El Ascendente En La Revolución Solar: Técnicas Para Predecir Eventos

The Ascendant in the Solar Revolution: Techniques for Predicting Events

The Solar Return is a powerful astrological tool that allows us to understand the energies and events that will mark the next year of our lives (if we know how to read it correctly, it is an astrological chart with enormous predictive capacity). The chart of a Solar Return is drawn for the exact moment when the Sun returns to the same degree and minute in which we have it in our natal chart. Although many factors are important in a Solar Return, the Ascendant plays a crucial role in...

The Solar Return is a powerful astrological tool that allows us to understand the energies and events that will mark the next year of our lives (if we know how to read it correctly, it is an astrological chart with enormous predictive capacity). The chart of a Solar Return is drawn for the exact moment when the Sun returns to the same degree and minute in which we have it in our natal chart. Although many factors are important in a Solar Return, the Ascendant plays a crucial role in its interpretation, since it acts as a container for all the energies present within this chart.

What is the Ascendant?

In our birth chart, the Ascendant is the zodiac sign that was rising on the horizon at the exact moment of our birth. In the context of the Solar Return, the Ascendant is the sign that was - or will be - rising on the horizon at the moment the Sun returns to its natal position . This specific Ascendant for the Solar Return defines the way in which the energies of the current year will manifest.

The Importance of the Ascendant in the Solar Revolution

In a Solar Return, the only constant factor is the position of the Sun, while the Ascendant and all the other planets usually vary significantly. The Ascendant of the Solar Return acts as a kind of container that encapsulates all the energies and potentialities of that year. Since the Ascendant is related to the manifestation of a potential on the physical plane - specifically, it is the intersection between heaven and earth - knowing its influence is essential to make the most of the potential of our Solar Return.

To illustrate the examples in this guide, we will use the following birth chart:

Natal Chart As The Basis Of The Solar Revolution

We can see that this birth chart has the Sun in the 7th degree. ° 49' of Aries. That is, for this person all their solar revolutions will have the Sun in the 7th ° 49' Aries. The other factors will change from year to year, including the Ascendant.

The Ascendant in the Solar Return shows us how and through what specific energies the experiences of the year will manifest. It is a gateway that we must pass through in order to understand and work with the planetary influences and aspects present in our Solar Return chart. By becoming familiar with the sign that the Ascendant occupies, we can better prepare ourselves to face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that await us.

Let's now look at the 2024 solar revolution for that same birth chart with the Sun in 7 ° 49' of Aries , which is as follows:

Solar Revolution

We can see that by 2024 the Ascendant is located at 10 ° 30 ' of Libra. From that energy the person will be able to manifest the potential contained in this solar revolution chart, until the Sun returns to the 7 ° 49' Aries within a year and start a new cycle with another Ascendant.

Let us now analyze what is this "portal" of energy that we must cross each year to manifest the potential of a solar revolution, according to the sign in which the Ascendant is located.

The Ascendant in the 12 Signs in the Solar Revolution

Aries Ascendant

With Aries in the Ascendant of the Solar Revolution, the year will ask us to manifest its potential with a dynamic and action-packed energy. This fire sign brings with it a desire to start new projects, take risks and show ourselves what we are capable of. This is why it is common that in the years when the Ascendant is in Aries, we feel that we have more energy than usual. It is also likely that our confidence and initiative will be at a high point, making this an ideal year to pursue personal and professional goals with courage. However, we must be careful not to fall into impatience and/or hyperreactivity.

Taurus Ascendant Solar Revolution

Taurus Ascendant

A Taurus Ascendant in the Solar Return suggests that we manifest the year's potential from an energy of stability and practicality. Priorities will focus on building a solid foundation, whether financial or emotional. Patience and perseverance will be key, and there will be a focus on enjoying sensory pleasures and beauty in everyday life. In Solar Returns with the Ascendant in Taurus, it is common to feel a little sluggish and not have much energy. This is in order to be able to invest that energy only in what is truly valuable, and not waste resources of any kind. What should we be careful of? Not focusing too much on material things and/or becoming inflexible.

Ascendant in Gemini

With Gemini on the Solar Revolution Ascendant, the year will ask us to manifest our potential by making use of communication, learning and adaptability. There will be many opportunities to expand knowledge, become interested in new information and connect with diverse people. Curiosity and versatility will be essential, allowing great flexibility in the face of changes and new challenges. This is also an excellent year to look at things in a more impartial way. On the other hand, we must be careful not to stay in the world of ideas without putting things into action, as well as monitor our anxiety levels.

Cancer Ascendant

A Cancer Ascendant in the Solar Return indicates a year in which its potential will manifest through our attention to security, family, home and emotions. With this water sign we will have a greater sensitivity and need to protect ourselves and others. It is common that with this ascendant we can be a little more introspective than usual. This is a good time to strengthen family ties, create a welcoming environment and attend to emotional needs. On the other hand, the weak points of this ascendant are a greater tendency to become defensive, or not giving space to the people around us.

Leo Ascendant

With Leo on the Solar Return Ascendant, we will be able to manifest the potential of the year through a vibrant and creative energy. We will probably feel more confident in ourselves and a greater desire to be recognized. It is an ideal period to be seen, to express ourselves artistically and to connect with our inner child (it is also common that in Solar Returns with this Ascendant, we have a literal or symbolic child). Self-expression and the search for authenticity will be central themes. What should we be careful of? Not seeking too much flattery, and keeping pride at bay.

Virgo Ascendant Solar Return

Ascendant in Virgo

A Virgo Ascendant in the Solar Revolution suggests a year focused on personal improvement, connection with our body, and the practical implementation of ideas. Just like when it is in Aries, this is usually an ascendant that increases our energy levels. Efficiency and productivity will be crucial to manifesting the potential of the year, and there will be a desire to hone skills and feel healthier and more comfortable with our bodies. This is a good time to prioritize ourselves, get rid of what does not contribute, and look for ways to be more useful and practical in our daily lives. Many times when this ascendant appears, it is when we end a relationship that had us disconnected from our true essence. On the other hand, with this Ascendant we must be careful not to disconnect from our own emotions, not to do too many things at once, and to manage anxiety levels.

Libra Ascendant Solar Revolution

Libra Ascendant

With Libra on the Ascendant, the potential of the year can manifest itself through relationships and the search for balance. There will likely be an emphasis on diplomacy, cooperation, and creating harmony in life in general. One-on-one relationships will be key, and we may try to resolve conflicts in a fair and balanced way. It's an excellent year to learn to see the virtues of others, and to honor and respect differences. The negative side we need to watch out for? Passivity, indecision, and repressing our most instinctive side.

Scorpio Ascendant Solar Return

Scorpio Ascendant

A Scorpio Ascendant in the Solar Revolution indicates that in order to manifest the potential of this year, we must undergo a deep transformation and sincere self-knowledge. It is common that with this Ascendant we feel a greater emotional intensity and a need to explore the hidden aspects of our life. This is an excellent year to face fears, heal old wounds, grieve sincerely and consciously, and reinvent ourselves through transformative experiences. On the other hand, we must be careful not to fall into obsessive behaviors or a controlling attitude. If we take advantage of the positive energies of this Ascendant, at the end of this Solar Revolution we will be much more connected with our inner power and resilience, preparing for a new beginning.

Ascendant in Sagittarius

With Sagittarius on the Ascendant, the year will ask us to manifest its potential from an energy of exploration, learning and expansion. It is common that with this Ascendant we feel a desire to venture beyond the limits we have known, whether through travel, higher education or new philosophies of life. Freedom and the search for truth will be prominent themes, and it is likely that we have the potential to grow through new experiences. To take advantage of the positive potential of this Ascendant, it will be necessary to take leaps of faith and adopt a more optimistic and abundant attitude. It is common that at the end of a Solar Revolution with the Ascendant in Sagittarius we reach the certainty that we believe what we believe, and understand the power of visualization and faith. The weak side that we have to watch out for with this Ascendant is possible dogmatism, excesses and losing sight of the details.

Capricorn Ascendant Solar Revolution

Capricorn Ascendant

A Capricorn Ascendant suggests a year in which to manifest your potential you must adopt a long-term approach of responsibility, discipline and achievement. You are likely to prioritize a realistic attitude, taking charge of your problems and persisting over time in order to build a solid foundation for the future. Ambition and perseverance will be crucial during this year, and you are likely to have to work hard to achieve success and stability. The weak side of this Ascendant? An excessively pessimistic and/or distrustful tendency, rigidity and/or a possible controlling attitude.

Aquarius Ascendant Solar Return

Ascendant in Aquarius

With Aquarius on the Solar Revolution Ascendant, we can manifest the potential of the year if we adopt an innovative, original attitude and leave behind the fear of what others will say. We may feel a desire to break with conventions, free ourselves from limitations that make no sense and look for new ways of doing things. These are often years in which we must connect with our more eccentric side, or embrace an experience that goes beyond what society in general usually experiences. It is also possible that technology and humanitarian causes are important, and that we seek to collaborate with others to achieve a significant change in the community. It is not wrong to think that in a Solar Revolution with this ascendant, we should expect the unexpected. The negative part: emotionally disconnecting from others, burning bridges that we later need, falling into inflexibility.

Ascendant in Pisces

A Pisces Ascendant in the Solar Revolution indicates that in order to manifest the potential of this year, it will be necessary to connect with our sensitivity, intuition and spiritual connection. We are likely to feel greater empathy and a need to transcend mundane realities. This is an excellent time to explore art, music and any activity that elevates the spirit. It is common that in solar revolutions with this Ascendant we connect with the plane of energies and the intangible. On the other hand, compassion and acceptance of what is (rather than what we would like it to be) will be fundamental during this year. What do we have to be careful of with this Ascendant? An overly passive attitude, not setting limits and/or sacrificing ourselves too much for other people.

The Importance of Superimposing the Solar Revolution on the Natal Chart

No predictive reading, including the Solar Return, is complete or truly useful if it is not overlaid on the person's birth chart. The birth chart is the astrological map that reflects each individual's innate potential and the areas of life where this potential can manifest. By overlaying the Solar Return on the birth chart, we can see how the energies of the year affect and activate different areas of our life.

Let us now superimpose the Solar Revolution shown above (with the Ascendant at 10 ° 30 ' Libra) onto the example birth chart. The lighter wheel is the birth chart and the darker wheel is the Solar Revolution. The superimposition then looks like this:

Solar Revolution Superposition Natal Chart

We see that the Solar Revolution Ascendant falls in the 3rd house of this person's birth chart.

The Superposition of the Solar Revolution Ascendant on the Natal Chart

Understanding where the Solar Revolution Ascendant overlaps in the natal chart is vitally important. This overlap shows us which areas of our life will be most active and most influenced during the year. Below are themes we can expect for each possible overlap of the Solar Revolution Ascendant in the houses of the natal chart:

Solar Revolution Ascendant in the 1st House

When the Solar Revolution Ascendant overlaps the 1st House of the birth chart, it indicates a year of great self-discovery and personal development. Identity, appearance, and the way we present ourselves to the world will be at the center of our attention. This is a time to focus on personal growth and self-affirmation.

Solar Revolution Ascendant in the 2nd House

With the Solar Revolution Ascendant in the natal 2nd House, the year will focus on our finances, values, and material security. There will be an emphasis on earning money, managing resources, and valuing what really matters to us. Self-esteem and personal talents will also be important themes.

Solar Revolution Ascendant in the 3rd House

When the Solar Revolution Ascendant is in the natal 3rd House, communication, learning, and relationships with siblings and neighbors will be central. We are likely to have many opportunities to acquire new knowledge, short trips, and connection with our immediate surroundings. This is a good year to develop communication skills and expand our social network.

Solar Revolution Ascendant in the 4th House

With the Solar Revolution Ascendant in the natal 4th House, the focus will be on home, family and private life. This is a year to strengthen our roots, improve our living space and attend to our family dynamics. Emotional security and a sense of belonging will be essential.

Solar Revolution Ascendant in the 5th House

When the Solar Revolution Ascendant overlaps the natal 5th House, the year will be all about creativity, romance, and self-expression. We will put emphasis on our hobbies, our children, and any activity that brings us joy and pleasure. This is a time to explore our passions and enjoy life.

Solar Revolution Ascendant in the 6th House

With the Solar Revolution Ascendant in the natal 6th House, our year will focus on work, health, and our lifestyle and daily routines. We will have the need to improve our efficiency, maintain our physical well-being, and be useful in our work environment. This is a good time to adopt healthy habits and organize our daily life.

Solar Revolution Ascendant in the 7th House

When the Solar Revolution Ascendant falls in the natal 7th House, relationships and partnerships will be the main theme of the year. We will put emphasis on personal and professional relationships, seeking balance and collaboration. This is a year to work on diplomacy and strengthen connections with others.

Solar Revolution Ascendant in the 8th House

With the Solar Revolution Ascendant overlaying the natal 8th House, this is not likely to be an easy year. We may need to go through a transformation, a grieving of some sort, or an emotional healing process. Shared finances, joint resources, and intimacy issues could also be in the spotlight. This is a good time to face fears, heal, and renew ourselves.

Solar Revolution Ascendant in the 9th House

When the Solar Revolution Ascendant overlaps the natal 9th ​​House, the year will bring us mental expansion and exploration. We will focus on higher education, long-distance travel, and new philosophies of life. This is a time to open our minds and seek truth and meaning in new experiences.

Solar Revolution Ascendant in the 10th House

With the Solar Revolution Ascendant falling in the natal 10th House, our year will focus on career, social status, and achievements. We will put emphasis on achieving professional goals and establishing a solid reputation. This is a good time to take on responsibilities and seek public success.

Solar Revolution Ascendant in the 11th House

When the Solar Revolution Ascendant is in the natal 11th House, friendships, long-term goals, and group activities will be important to us. We will focus on collaborating with others and working toward shared ideals. This is a year to expand our social network and pursue collective dreams.

Solar Revolution Ascendant in the 12th House

With the Solar Revolution Ascendant in the natal 12th House, our year will be marked by the closing of an important cycle, introspection and spirituality. We will emphasize retreat, meditation and work on the subconscious aspects. This is a time to heal old wounds, release what no longer serves us and prepare for new beginnings. During this cycle we will need a lot of time alone, and we may connect more intensely with our psychic abilities.


La Casa 8 Astrología:


Este año tengo el ascendente en Virgo y resueno con casi todo lo que dice en la descripción, muchas gracias.
La Casa 8 Astrología:
¡Muchas gracias por tu feedback positivo!


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