The Last Transit of Pluto in Capricorn: A Great Stage That Comes to a Close
We are about to experience a critical astrological event: the last transit of Pluto in Capricorn in our lifetimes . Pluto, known for its profound transformative influence, completes its journey through Capricorn, a transit we will not see again in our lifetimes. With an orbit that takes 248 years to travel the entire zodiac, this is the last chance we have to connect with Pluto’s energy in this sign (Pluto’s next entry into Capricorn will be in 2255).
Pluto, currently in retrograde, will return to Capricorn on September 1-2 - depending on our geographic location - and will remain there until November 19. Although it will only retrograde for a distance of 22 minutes within the zodiac, this period represents a powerful window to make significant closures. It will be a propitious time to review our internal structures and free ourselves from what has served its purpose in our lives.
Pluto Effects: For Empowerment, There Must Be Crisis
In astrology, Pluto symbolizes deep transformation, hidden power, and the processes of destruction and regeneration . It represents the invisible forces operating beneath the surface, those that, although not always visible, have a significant impact on our lives. Pluto confronts us with our deepest fears, the shadows we prefer to avoid , and prompts us to face what needs to be transformed or released. Through Pluto, we learn about the symbolic death of aspects of our life that no longer serve us and about the possibility of being reborn with greater awareness and inner strength. Wherever Pluto transits, we can expect to experience a crisis or radical transformation , which may manifest as the death of one important cycle in our life and the beginning of another . These transits lead us to delve deeper into the areas of our life that need change, forcing us to evolve, to empower ourselves, and to leave behind what no longer has a place in our path.
2008: Beginning of this Transit
Many years have passed since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, marking the beginning of a period of profound transformations on both a personal and collective level. During this transit, we have witnessed significant events and changes that have redefined our social, economic and political structures . Below, let’s take a look at some of the most notable events that occurred during this period:
- Global financial crisis (2008):
The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers marked the beginning of a global recession, which led to the restructuring of the global financial system and an increase in banking regulation.
- Change in the perception of institutions:
The economic crisis has generated growing distrust towards large financial institutions, governments and political elites, which has fostered social movements seeking greater transparency and accountability.
- Expansion of technology and social networks:
2008 was a key year in the consolidation of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, which began to play a central role in global communication and the way people interact.
- Revolution in energy and sustainability:
A significant shift towards renewable energy and climate change awareness began, with policies being implemented to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and promote clean energy.
- Advances in globalization:
Despite the crisis, globalization continued to advance, with the growth of international trade and increased economic interdependence between countries.
- Changes in global leadership:
There was a notable change in political leadership in several countries, with the election of figures such as Barack Obama in the United States, which symbolized a new political and social direction.
- Transformations in the world of work:
The economic crisis accelerated the transformation of the labour market, with an increase in unemployment and a reconfiguration of industries, many of which began to incorporate more technology and automation.
- Sovereign debt crisis in Europe:
This crisis intensified after 2008, severely affecting countries such as Greece, Spain and Italy, leading to the imposition of austerity measures and a questioning of the European economic model.
- Rise of social movements:
Dissatisfaction with economic and social inequalities led to the emergence of movements such as Occupy Wall Street, which denounced economic inequality and the excessive power of corporations.
Why is it important to keep these facts in mind?
To take advantage of this transit, it is crucial to remember these events because, with this re-entry of Pluto in Capricorn, we are going to have to return to these themes both on a personal and collective level . The issues that arose at the beginning of this transit may become relevant again, requiring us to reflect on the lessons learned and make the necessary adjustments . Looking back allows us to identify patterns, close cycles and make more conscious decisions.
Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21: A Preview of What We'll See Fall With This Transit
The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st, which occurred at 29° Capricorn, gave us a taste of the themes that will play out during this latest transit of Pluto in Capricorn . This lunation pointed out some of the structures that could collapse , how people clinging to power , corporations on the brink of collapse , and corruption in high political circles could be challenged and exposed. Issues around authority and hierarchies were anticipated, and now is when we will see all of that begin to manifest. For more details on this Full Moon you can check out the full post here .
Some Questions to Reflect on During This Transit:
- How much has my life changed since 2008?
- In what aspects of my life have I been forced to let go of control?
- What deep fears or obsessive attitudes have I faced, especially related to maintaining structure?
- In what areas of my life have I developed an obsession with status or how others perceive me?
- What rigid attitudes have I had to dismantle in order to move forward?
- What lessons have I learned about personal power and deep transformation?
- Where have I resisted change and what benefits have I gained when I have let go of that resistance?
- How have my ambitions and goals changed over the years?
- What transformations do I have to take responsibility for at this moment in my life?
Key Dates:
September 1-2: Pluto Re-enters Capricorn and Uranus Begins Retrograde
These days (depending on our location in the world it will be one or the other) Pluto re-enters Capricorn while Uranus begins its retrograde in Taurus. Both planets form a trine , a harmonious aspect that indicates that the energies of transformation (Pluto) and unexpected change (Uranus) are aligning in a favorable way . This is a powerful time to review old structures in our lives, whether professional, familial or personal, and to be open to sudden changes that can facilitate the process of transformation . Old ways of operating, both individually and collectively, are under scrutiny and we are likely to face a push towards innovation or the release of outdated methods.
Practical Tips:
- Review your current goals and structures: Identify which aspects of your life need a profound transformation and how you can integrate innovative changes.
- Keep an open mind: Prepare for the unexpected and look for opportunities in situations that may initially seem destabilizing.
- Connect with your purpose: Reflect on how you can use this period to better align with your values and long-term goals.
- Practice flexibility: Be adaptable and look for creative solutions to challenges that may arise.
September 22: Grand Earth Trine with the Sun in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus, Square with Venus in Libra
On September 22, a Grand Earth Trine forms between the Sun in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn, an alignment that facilitates the manifestation of practical and tangible changes in our lives . This is an ideal day to consolidate projects, focus on productivity, and work on issues of stability and security. However, the square to Venus at 29° Libra suggests that there will be tensions in the area of relationships or personal values . It could be challenging to balance the desire for security with the need for harmony in our relationships.
Practical Tips:
- Focus on work and productivity: Take advantage of the energy of the Grand Trine to advance projects that require sustained effort and planning.
- Review your values: Consider how your personal values may conflict with your material goals and seek balance.
- Communication in relationships: Be careful with tensions in relationships; practice diplomacy and look for solutions that benefit both parties.
- Implement practical changes: This is a good time to make adjustments to your finances or the organization of your daily life.
October 11: Pluto Returns to Direct Phase
On October 11, Pluto leaves its retrograde phase and moves direct again in Capricorn. This change of direction marks a turning point, where the internal revisions and transformation processes initiated during the retrograde begin to manifest externally . It is a time to make firm decisions about the closures that have been brewing and to move forward with a renewed and strengthened vision.
Practical Tips:
- Make decisions: Take advantage of this moment to finalize projects or situations that have been in the process of transformation during the retrograde.
- Empower yourself: Recognize the personal power you have developed, take responsibility for it, and use that strength to move forward with determination.
- Plan for the long term: Use the clarity that accompanies Pluto's direct motion to set long-term goals and strategies to achieve them.
- Face reality: This is the time to confront the truth and let go of what no longer has a place in your life.
October 13: Square with Mercury in Libra
On October 13, Pluto in Capricorn forms a square to Mercury in Libra. This tension can manifest in communication difficulties, where words can be misinterpreted or used as tools of control . Conflicts in relationships are likely to arise due to differences of opinion or manipulation. However, this energy can also be harnessed to delve deeper into difficult conversations , as long as it is approached with tact and honesty .
Practical Tips:
- Communicate clearly: Be aware of your words and avoid falling into manipulation or misunderstandings. Seek transparency in your conversations.
- Listen actively: Before responding, make sure you fully understand the other person's point of view.
- Think before you act: Avoid impulsive decisions based on intense emotions; take the time to evaluate the situation.
- Avoid unnecessary confrontations: If an argument becomes too intense, it might be best to postpone it until emotions have calmed down.
October 22: Square with Sun in Libra, Opposition with Mars in Cancer
On October 22, Pluto in Capricorn forms a square to the Sun in Libra and an opposition to Mars in Cancer, creating a day of significant tensions . This alignment suggests that we could face power challenges, internal and external conflicts, and struggles for control . It’s a time when we could feel torn between our obligations and desires, or face direct confrontations that test our strength and resilience.
Practical Tips:
- Avoid conflicts: If possible, avoid situations that may escalate into confrontations, especially with authority figures or in the family environment.
- Stay calm: Work on maintaining emotional balance and do not allow external tensions to destabilize you.
- Reassess your priorities: Reflect on where you are investing your energy and whether you are prioritizing what really matters.
- Practice self-restraint: This is a good time to work on self-regulation and avoid impulsive reactions.
November 1: Opposition (exact) with Mars in Cancer
On November 1, the opposition between Pluto in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer becomes exact, an aspect that can intensify tensions that have already been developing. This opposition can manifest as deep emotional conflicts , especially related to home, family, and power dynamics. On a collective level, we can expect people who are in power for selfish reasons to cling more tightly to the status quo. There is a strong possibility of direct confrontations and hidden resentments surfacing.
Practical Tips:
- Work on introspection: Take time to reflect on your emotions and reactions before acting. Identify the roots of any resentment.
- Avoid direct confrontation: If a conflict arises, try to approach it from a place of empathy and understanding, rather than escalating the situation.
- Strengthen your boundaries: Make sure you maintain healthy and clear boundaries, both personally and within your family.
- Seek support: If you feel overwhelmed by stress, don't hesitate to seek advice or support from someone you trust.
Who Will Be Most Affected By This Pluto Transit In Capricorn?
To all people with important factors between the 27th and 29th degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn).
The House of Our Natal Chart Where Pluto Transits: The Area of Our Life Where We Must Let Something Die
Where we have the 29th degree of Capricorn in our birth chart is where we must grieve and close a door, knowing that a new stage will begin.
Pluto in Capricorn in the 1st House
The 1st house in the natal chart is related to the “self,” personal identity, and how you present yourself to the world. With Pluto transiting this house, especially in its final stage in Capricorn, you are likely to complete and review a profound transformation in how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you . This transit invites you to let go of old identities or forms of control that you have used to define who you are. You might have been holding on to personal power based on appearance, status, or external perception, and now is the time to release those bonds.
This process could bring to the surface insecurities or fears related to your sense of identity . Pluto here asks you to review how you have handled personal power and whether you have been holding on to an image of yourself that no longer reflects your true self. It is a time to shed an old skin and emerge with a new one, more authentic and in tune with who you really are. This is the time to close any unfinished cycles related to your identity, and prepare for a new beginning .
Practical Tips:
- Reflect on your identity: Ask yourself if the image you have projected to the world truly reflects who you are deep down. If not, it's time to make adjustments.
- Release control: Let go of the need to control how others see you. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and authentic.
- Accept the changes: This is a time to accept the inevitable transformations in your life and identity. Don't resist change, embrace it.
- Work on your personal power: Evaluate how you have used power in your life and if there are areas where you might be using control in destructive ways. Work on empowering yourself from a place of authenticity and truth.
- Close cycles: Identify any aspect of your identity that is based on the past and no longer serves you. This is the time to leave it behind and prepare for the new that is to come.
Pluto in Capricorn in the 2nd House
The 2nd house in the natal chart is related to values, financial security, and the way you manage your resources. With Pluto transiting this house, especially in its last stage in Capricorn, this is a time to deeply review your relationship with money and material goods . You are likely to face a significant transformation in how you value your resources and how you relate to financial security.
This transit can reveal any excessive attachment to financial control or a compulsive need to accumulate possessions in order to feel secure. Pluto asks you to examine whether you have based your self-worth and sense of security on material things , and challenges you to let go of those dependencies. This is a time to let go of old limiting beliefs about money and allow a new, healthier, more balanced perspective to emerge.
The process may also bring to light deep fears related to losing financial stability or feeling like you don't have enough. However, by facing these fears, you can discover a new sense of personal power that is not dependent on material resources , but on your ability to transform and adapt. It's time to close any cycles related to over-dependence on material things and open yourself to a more authentic and empowered way of managing your resources.
Practical Tips:
- Reassess your values: Reflect on what you truly value in life. Are you basing your self-worth on what you own or who you are?
- Transform your relationship with money: Identify patterns of control or compulsion in the way you handle money. Work on freeing yourself from the need to accumulate and learning to flow with the resources you have.
- Accept insecurity: Recognize that true security does not come from material things, but from your internal capacity to adapt and transform any situation.
- Get rid of the unnecessary: This is a good time to get rid of possessions that no longer serve you or that tie you to a past that you need to leave behind.
- Empower yourself financially: Work on building a healthier relationship with money, based on balance and awareness of your true needs.
Pluto in Capricorn in the 3rd House
The 3rd house in the natal chart is related to communication, close environment, siblings, and the logical mind. With Pluto transiting this house, especially in its last stage in Capricorn, it is a time to review how you communicate, how you process information, and how you interact with your immediate environment. This transit can bring to light patterns of control or manipulation in communication , as well as ways of thinking that need to be transformed .
You're likely to face a profound transformation in the way you express yourself and how you handle your relationships with siblings, neighbors, or coworkers. Pluto here invites you to let go of old ways of thinking that have limited you, especially if you've been holding on to rigid beliefs or using communication as a tool of power . This is a time to release any control you've tried to exert through words and to open yourself up to a more authentic and honest way of communicating .
It may also be a time to review and heal relationships with siblings or those close to you , where tensions or unresolved conflicts may have arisen. This transit asks you to look deeply into the way you think and communicate, to transform any patterns that no longer serve you and may be limiting your growth.
Practical Tips:
- Review your communication patterns: Reflect on how you express yourself and whether you use communication as a form of control. Work on being more open and authentic in your interactions.
- Transform your thoughts: Identify beliefs or thought patterns that have limited you and work on freeing yourself from them. This is a good time to adopt a more flexible and open mindset.
- Heal close relationships: If there are unresolved conflicts with siblings or people close to you, this is the time to address them and find a solution that allows for healing and the closing of cycles.
- Practice conscious communication: Focus on being more aware of your words and how they impact others. Seek to communicate in a more empathetic and honest way.
- Explore new ways of learning: This transit can also be a good time to delve into new studies or explore areas of knowledge that you had not previously considered.
Pluto in Capricorn in the 4th House
The 4th house in the natal chart is related to home, family, roots, and emotional foundation. With Pluto transiting this house, especially in its last stage in Capricorn, it is a time to deeply review and transform your relationship with your home and family . This transit can bring to the surface unresolved issues from the past , emotional wounds, or family patterns that have been affecting your sense of security and stability.
You are likely to face a transformation in how you perceive your home and the way you relate to your family. Pluto invites you to let go of any attachments to family structures that no longer serve you , or to inherited patterns of behavior that have limited your personal growth . This is a time to free yourself from controlling dynamics that may have existed in your family environment and to heal deep emotional wounds that may be rooted in the past.
It may also be a time to review your relationship with the physical home , considering whether your current space is still a reflection of who you are or whether it's time to make changes. This transit pushes you to close cycles related to home and family, so you can build a stronger, more authentic emotional foundation for the future.
Practical Tips:
- Review family dynamics: Reflect on your relationships with family members and whether there are patterns of control or manipulation that need to be transformed. Seek to heal any emotional wounds from the past.
- Transform your space: Consider whether your physical home is a reflection of who you are now. If you feel like it no longer represents you, this is a good time to make changes or even consider moving.
- Release the past: Work on letting go of any attachments to family structures that no longer serve you. This may include letting go of resentments or unrealistic expectations.
- Connect with your roots: Take advantage of this time to reconnect with your roots and better understand where you come from, but without allowing the past to limit you. Use this connection to strengthen your emotional foundation.
- Close emotional cycles: Identify any pending emotional issues related to the family or home and work on closing those cycles in a healthy and definitive way.
Pluto in Capricorn in the 5th House
The 5th house in the natal chart is related to creativity, self-expression, children, romance, and the pleasures of life. With Pluto transiting this house, especially in its last stage in Capricorn, it is a time to deeply review and transform how you express yourself and how you enjoy life . This transit can bring to light any fears or blocks you have had in relation to your creativity or your ability to fully enjoy the pleasures of life.
You're likely to face a transformation in the way you relate to your own creativity and how you handle romantic relationships. Pluto invites you to let go of any forms of control or perfectionism that may be limiting your ability to freely express yourself . This is a time to free yourself from the need to control the way you're perceived or how your romantic life unfolds, and to open yourself up to a more authentic and spontaneous expression of yourself.
This transit can also affect your relationship with your children , if you have any, inviting you to review patterns of control or expectations that you have projected onto them . It is a time to close cycles related to fear of creative failure or fear of not being good enough, allowing a new form of self-expression to emerge.
Practical Tips:
- Explore your creativity: Take time to explore new forms of creative expression. Free yourself from expectations of perfection and allow yourself to experiment and enjoy the creative process.
- Review your romantic relationships: Reflect on your romantic relationships and whether you have tried to control or manipulate the dynamic. Work on letting go of control and allowing love to flow more naturally.
- Connect with your inner child: This is a good time to reconnect with the things that bring you joy and pleasure, as you did in childhood. Let go of inhibitions and allow yourself to enjoy life.
- Heal your relationship with your children: If you have children, review how you relate to them and see if there are expectations or pressures that you could release. Work on fostering a relationship based on support and authenticity.
- Embrace spontaneity: Allow yourself to be more spontaneous in your daily life. Let creativity and pleasure guide your actions without worrying so much about the results.
Pluto in Capricorn in the 6th House
The 6th house in the natal chart is related to daily work, health, service, and routines. With Pluto transiting this house, especially in its last stage in Capricorn, it is a time to deeply review and transform how you manage your daily life, your health, and your relationship with work . This transit can bring to the surface any habits or routines that need to be transformed, especially if you have been holding on to forms of control that are affecting your overall well-being.
You're likely to face a significant transformation in how you approach your work and your health . Pluto invites you to let go of patterns of perfectionism or control in your daily life that could be causing stress or burnout. This is a time to free yourself from the need to control every aspect of your routine and to adopt a more balanced and healthy approach to your day-to-day life.
It can also be a time to review and transform your relationship with service and how you offer yourself to others . This transit asks you to examine whether your dedication to work or service has been healthy or whether there has been an imbalance that needs to be corrected. It's a time to close cycles related to self-destructive habits or the way you manage your daily energy, opening yourself to a more renewed and empowered approach.
Practical Tips:
- Review your routines: Reflect on your daily routines and whether there are habits that need to be transformed. Find a balance that allows you to maintain your well-being without falling into exhaustion.
- Transform your relationship with work: Identify patterns of control or perfectionism in your work life. Work on letting go of the need to control every detail and allow your work to flow more naturally.
- Take care of your health: This is a good time to review how you manage your health and if there are any areas that need attention. Consider changing habits or routines that no longer benefit you.
- Balance service: Review how you offer yourself to others and see if there is an imbalance in the way you give and receive. Work on establishing healthy boundaries that allow you to serve without sacrificing your well-being.
- Close cycles of exhaustion: Identify any habits or patterns that are draining your energy and work on closing them permanently. This is the time to adopt a more sustainable approach in your daily life.
Pluto in Capricorn in the 7th House
The 7th house in the natal chart is related to relationships, partnerships, and long-term commitments. With Pluto transiting this house, especially in its last stage in Capricorn, it is a time to deeply review and transform how you relate to others in the context of your most meaningful relationships. This transit can bring to the surface dynamics of power, control, or dependency in your relationships , inviting you to let go of that which is no longer healthy or has served its purpose.
You're likely to face a significant transformation in how you relate to a partner or any kind of close partnership . Pluto invites you to let go of patterns of control, manipulation, or fear in your relationships , and to open yourself up to a more authentic and balanced way of connecting with others. This is a time to review relationships that have been built on power dynamics or the need to control the other, and to free yourself from those shackles.
This transit can also be a time to heal and transform relationships that have been marked by conflict or crisis . Pluto asks you to examine whether you are holding on to relationships that no longer serve you, and gives you the opportunity to close cycles related to emotional dependency or the need for control . It is a time to allow your relationships to evolve into a healthier and more empowering form, or to free yourself from those that no longer have a place in your life.
Practical Tips:
- Review your relationships: Reflect on your relationships with your partner or close associations. Identify patterns of control or manipulation and work on transforming them to allow for a more authentic connection.
- Let go of the fear of change: Allow yourself to let go of relationships that no longer serve you or that are based on fear or dependency. This is a good time to let go of what does not contribute to your growth.
- Address conflicts constructively: If conflicts arise in your relationships, use this transit to confront them in an honest and transformative way, seeking solutions that allow you to heal and close cycles.
- Promotes equality: Works to establish relationships where power is balanced and where both sides can express themselves and grow equally.
- Close cycles in partnerships: If you have partnerships that are no longer beneficial or have come to an end, now is the time to close them definitively and with a deep understanding of the lessons learned.
Pluto in Capricorn in the 8th House
The 8th house in the natal chart is related to profound transformations, personal power, shared resources, and emotional intimacy. With Pluto transiting this house, especially in its last stage in Capricorn, it is a time to confront and transform deeply rooted aspects of your life , particularly those related to power, deep emotions, and shared resources . This transit can bring to the surface deep fears, hidden secrets, or power dynamics that need to be reviewed and released.
You're likely facing a significant transformation in how you handle power, both in your relationships and in your personal life . Pluto invites you to let go of patterns of control or manipulation that may be affecting your ability to connect intimately and authentically with others . This is a time to review any emotional or financial dependencies you have on others and to free yourself from situations in which you feel trapped or controlled.
This transit can also be a time to explore and heal issues related to emotional intimacy , allowing you to let go of fears or traumas that may have been limiting your ability to connect deeply with others . It is a time to close cycles related to power and transformation, and to open yourself to a new understanding of your own personal power and how you share it emotionally with others.
Practical Tips:
- Explore your relationship with power: Reflect on how you handle power in your life and in your relationships. Identify patterns of control or manipulation and work on transforming them.
- Release deep fears: This is a good time to confront and release fears or traumas that have been hidden, especially in relation to emotional intimacy.
- Review shared resources: If you have shared financial or emotional resources with others, review whether the dynamics are healthy and equitable. Work on letting go of any dependencies that are not beneficial.
- Heal emotional intimacy issues: Take time to heal and transform the way you relate emotionally to others, seeking a deeper and more authentic connection.
- Close transformation cycles: Identify areas of your life where you have experienced profound transformations and work on closing those cycles in a conscious and empowered way.
Pluto in Capricorn in the 9th House
The 9th house in the natal chart is related to mental expansion, higher education, beliefs, philosophy of life, long journeys and the search for truth. With Pluto transiting this house, especially in its last stage in Capricorn, it is a time to deeply review and transform your beliefs and the way you understand and explore the world . This transit can challenge your most deeply held views , inviting you to let go of dogmas or limiting beliefs that no longer serve you.
You are likely to face a significant transformation in how you perceive life and in your approach to knowledge and wisdom . Pluto invites you to let go of any rigid beliefs that have kept you trapped in a limited view of the world. This is a time to open yourself up to new perspectives and to explore new ways of thinking that allow you to grow and evolve. It may also be a time to review and transform your relationship to higher education or travel , and how these have influenced your personal development.
This transit offers you the opportunity to close cycles related to beliefs and philosophies that have been dominant in your life, so that you can move towards a broader and deeper understanding of the world and yourself. It is a call to let go of control over what you believe to be the truth and allow a new understanding to emerge.
Practical Tips:
- Review your beliefs: Reflect on the beliefs and philosophies that have guided your life until now. Identify those that no longer serve you and work on transforming them.
- Explore new perspectives: Open your mind to new ideas, cultures and ways of thinking. This is a good time to broaden your worldview.
- Release your grip on the truth: Let go of the need to have all the answers or to cling to a single truth. Allow yourself to explore and question without fear.
- Transform your relationship with knowledge: If you are involved in higher education, consider whether it is time to change direction or delve deeper into an area of study that you are truly passionate about.
- Close cycles of limiting beliefs: Identify any dogma or limiting belief that has been present in your life and work on closing it consciously.
Pluto in Capricorn in the 10th House
The 10th house in the natal chart is related to career, vocation, reputation, and aspirations in life. With Pluto transiting this house, especially in its last stage in Capricorn, it is a time to deeply review and transform your relationship with success, authority, and the goals you aspire to . This transit can bring to light hidden ambitions, fears related to failure, or power dynamics in your career that need to be confronted and transformed.
You're likely to face a significant transformation in how you pursue your professional aspirations and how you manage your reputation and authority in society. Pluto invites you to let go of any attachment to control or power you've built up in your professional life and to reevaluate what you truly aspire to achieve . This is a time to free yourself from the need to conform to external expectations and to align your professional goals with your most authentic values and desires.
This transit can also be a time to review and transform your relationship with authority , either as an authority figure or in your interactions with the authority figures in your life. It's a time to close cycles related to over-ambition or fear of failure , allowing you to move toward a career path that is more in tune with your true aspirations.
Practical Tips:
- Reassess your aspirations: Reflect on what you really aspire to achieve in your career. Make sure your professional goals are aligned with your authentic values and desires.
- Transform your relationship with power: If you hold a position of authority, consider how you are using that power and whether there are ways to do so more ethically and consciously.
- Release the fear of failure: This is a good time to release the fear of failure and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth in your career.
- Close professional cycles: If you feel that a phase of your career has come to an end, this is the time to consciously close it and prepare yourself for new opportunities.
- Align your goals with your values: Work on aligning your aspirations with what you are truly passionate about and what gives you a sense of satisfaction, rather than following paths dictated by external expectations.
Pluto in Capricorn in the 11th House
The 11th house in the natal chart is related to friendships, groups, long-term goals, and collective ideals. With Pluto transiting this house, especially in its last stage in Capricorn, it is a time to deeply review and transform your relationships with friends, groups, and communities, as well as your long-term dreams and goals. This transit can bring to the surface power dynamics in your social relationships or reveal how your collective aspirations have been shaped by outside influences.
You're likely to face a significant transformation in how you relate to your friends and how you connect with the groups and communities you're a part of. Pluto invites you to let go of any reliance on external validation or the need to control how you're perceived in a social context. This is a time to release relationships that no longer serve you well or are based on unhealthy power dynamics .
Additionally, this transit offers you the opportunity to review and transform your long-term goals . If you have been holding on to dreams that no longer resonate with you or that have been influenced by other people's expectations, now is the time to break free and redefine what you really want to achieve in the future . It is a time to close cycles in your social relationships and in your ideals, allowing you to move forward towards a future that better reflects your true desires and ideals.
Practical Tips:
- Review your friendships: Reflect on your social relationships and whether there are any friendships or groups that no longer provide value to you. Work on letting go of any relationships that are based on power dynamics or dependency.
- Transform your relationship with groups: Consider how you relate to the groups or communities you are part of. This is a good time to look for more authentic connections aligned with your values.
- Release outdated goals: Reassess your long-term goals and consider whether they still resonate with you. Let go of aspirations that no longer motivate you or that were imposed by external expectations.
- Focus on the collective: If you have collective ideals or are involved in social causes, this is a good time to review your focus and make sure it is aligned with your true purpose.
- Close social cycles: Identify any group or community that is no longer in tune with your personal growth and work on consciously closing those cycles.
Pluto in Capricorn in the 12th House
The 12th house in the natal chart is related to the unconscious, dreams, endings, retirement, and spiritual or karmic matters. With Pluto transiting this house, especially in its last stage in Capricorn, it is a time to deeply review and transform the most hidden aspects of your psyche and spiritual life . This transit can bring to light deep fears, subconscious patterns, or unresolved karmas that need to be confronted and released.
You are likely to face a significant transformation in how you handle issues related to the unconscious and spirituality . Pluto invites you to let go of any attachments to patterns of self-destruction, self-deception, or victimization that may be present in your life. This is a time to deeply explore your inner world, confront fears that have been hidden, and work on healing emotional wounds that might be rooted in past experiences or even previous lives .
This transit can also be a time to retreat and reflect , allowing you to connect more deeply with your spirituality and inner self. It is a time to close cycles related to self-destructive behavior patterns or emotional wounds that you have carried with you for a long time. The 12th house, being the house of endings, suggests that this Pluto transit is an opportunity to definitively let go of what no longer serves you, opening yourself to greater inner peace and spiritual rebirth.
Practical Tips:
- Explore your inner world: Take time for introspection and exploring the deeper, hidden aspects of your psyche. This is a good time to work with dreams, meditations or therapies that help you heal and release subconscious fears.
- Release self-destructive patterns: Identify any behaviors or patterns that are sabotaging your well-being and work on releasing them. This transit offers you the opportunity to transform those aspects of your life.
- Connect with the spiritual: Deepen your spiritual practice or find new ways to connect with the divine. This is an ideal time to renew your relationship with the spiritual.
- Retreat and reflect: If you feel the need to be alone or temporarily withdraw from the outside world, allow yourself that space to reflect and heal.
- Close karmic cycles: Work on closing any karmic or emotional cycles that you feel have come to an end. This is a time to release yourself and prepare for a new beginning on the deepest level.
Main Image Credits: Reuters/Brendan McDermid
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