period.

Venus Square Neptune November 2024

Saturday November 9: Venus Square Neptune 27°

On Saturday, November 9, Venus in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune in Pisces at the 27th degree, adding to the influence of Mercury in shadow in Sagittarius. This sum of aspects creates an environment prone to confusion, idealizations and a distorted perception in matters of relationships, values ​​and communication. The square between Venus and Neptune can cloud our judgment, making us see people or situations through a fantasy filter, and these days it will be easy to fall into subjective interpretations or idealizations that do not reflect reality. With Mercury in shadow, the possibility of misunderstandings or believing something without verifying increases.

Practical Tip: Maintain a cautious attitude in your relationships and decisions, especially in emotional or financial matters. Be aware that clarity may be lacking during these days and that idealizing or assuming can lead to misunderstandings. Take time to verify information and reflect before making important commitments.

Monday, November 11: Venus enters Capricorn

On Monday, November 11, Venus will enter Capricorn, bringing a more pragmatic and long-term-oriented energy to matters of relationships, values, and finances. While not a magic solution to this month's tendency toward idealization, this transit will help slightly counteract the propensity to believe anything . With Venus in Capricorn, we tend to value stability and commitment, which invites us to think twice before jumping in based on fleeting emotions or momentary illusions.

Practical Tip: Use this influence to make decisions from a realistic and responsible perspective. Before committing, ask yourself if you are acting on solid grounds or letting yourself be carried away by impulses. Use this time to consolidate what really matters and develop plans that can be sustained in the long term.

Tuesday, November 12: Mercury Square Saturn

On Tuesday, November 12, Mercury in Sagittarius forms the first of three squares to Saturn in Pisces (the other two will be in December), marking a time of tension in matters of communication, structure, and mental clarity . This is an energy that can bring difficulties in expressing our ideas clearly or in facing limitations in the plans and perspectives we have.

Since this square will repeat twice in December, it will be a gradual process of adjustment in our ways of thinking and communicating. This first encounter confronts us with the need to be responsible with our words and to understand that sometimes our ideas need to be refined and structured to have a real impact. Challenges are likely to arise in communication or in the organization of our goals, asking us for patience and willingness to work on them.

Practical Tip: Take the time to organize your ideas and express them precisely. Don’t get frustrated if you hit roadblocks; instead, use this energy to adjust your plans realistically. Clarity and accountability will be essential to getting through this phase, so prioritize structure over momentum and make sure your goals and words are practical and achievable.

Saturn Stationary Direct November 2024

Friday, November 15: Saturn Stationary Direct, 12° Pisces / Full Moon in Taurus, 24°

On Friday, November 15, Saturn will be stationary direct at 12° Pisces, intensifying its influence on issues of responsibility and structure. This is a time when the consequences of our past decisions, both personal and collective, will become more evident, and we will be called to account for those where we have been responsible or where there is still work to be done. Saturn's energy, now direct, reinforces the need to make commitments and to maturely confront any pending issues.

This phase is accentuated by the proximity of the Full Moon in Taurus, which represents a culmination and confronts us with issues of values, stability and resources . During this Full Moon, issues related to what we value and the material foundations of our life will come to the fore.

(In the next few days you will be able to read the entry dedicated exclusively to this lunation).

Practical Tip: This is a time to honestly evaluate your commitments and make sure you are meeting your responsibilities. Take time to reflect on which aspects of your life need more structure and stability, and focus your energy on consolidating your values.

Saturday, November 16: Sun Opposition Uranus, 25°

On Saturday, November 16, the Sun in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus at the 25th degree, generating an energy of tension and surprise. This aspect can manifest itself in the form of unexpected changes or revelations that challenge our sense of security and stability . The opposition between the Sun and Uranus confronts us with the need to adapt and let go of control in areas where we have been too rigid, allowing us to open up to new possibilities and perspectives.

This is a time when unforeseen situations can arise both on a personal and collective level, and flexibility will be key to navigating this energy constructively. Uranus in Taurus can question established values ​​and take us out of our comfort zone, while the Sun in Scorpio invites us to delve deeper and transform ourselves in the process.

Practical Tip: Keep an open mind to any changes or surprises that may arise. Avoid resisting the unexpected and instead ask yourself what you can learn from this situation. Take advantage of Uranus' energy to release outdated patterns and allow yourself to see things from a fresh, more flexible perspective.

Monday, November 18: Mercury Opposition Jupiter, 18° / Sun Trine Neptune, 27°

On Monday, November 18, Mercury in Sagittarius will oppose Jupiter in Gemini at the 18th degree, marking the first of three oppositions we will experience due to Mercury retrograde . This opposition creates a tendency toward exaggeration in communication and can lead us to overstate our ideas or perspectives . It’s an aspect that challenges us to find balance between the expansive enthusiasm of Mercury in Sagittarius and the detail-oriented focus of Jupiter in Gemini. During this period, it will be important to manage expectations and avoid assuming we have all the information, as clarity can be limited.

At the same time, the Sun in Scorpio forms a trine to Neptune in Pisces, bringing an energy of emotional sensitivity. This aspect helps to soften the mood, inviting us to listen to our intuition and open ourselves to inspiration. The trine between the Sun and Neptune allows us to connect with our empathy and see beyond the superficial, creating a balance between the idealistic expansion of Mercury-Jupiter and the more subtle, spiritual perception.

Practical Tip: Avoid exaggeration or assuming you have all the information when it comes to communication. Allow yourself to listen to other perspectives without clinging to your own opinions. Take advantage of the influence of the trine between the Sun and Neptune to cultivate empathy and maintain a balanced perspective connected to your intuition.

Pluto in Aquarius November 2024

Tuesday, November 19: Mercury Trine Chiron, 19° / Pluto Enters Aquarius

There is no turning back. November 18 is a key date, not only of the month, but of the year , with the definitive entry of Pluto into Aquarius . After having transited 2023 and 2024 between Capricorn and Aquarius, Pluto now enters Aquarius to stay, marking the beginning of a new era in the evolution of humanity . This transit promises enormous transformations on a global level and propels us towards a profound change in how we relate as a society, in our power structures and in the way we face collective challenges. This entry of Pluto into Aquarius symbolizes a step towards a “new world,” where the values ​​of cooperation, technology, and community take center stage.

Additionally, Mercury in Sagittarius will be in trine with Chiron in Aries, an aspect that favors healing communication, encouraging us to integrate learning and empathy into our conversations . It is a time to connect with knowledge and with others from a place of understanding and responsibility, preparing ourselves for the changes that this new Pluto transit will bring.

( Read the Complete Guide to Pluto in Aquarius at this link ).

Practical Tip: This is a time to open yourself to transformation and let go of structures and beliefs that no longer serve the context of a rapidly changing world. Reflect on your role in the community and in society, and how you can adapt to these new times with an open and collaborative mindset.

Thursday, November 21: Sun enters Sagittarius / Sun Sextile Pluto, 0°

On Thursday, November 21, the Sun enters Sagittarius, marking the beginning of a cycle of optimism, expansion, and the search for meaning . This ingress is accompanied by a sextile with Pluto at 0° Aquarius, adding depth and focus to this expansive energy . The Sun in Sagittarius, known for its adventurous spirit and desire to explore new ideas, will be strengthened by the transformative influence of Pluto in Aquarius. This aspect encourages us to embrace profound changes with an optimistic vision and to consider how our personal goals can align with collective changes.

Practical Tip: Take advantage of this energy to set goals that not only benefit you, but also contribute to the well-being of the community. Reflect on how you can integrate your personal growth with a broader vision and how you can be an active part of the changes that are emerging at a collective level.

Friday November 22: Venus Sextile Saturn 12°

On Friday, November 22, Venus in Capricorn forms a sextile with Saturn in Pisces at the 12th degree, creating an influence that favors stability and commitment in matters of relationships and values . This aspect invites us to be realistic and responsible in our emotional connections and financial decisions , encouraging us to build solid and lasting bonds and projects. With Venus in Capricorn and Saturn in Pisces, the focus turns to emotional and material security, with a pragmatic perspective that balances sensitivity and structure.

Practical Tip: This is a good time to evaluate your relationships and finances from a practical standpoint. Think about how you can strengthen your commitments and build a solid foundation for the future. Use this energy to make conscious decisions that will provide you with long-term stability and support (but don't sign any important papers just yet, as Mercury is going retrograde).

Mercury Retrograde Sagittarius November 2024

Monday, November 25: Mercury Stationary Retrograde, 22° Sagittarius

On Monday, November 25, Mercury begins its retrograde at 22 degrees of Sagittarius, a transit that promises to bring confusion and challenges in communication and understanding information . Mercury in Sagittarius is already in detriment, meaning its energy is not flowing in the clearest or most precise way. This retrograde accentuates that difficulty, increasing the tendency toward exaggeration, lack of detail, and the possibility of misunderstanding. With Mars also in shadow, confusion and unclear impulses can intensify, creating an environment where it is easy to jump to conclusions or assume without verification.

( Read here the entry dedicated especially to this Mercury retrograde. )

Practical Tip: Avoid making any important commitments and be sure to verify the details in any information you receive or transmit. This is not the best time to assume you have all the information, so keep a flexible attitude and avoid making impulsive decisions.

Tuesday, November 26: Sun Trine Mars, 5°

On Tuesday, November 26, the Sun in Sagittarius forms a trine to Mars in Leo at the 5th degree, generating an energy of drive and confidence that makes it easier to move toward our goals with enthusiasm and determination. This harmonious aspect between the Sun and Mars boosts our vitality and motivates us to act, to launch ourselves into new projects, and to express our creativity in an authentic way. However, it is important to remember that Mars is in shadow , which means that, although motivation is present, we could face some obstacles or situations that require us to rethink our approach along the way.

The influence of this trine can be ideal for taking initiative, as long as we maintain a certain flexibility and openness to reviewing our steps.

Practical Tip: Take advantage of this energy to move forward on projects or activities that require motivation and confidence. However, be aware that certain details may need adjustments, given Mars' shadow state. Act with enthusiasm, but keep in mind the possibility of having to adapt your plans along the way.

Wednesday November 27: Venus Square Chiron, 19°

On Wednesday, November 27, Venus in Capricorn forms a square to Chiron in Aries at the 19th degree, bringing to the surface issues of emotional wounds and self-worth in the context of our relationships and values . This square confronts us with insecurities and feelings of vulnerability, especially in areas where we have felt rejection or lack of support. Venus in Capricorn seeks stability and commitment, but the tension with Chiron in Aries can make us question whether we are being authentic or if we are avoiding showing our vulnerability for fear of judgment or rejection.

This aspect can be uncomfortable, but it also offers an opportunity to work on healing and approach relationships with greater awareness of our wounds, allowing us to grow from them.

Practical Tip: Use this time to reflect on any insecurities or emotional wounds that affect your relationships and self-worth. Ask yourself if you are avoiding expressing your needs for fear of showing vulnerability. Allow yourself to work through these emotions from a place of self-compassion and with the purpose of strengthening your connections in an authentic way.

Tips 12 Ascendants November 2024

Tips for Each of the 12 Ascendants:

Aries Ascendant

For Aries Ascendant, November will be a month of challenges and transformations. The opposition between Mars and Pluto will strongly impact your areas of home and career , creating an atmosphere of tension in which an intense need to control or resist changes in both spaces could arise. This opposition can feel like a struggle for power and resistance, both internally and externally, where it will be key for you to manage your emotions without falling into impulsive confrontations.

In addition, Mercury's retrograde in Sagittarius in your 9th House could bring confusion or misunderstandings in matters of studies, beliefs, and legal matters. This transit invites you to reflect before making decisions on these issues and to be careful with the conclusions you draw, since clarity may be limited these days. Also, Pluto's definitive entry into Aquarius will mark a long-term change in your social circles and in your vision of the future, leading you to a transformation in the way you connect with the community and in the collective goals you pursue.

Practical Tip: Avoid acting impulsively at home or at work. Take time to reflect and see where you can let go of control instead of resisting. In matters of belief or study, keep an open mind and review the information several times before making important decisions.

Taurus Ascendant

For Taurus Ascendant, November will bring opportunities to review and transform your deeply held beliefs and your approach to issues of communication and close relationships. The opposition between Mars and Pluto will especially impact your areas of thinking and learning, pushing you to confront rigid ideas or limiting beliefs you might be holding, as well as potential tensions in communication with people close to you. This aspect can intensify the way you express your opinions, so stay aware of any tendency to hold on too tightly to your views.

The Full Moon in Taurus will illuminate your 1st House, giving you the opportunity to see clearly any personal aspects that need to be released or adjusted . This Full Moon highlights issues of self-worth, personal image, and how you project yourself to the world, inviting you to reflect on what you really need to feel stable and balanced.

Mercury's retrograde in Sagittarius in your 8th House also invites you to delve deeper into issues of shared resources, debts, and emotional matters that may require review. This transit is ideal for reflecting on your fears or resistances in these areas, making sure you are approaching them from a place of clarity and not idealization. In addition, with Pluto's definitive entry into Aquarius, a long-term change begins in your professional area, where you could feel the impulse to transform your approach to your career or your role in society.

Practical Tip: Keep communication open and flexible, especially on sensitive or deep topics. Avoid unnecessary confrontations and use this energy to rethink what ideas or beliefs need to be transformed. During the Full Moon in Taurus, take advantage of the opportunity to let go of any self-perceptions or personal aspects that no longer serve you and align yourself with a more authentic version of yourself.

Ascendant in Gemini

For Gemini Ascendant, November will be a month of transformation in matters of shared resources, values, and balance in your finances. The opposition between Mars and Pluto will activate your 2nd House and 8th House, generating tensions in matters related to money management, debts, or financial commitments . This aspect can make you question your relationship with resources and how you share or manage what you own, inviting you to release any attachment or attitude of control in these areas.

Mercury's retrograde in Sagittarius, in your 7th House of relationships , could generate misunderstandings or confusing situations in the area of ​​important partnerships and relationships . You may need to review certain aspects of communication as a couple or in professional partnerships, ensuring that there is clarity and transparency in agreements. Likewise, Pluto's definitive entry into Aquarius in your 9th House will bring a change of focus in your beliefs, vision of the future and personal growth, pushing you to explore your purpose and philosophy of life from a transformative and broader angle.

Practical Tip: Avoid impulsive financial decisions and review any agreement or commitment before making it, especially in relationships or partnerships. Take time to reflect on the patterns that limit you and allow yourself to release any emotion or situation that is blocking you, thus promoting greater inner peace.

Cancer Ascendant

For Cancer Ascendant, November will be a month of intense challenges in the area of ​​relationships and personal identity. The opposition between Mars in your 1st House and Pluto in your 7th House of relationships marks a period of tension in your close ties, especially regarding control or power dynamics . This aspect can intensify the desire to assert yourself in your relationships, as well as bring to the surface conflicts or frustrations that have been latent. It is a time to observe how you relate to others and avoid reacting impulsively, as this opposition will repeat itself three times until April, creating a cycle of profound transformation in this area.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, in your 6th House of routines and work, can add confusion or misunderstandings in the workplace and in health matters. This transit invites you to review your daily habits and be clear in communication with colleagues or people in the work environment, avoiding taking on additional commitments or tasks without clarity.

Pluto's definitive entry into Aquarius in your 8th House represents a long-term transformation in how you handle shared resources, intimacy, and detachment. This transit will deepen issues of trust and emotional regeneration, prompting you to heal deep patterns of dependency or fear of loss.

Practical Tip: In your relationships, avoid reacting impulsively to provocations or challenges. Take a moment to observe how you can manage tensions without falling into power struggles. At work and in your daily life, maintain clarity in communication and review your habits to ensure they are aligned with your long-term well-being.

Leo Ascendant

For Leo Ascendant, November brings a focus on healing and transformation in matters related to daily life, work, and spirituality. The opposition between Mars in your 12th House and Pluto in your 6th House can awaken internal tensions or conflicts in the workplace and in your daily routines. This aspect invites you to confront patterns of self-sabotage or habits that no longer serve you and that could be affecting your health or productivity. It is a time to look at how you can transform your routines or free yourself from emotional burdens that affect your well-being.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius in your 5th House can bring confusion in matters of creativity, romance, or self-expression. This transit asks you to review your personal projects and maintain clear communication in your romantic relationships or with your children , if you have them. It might be necessary to reevaluate your hobbies and the way you express yourself, making sure you do so from a place of authenticity and not impulsiveness.

Pluto's definitive entry into Aquarius in your 7th House marks the beginning of an important transformation in your romantic relationships and long-term partnerships. Pluto in this position represents a profound transformation in the way you connect with others, inviting you to heal issues of power and control in your relationships to create more authentic and balanced bonds.

Practical Tip: In the workplace and in your everyday life, take time to identify and transform patterns that no longer contribute to your well-being. Avoid making impulsive decisions in creative projects or romantic matters; instead, use this period to reflect on what you truly desire in these areas and make sure your actions are aligned with your values.

Ascendant in Virgo

For Virgo Ascendant, November brings a focus on communication, creative projects, and the social realm. The opposition between Mars in your 11th House and Pluto in your 5th House activates themes related to your relationship with groups, friends, and the expression of your individuality in them. This aspect can bring tensions in your social circles or in group projects, where you may feel challenged to balance your personal desires and aspirations with the demands or expectations of others. The Mars-Pluto opposition can also intensify the desire to excel or assert yourself in creative projects, inviting you to examine whether you are acting from a place of personal power or a need for control.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, in your 4th House of home and family, can create misunderstandings or confusion in the family environment. This is a good time to review family dynamics, focus on improving communication at home, and avoid impulsive decisions related to moving or property issues.

Pluto's definitive entry into Aquarius in your House 6 marks the beginning of a profound transformation in your health, work, and daily routines. This long-term transit invites you to reorganize your daily life, transforming the way you approach your daily responsibilities and prioritizing physical and emotional well-being.

Practical Tip: In your social or creative endeavors, avoid the need to control and seek to act from a place of authenticity and balance. Spend time improving communication at home and reflecting on necessary changes to your routines to ensure they are aligned with your long-term health and well-being.

Libra Ascendant

For Libra Ascendant, November brings a focus on issues of career, home, and shared finances . The opposition between Mars in your 10th House and Pluto in your 4th House creates a dynamic of tension between your professional life and your home or family. This aspect can lead to conflict in the workplace or at home, where you might feel the need to control or resist changes. It's a time to look at how you balance your professional responsibilities with your personal and family needs, preventing tension from turning into power struggles.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, in your 3rd House of communication , can bring confusion or misunderstandings in the area of ​​studies, daily communication, and relationships with siblings or neighbors. This transit invites you to review your ideas, to be clear in the expression of your thoughts, and to avoid making impulsive decisions on issues related to contracts or agreements.

Pluto's definitive entry into Aquarius in your 5th House marks the beginning of a transformative shift in your creative and romantic life. This long-term transit will push you to delve deeper into your self-expression, allowing you to transform and heal patterns in your romantic relationships and how you connect with your creativity and passions.

Practical Tip: In your professional and family life, stay calm and avoid power struggles. Look for ways to integrate your responsibilities in both areas in a balanced way. In communication, check your words and avoid misunderstandings; if differences of opinion arise, practice active listening and dialogue to maintain harmony in your relationships.

Scorpio Ascendant

For Scorpio Ascendant, November will be a month of deep personal transformations and reflection on the management of your resources and relationships. The New Moon in Scorpio in your 1st House marks an important beginning in your way of presenting yourself to the world and connecting with yourself . This is a time to renew yourself, let go of old patterns and embrace a more authentic version of yourself, with a renewed vision of your desires and purposes. The energy of this lunation invites you to take stock of what you truly value and to align yourself with a stronger and more conscious identity.

The opposition between Mars in your 9th House and Pluto in your 3rd House activates issues of communication and beliefs, generating possible tensions in your approach to learning, travel or daily interactions . This aspect can make you question your ideas and challenge rigid perspectives, both in your studies and in conversations with those around you. It will be important to keep an open mind and avoid confrontational or controlling attitudes in your interactions.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, in your 2nd House of finances and values, can bring confusion or the need to review your income , your material priorities, and how you manage your resources. It's a time to look at whether you're managing your finances clearly and to avoid impulsive spending, checking whether your decisions are aligned with your long-term goals.

Finally, Pluto's definitive entry into Aquarius in your 4th House will mark the beginning of a profound transformation in the area of ​​home and family. This transit will lead you to review your emotional foundations, inviting you to heal family patterns and build a safe and authentic space in your private life.

Practical Tip: Take advantage of the New Moon in your sign to initiate personal changes that align you with your true desires and goals. In your interactions and studies, keep an open mind and avoid confrontations that can limit dialogue. Review your finances and material priorities carefully to make sure they are in line with your long-term goals.

Ascendant in Sagittarius

For Sagittarius Ascendant, November brings a focus on personal reflection, communication, and close relationships. Mercury retrograde in your sign, in the 1st House, will be key this month, asking you to review how you express yourself and present yourself to the world. This transit can bring confusion or misunderstandings, and there are likely to be moments when you need to rethink your ideas and approaches. It's an ideal period to reflect on your goals and how you're communicating your intentions, but not to make important decisions without careful review.

The opposition between Mars in your 8th House and Pluto in your 2nd House can trigger tensions around finances, shared resources, and self-worth . You may feel pressure to manage or transform how you relate to material resources or power dynamics in your closest relationships. This aspect can bring intense emotions or unfinished business to the surface in these areas, prompting you to work on your personal security and let go of any excessive attachments.

Pluto's definitive entry into Aquarius in your House 3 marks the beginning of a transformative change in your communication , learning, and relationships with your immediate surroundings. This long-term transit will encourage you to transform the way you connect with others and to deepen your thoughts and knowledge , allowing you to communicate with greater authenticity.

Practical Tip: Be patient with yourself in the way you express yourself and avoid impulsive commitments. Use this Mercury retrograde to review your personal goals and your ways of communicating, making sure they reflect who you really are. When it comes to financial matters, act with caution and maintain a balance between what you give and receive in your relationships.

Capricorn Ascendant

For Capricorn Ascendant, November will bring a focus on issues of relationships and self-worth. Venus' entry into your sign will activate your 1st House, inviting you to reflect on your self-image and how you present yourself in your relationships. This transit of Venus in Capricorn emphasizes the desire to connect from a place of authenticity and responsibility, prompting you to strengthen your self-esteem and show yourself with greater confidence and security . It's a good time to reconsider your priorities in the area of ​​relationships and attract connections that are aligned with your values.

The opposition between Mars in your 7th House and Pluto in your sign, in the 1st House, can bring challenges in your close relationships. This opposition activates a dynamic of tension and transformation in your relationships, generating the need to balance your personal desires with the expectations or demands of others. It can be a period of confrontations or adjustments in the way you interact as a couple or in important partnerships, prompting you to let go of controlling attitudes or confront power patterns that you need to transform in order to achieve a more balanced relationship.

In addition, Pluto's definitive entry into Aquarius in your 2nd House marks the beginning of a transformation in your relationship with money, resources, and your personal values. This long-term transit invites you to rethink the way you value your possessions and to work on a solid and independent self-esteem.

Practical Tip: In your relationships, use the energy of Venus to show your authenticity and connect from a place of personal security, while the Mars-Pluto opposition invites you to be aware of any controlling attitudes. In terms of resources, reflect on how you can strengthen your financial independence and ensure that your financial decisions reflect your long-term values.

Ascendant in Aquarius

For Aquarius Ascendant, November marks a key period of profound transformation and renewal. Pluto's definitive entry into your sign, in the 1st House, signals the beginning of a long process of personal empowerment and redefinition of your identity. This transit brings with it an intense energy that invites you to explore your true essence and transform any pattern of self-limitation. Pluto in Aquarius can make you more aware of your impact on the world and encourage you to take a more active role in collective changes. It is a time to accept your personal power and to work on projecting an authentic and empowered version of yourself.

The New Moon in Scorpio lights up your 10th House , the area of ​​career and public projection, signaling a new beginning in your professional life and in your long-term goals. This is a time to consider what you want to build and how you want others to see you, allowing you to set goals that reflect your true ambition and commitment. It is ideal for defining or readjusting your professional objectives, making sure that they are aligned with the personal transformation that Pluto in your sign is initiating.

The Full Moon in Taurus in your 4th House, on the other hand, brings a culmination in issues of home and family, inviting you to reflect on your emotional foundation and the space you need to feel secure . This lunation can highlight family issues or matters from the past that need to be resolved to create a sense of stability and balance in your personal life.

Practical Tip: Take advantage of the energy of Pluto in your sign to work on your self-knowledge and the authentic expression of who you are. In your professional life, set clear goals that reflect your ambition and commitment, and in the family sphere, allow this Full Moon to guide you towards greater emotional stability by resolving any pending issues at home.

Ascendant in Pisces

For Pisces Ascendant, November will be a month of introspection and responsibility, with important challenges in the professional field and in your social connections. Saturn's direct station in your sign, in the 1st House, intensifies the need to take your personal commitments seriously and build a solid foundation in your identity. This is a time to honestly evaluate how you are assuming your responsibilities and if your actions reflect the maturity and discipline necessary to achieve your long-term goals. With Saturn direct in your sign, the demand to act with integrity and to be constant in your personal growth is amplified.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, in your 10th House of career and public projection, can bring confusion or the need to review your professional goals. This transit invites you to reevaluate your objectives and to be very clear in your communication in the work environment. During this period, misunderstandings or situations may arise in which you must rethink your aspirations, making sure that they are in tune with what you really want on a professional level.

The opposition between Mars in your 11th House and Pluto in your 5th House creates tension in your social relationships and creative projects . This aspect can activate power dynamics in groups you belong to or in collaborative projects, and invites you to transmute any struggles for control or ego in the social sphere . In your creative life and personal relationships, it's a time to identify whether you're acting from a place of authenticity or whether you need to let go of patterns that no longer serve you.

Practical Tip: Focus on taking your personal commitments seriously and make sure your goals reflect your true growth. At work, review your objectives and communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings. In your social and creative relationships, avoid falling into power struggles and stay connected to your authentic values ​​to build balanced relationships.

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