Introducción a Los Aspectos en Astrología

Introduction to Aspects in Astrology

In astrology we work with the celestial sphere, which is a representation of the sky divided into 360 degrees . The ecliptic is located within it, the apparent path that the Sun follows and where the zodiac is located. Within these 360 ​​degrees, the planets, asteroids and other important points are in constant motion , continuously forming angles with each other. However, not all angles formed between these elements have the same impact or meaning. Astrology focuses on certain specific angles that are considered significant in interpreting and understanding the...

In astrology we work with the celestial sphere, which is a representation of the sky divided into 360 degrees . The ecliptic is located within it, the apparent path that the Sun follows and where the zodiac is located. Within these 360 ​​degrees, the planets, asteroids and other important points are in constant motion , continuously forming angles with each other.

However, not all angles formed between these elements have the same impact or meaning. Astrology focuses on certain specific angles that are considered significant in interpreting and understanding the interaction between the energies of the planets and points in an astrological chart. These angles, known as aspects , are what allow us to study how planetary energies combine, enhance or challenge each other, and are fundamental to making an accurate interpretation of any astrological chart.

Subdivision of the Celestial Sphere

The Subdivision of the Celestial Sphere

The aspects that generate the greatest impact in astrology are those formed by dividing the 360-degree celestial sphere into multiples of 2 or 3 . These divisions create specific angles that are considered especially significant, as they produce geometric patterns that mark key points of energetic interaction. For example, dividing the sphere into multiples of 2 forms angles such as the opposition (180 degrees) and the square (90 degrees) , while dividing into multiples of 3 creates aspects such as the trine (120 degrees) . These angles are essential in astrological analysis, as their energies tend to manifest most noticeably in the dynamics and experiences that people live.

Although it is also possible to divide the celestial sphere into 5, 7 or 9 parts to form other aspects, these are less common subdivisions and their influence is generally more subtle compared to the main aspects derived from divisions into multiples of 2 or 3.

Major and Minor Aspects

One way to subdivide aspects in astrology is into major aspects and minor aspects . Major aspects , also known as Ptolemaic aspects , include the conjunction (0 degrees), opposition (180 degrees), square (90 degrees), trine (120 degrees), and sextile (60 degrees) . These aspects are considered major because their energies are more noticeable and tend to bring about significant events or influences in a person's life.

On the other hand, minor or non-Ptolemaic aspects are angles that, although less influential, provide important nuances in an astrological chart. These include the semi-square (45 degrees), the inconjunction or quincunx (150 degrees) and the sesqui-square (135 degrees), among others. Although their effects may be more subtle and are not always as evident as those of the major aspects, minor aspects enrich the interpretation by revealing dynamics and tensions that could go unnoticed in a superficial analysis.

Good and Bad

Harmonics and Dynamics, Good and Bad?

Another subdivision of astrological aspects distinguishes between harmonic aspects and dynamic aspects , a categorization that has been around for millennia, and is still relevant in modern astrology. Harmonious aspects , such as trine and sextile, are characterized by fluidity and ease in the interplay of planetary energies, while dynamic aspects , such as square and opposition, generate tension and challenges that invite growth and adaptation.

The problem arises when a value judgment is attached to this division, interpreting harmonic aspects as “good” or “favorable” and dynamic aspects as “bad” or “unfavorable.” This type of interpretation can limit our ability to take advantage of the true potential that both types of aspects offer. Harmonic aspects, although they make things easier, can lead us to inaction if we do not use them consciously. On the other hand, dynamic aspects, if understood correctly, can be a powerful source of transformation and evolution. Thus, both harmonic and dynamic aspects can be positive or negative, depending on how we work with their energies and the focus we give them.

Do We All Have Aspects in Our Natal Charts?

Yes, of course. We all have aspects in our birth charts, and most commonly these include both harmonic aspects and dynamic aspects , as well as major aspects and minor aspects . This combination of aspect types is not only common in birth charts, but is also constantly found in the sky. Whether we are looking at a planetary revolution chart, a progression chart, or any other type of astrological chart, these types of aspects will always be present. What varies, if anything, is the proportion in which they manifest, as each chart and each specific moment has its own unique energetic configuration.


"Conversation" and Combination

Aspects, in addition to relating the energies of the planets, intermingle them and influence each other. When we look at an astrological chart of any kind and see two planets or points making an aspect, what happens is that these energies not only “converse,” but also integrate and transform each other . For example, if the Moon is in aspect with Mars, the Moon’s energy is “martered,” acquiring Martian characteristics, while Mars is “lunarized,” adopting lunar nuances. The way these energies combine depends on the type of aspect that unites them. If, for example, it is a square, this interaction will be more intense and sparkling, generating challenges that invite action or adjustment. On the other hand, if it is a trine, the combination will be more fluid and calm, allowing both energies to support each other. Each aspect has its own potential, gifts and challenges, and understanding how these energies intertwine is essential to making the most of their possibilities in an astrological interpretation.

Bonus Track: Applicative and Separative Aspects

Another categorization of astrological aspects is based on whether they are in the process of forming or dissolving. These are referred to as applicative and separative aspects. An applicative aspect is one in which two planets are approaching an exact angle, suggesting that the energy of that aspect is growing in intensity and is preparing to manifest strongly. On the other hand, a separative aspect occurs when the planets have already reached the exact angle and are moving away, indicating that the influence of the aspect is waning. This distinction is useful in understanding what phase of manifestation the energy of an aspect is in and how it can influence the experiences and processes a person is going through. However, this is a topic we will explore in more depth in future blog posts.

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