Hora de Materializar, Sin Excusas: Las 3 Revoluciones (o Retornos) de Saturno

Time to Materialize, Without Excuses: The 3 Revolutions (or Returns) of Saturn

Saturn revolutions or returns represent decisive moments in life. Saturn is known as the great teacher and lord of time, limitations, materialization on the physical plane, taking responsibility, our sense of inner authority, maturity, karma, and the law of cause and effect. It completes its orbit around the Sun approximately every 29.5 years. When Saturn returns to the exact degree and minute of the sign in which it is located in our birth chart, a new Saturn revolution occurs. No More Excuses Each revolution of Saturn forces us to leave...

Saturn revolutions or returns represent decisive moments in life. Saturn is known as the great teacher and lord of time, limitations, materialization on the physical plane, taking responsibility, our sense of inner authority, maturity, karma, and the law of cause and effect. It completes its orbit around the Sun approximately every 29.5 years. When Saturn returns to the exact degree and minute of the sign in which it is located in our birth chart, a new Saturn revolution occurs.

No More Excuses

Each revolution of Saturn forces us to leave behind previous stages of our lives and take full control of our destiny. These are moments in which life challenges us to consolidate projects, relationships and decisions that will define our future. Emotionally, these periods can be intense and confronting, as insecurities surface and we must confront our internal limitations.

During these returns, we are driven to hold ourselves accountable, to evaluate in a very realistic way what we have done and what remains to be accomplished. A Saturn return teaches us that it is time for a refreshing dose of reality. It invites us to put excuses and procrastination aside, bravely facing the challenges that are presented to us in order to move on to the next stage of our lives.

Each Saturn revolution reminds us that life is a process of continuous maturation and growth, and that resting on our laurels is now a non-existent possibility. Although these can be difficult and pressure-filled times, they are also opportunities to develop a fuller and more authentic existence. A Saturn revolution calls us to be responsible, to confront our internal limitations, to stop blaming circumstances and to evaluate what we really want to take seriously, guiding us towards a life where our desires and projects materialize with firmness and dedication.

First Revolution of Saturn

First Saturn Revolution (Between 28 and 30 Years of Age)

The first Saturn revolution is like a showcase: it reminds us of everything that Saturn rules, through experiences associated with each of these facets.

Let's hope for lessons associated with:

  • fears
  • Limitations
  • scarcity mentality
  • structures
  • discipline
  • responsibility
  • commitment
  • reputation
  • social role
  • repetition of previously unlearned lessons
  • authority
  • karma
  • inferiority complex.

When Saturn returns for the first time to the exact point where it was at the time of our birth, all these concepts come to us under the premise:

You reap what you sow

For better or worse, Saturn can give us very hard lessons. But let's not think that it is an energy that tries to cause suffering without reason or to make us stagnate. On the contrary, all the tests and lessons that Saturn brings us are for us to overcome our limitations, face our fears and mature.

Saturn demands that we take charge once and for all, recognizing that everything we experience is not the fault of others, but is 100% our responsibility. By integrating this lesson, we become full adults. We manage to master what we were afraid of and we take responsibility for what we must do, knowing that if we make an effort, we will reap abundant fruits that will last over time.

During the first Saturn return, we become aware that we are no longer so young. We have already lived about a third of our lives and realize that time is limited. If we have learned the Saturnian lessons by this point in our lives, the first return will be more bearable. But if we have not, it can be a time of pessimism and disappointment that forces us to confront the structures we have created in our lives that do not allow us to move forward. If we have studied a career or married out of fear or social pressure, it is likely that during the first Saturn return these weak structures will collapse.

The basic effects of this first Saturn return will be related to the sign and house where we have it in our natal chart. The second part of what we can expect from it is by taking a look at our Saturn revolution chart (yes, all planetary revolutions have their own astrological charts that indicate the situations we are going to encounter. Just like a solar return chart.)

Second Revolution of Saturn

Second Revolution of Saturn (Between 58 and 60 Years of Age)

Unlike the first return that we experience around the age of 28 or 30, which is usually a rather difficult period, this one is not as difficult - but that does not mean it will be an easy stage.

When Saturn returns for the second time to the exact point it was at the time of our birth, all the concepts of the “sample” that Saturn presented to us in the first revolution come to us once again, showing us that we are entering into old age reaping exactly what we have sown throughout our life. This age marks a shock of reality and limits, of knowing that now time is running out.

We have the last third of our lives left. What are we going to do with it? We no longer have children to raise and no excuses to keep putting it off. If we try to live what we have left through the achievements of our children and/or loved ones, it will be a bleak phase from now on.

It is time to do an honest retrospective: we know who we are, what we can and cannot do, we know our physical and mental limitations, and based on this we have two options:

1. We feel terribly tired and old and that we have nothing left to do in life.

2. We leave our comfort zone and do something valuable and meaningful for ourselves in this stage we are going through.

If we have left loose ends during our lives; talents that we do not take advantage of, relationships that do us more harm than good, grief that we do not close, unresolved health issues and so on, the second return of Saturn will bring us a low mood. But this discomfort is precisely what drives us to take advantage of every moment and know that it is never too late.

Third Revolution of Saturn

Third Revolution of Saturn (Between 88 and 90 Years of Age)

The third Saturn revolution invites us to reflect deeply on matter and materialization from a perspective of detachment. During this phase, Saturn calls us to leave behind the structures we worked so hard to create. It is a time to evaluate what the manifestation of something tangible in our life meant and what we learned from the physical plane. This revolution teaches us to prepare for an existence where there will be no physical limits.

Saturn reminds us of the crucial role of boundaries in physical life and challenges us to reflect on their purpose. Why does life on the physical plane have limits (and, by extension, endings)? This is a key reflection at this stage. Also, this revolution is marked by the process of marked aging and deterioration of the physical body, which also confronts us with the management of fear: the fear of the unknown, of death, and of what lies beyond the physical plane.

This Saturn revolution can be quite sombre, leading us to confront our deepest, most intangible fears. However, should we live beyond this revolution, it also teaches us the value of solitude and contemplation. As time goes on, many of our contemporaries will no longer be on this plane, and we will learn to find meaning and peace in solitude, appreciating every moment of introspection and stillness.

And just as Saturn has reminded us throughout our lives that we reap what we sow, everything we have sown throughout our life will be reaped in a future incarnation. This is the facet of Saturn that shows us its connection with karma. Thus, this third revolution is also a sowing, preparing the ground for future existences.

Our Saturn Revolution Letter: Indispensable

Each Saturn revolution has its own astrological chart, similar to a solar return. It is not enough to know that you have your Saturn revolution and that your natal Saturn is in the 2nd house, for example. At the exact time and place in the world where you are when Saturn returns to its natal position, a new astrological chart will be created. This specific chart will mark the precise time and place, pointing the way to integrate Saturn's lessons and showing how. That is why it is crucial to know the details of your Saturn revolution chart. Just as it is essential to understand precisely what is inside a solar return chart in order to know what to expect, we need to understand what specific limits and challenges Saturn poses at each new stage. Saturn revolution readings are predictive and provide valuable guidance for navigating these significant periods.

1 comment

Hola, estoy por vivir mi segunda revolución de Saturno. Lo tengo en la casa 7 en mi carta natal, en Piscis. Es decir que hay más que la casa en donde Saturno haga la revolución? Disculpa no sé cómo explicarme. Quiero decir, podría haber más áreas de la vida involucradas en esta revolución, además de la casa 7? Gracias por tu respuesta.
La Casa 8 Astrología:
¡Hola! Si bien durante tu revolución de Saturno, Saturno estará transitando tu casa 7, su posición en tu carta de revolución de Saturno es otra historia. En ella podrías tenerlo en la casa 9 por ejemplo, y podrías esperarte temáticas asociadas a esa casa (ademas del significado “basal” de tu Saturno natal en casa 7). Entonces, sí, la carta de revolución de Saturno te muestra su influencia en otras áreas de tu vida. Espero que esto te ayude 🙂


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