La Próxima Revolución de Júpiter de Venezuela (2024 y 2025)

Venezuela's Next Jupiter Revolution (2024 and 2025)

Jupiter revolutions represent a significant cycle that occurs approximately every 12 years, when Jupiter returns to the same position it occupied in the natal chart of a country or individual. In mundane astrology this transit symbolizes a period of expansion, growth and opportunity in the areas that Jupiter rules, such as justice, law, education, religion and international relations. During a Jupiter revolution, a country may experience a renewed focus on legal and judicial issues, political or legal reforms, and an increase in international visibility. This transit may also be associated...

Jupiter revolutions represent a significant cycle that occurs approximately every 12 years, when Jupiter returns to the same position it occupied in the natal chart of a country or individual. In mundane astrology this transit symbolizes a period of expansion, growth and opportunity in the areas that Jupiter rules, such as justice, law, education, religion and international relations.

During a Jupiter revolution, a country may experience a renewed focus on legal and judicial issues, political or legal reforms, and an increase in international visibility. This transit may also be associated with economic growth and cultural development. However, Jupiter amplifies what it encounters, so it may also magnify existing problems if not managed properly.

Thus, Jupiter revolutions mark a time of opportunity for expansion and positive change, but they can also highlight challenges that require attention and resolution. This cycle is an opportunity for nations to align their structures and policies with principles of justice and equity.

Jupiter Revolution Previous: Maduro Comes to Power

In the Venezuelan Jupiter Revolution that began on May 16, 2013, the Ascendant was in Taurus, in almost exact conjunction with the Sun in Taurus . In mundane astrology, the Sun represents the leader or ruler, emphasizing the central role of Nicolás Maduro in this period. The position of the Sun conjunct Mars in the 12th House suggests the presence of a martial (the military is ruled by Mars) and occult energy, indicating possible behind-the-scenes conflicts and tensions that drove the power shifts. The 12th House is known for ruling occult affairs, secrets, and activities that are not publicly visible, which may have contributed to an environment of manipulation and control behind the scenes, in which the military is a key part.

In addition to the Sun, in the 1st House there are Mercury in Gemini and Venus in Gemini, both square to Neptune in Pisces in the 10th House . This square indicates possible confusions or illusions related to the public image of the government and official communications. Neptune in the 10th House can signal a distorted or misleading perception of the real national situation, modifying the reputation of the country and affecting the transparency of the leadership.

In the Jupiter Revolution of 2013, Jupiter was unaspected in the 1st House , a configuration that symbolizes an energy that can operate without restraint or regulation, leading to extreme manifestations. This lack of aspects can cause Jupiter's influence to be amplified and uncontrolled, especially in areas related to justice and the country's philosophy of life. During this revolution, Jupiter was also ruler of the 8th House (associated with transformations and crises) and the 11th House (related to parliament and other collective organizations).

In the context of the legal situation in Venezuela during this time, Nicolás Maduro's rise to power was marked by the broad use of executive powers and the manipulation of laws to consolidate his control. A notable feature was the convening and use of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC) , which was created without proper popular consultation and operated outside the established legal framework. This ANC assumed legislative powers, displacing the elected parliament and eliminating the independence of the judiciary . This action marked a near-total collapse of the rule of law in the country, allowing the decisions and actions of the Maduro government to have virtually no effective legal or constitutional opposition.

Jupiter Revolution 2024: Transformation in Three Stages

For the Jupiter Revolution of 2024, Venezuela will experience three Jupiter revolutions. This phenomenon occurs because Jupiter first crosses the point where Venezuela has its Jupiter (degree 20°46' of Gemini) in direct motion, then it will retrograde over the same point during its retrograde phase, and finally it crosses it once again when it moves forward in direct motion.

These three revolutions indicate a continuing and profound process of review and adjustment. The first revolution marks the beginning of new beginnings and expansions, while the second, during the retrograde phase, offers an opportunity to reflect and re-evaluate previous decisions. The third revolution, when Jupiter returns to direct motion, represents the consolidation of changes and a renewed focus on the revised issues.

For Venezuela, these three revolutions will be spaced out until the end of April 2025. This protracted process suggests a period of significant change and adjustment in key areas, especially in justice and public policy. It is a period of gradual evolution, where each phase brings with it opportunities for growth and course correction in response to lessons learned.

First Revolution: September 20, 2024

First Jupiter Revolution Venezuela
First Jupiter Revolution of Venezuela (09/20/2024 17:58, Caracas, Venezuela).

In the first Jupiter Revolution, the Ascendant is in Pisces , which indicates that this phase will be the most confusing of the three revolutions . Although Pisces as an energy has many positive things, in the context of the current crisis in Venezuela we are most likely to see its darker side. Thus, Pisces is associated with confusion, chaos and disorientation, and the feeling that everything is undefined.

Pisces’ modern ruler, Neptune, is retrograde in the 1st House , opposite the Sun in Virgo in the 7th House . The fact that Neptune is retrograde suggests that there will be no quick or clear solutions during this period. Retrograde planets typically imply a slower process and a need for introspection and revision, meaning that this confusion and disorientation will be prolonged.

The opposition of retrograde Neptune to the Sun in the 7th House suggests that during this first phase of the Jupiter Revolution, the focus of the Venezuelan government will likely be more directed toward its relations with other countries than toward resolving internal problems. This astrological configuration indicates a tendency to prioritize the management of foreign relations, whether to strengthen alliances, cut ties, or manage the country's international image.

Following the election, there have been signs that Venezuela may be more concerned with its position on the global stage and how its actions are perceived internationally, rather than addressing pressing domestic challenges. This may include efforts to manage international criticism or sanctions, adjust foreign policies, or even cut diplomatic relations. The opposition between Neptune and the Sun reflects a potential disconnect between internal needs and external actions, where the government could be using its energy and resources to try to control the narrative and foreign relations, leaving solving critical domestic problems on the back burner.

Protests in Venezuela Saucepans
Credits: TN

Additionally, Mercury in Virgo in the 7th House is in opposition to Saturn retrograde in Pisces in the 12th House , highlighting themes of censorship and limitations in communication. This configuration indicates that information may be restricted or distorted, and that efforts to communicate clearly and effectively will continue to face significant barriers. Saturn retrograde suggests a review of past matters and possible secrets or hidden issues that may complicate the situation.

Jupiter is conjunct the Imum Coeli (IC) , a key point representing a country's roots and home, as well as its deepest foundations and the earth itself. This position suggests a review and possible restructuring of the country's fundamental bases, affecting both its identity and its internal stability.

Jupiter in this position is square to Mercury on the Descendant , indicating possible tensions in communication and relationships with others, especially regarding issues of justice and legality. This square can manifest as challenges in negotiations or conflicts related to information and communication, whether internal or external.

Furthermore, Mars is positioned in the 4th House , which rules the home and national roots, and forms a square to the lunar nodes , indicating a karmic crossroads and challenges related to the country's past and future. The square to the nodes indicates a period of strong domestic instability, which in extreme cases may include civil unrest or internal conflicts, such as a civil war.

This configuration also suggests conflicts perhaps related to ownership or control of resources, which are bound to be confronted and resolved during this period. These aspects signal a critical moment for Venezuela, where energies are pushing towards a reexamination and possible transformation of its fundamental structures and its relations with the outside world.

Second Revolution: October 27, 2024

Second Jupiter Revolution of Venezuela

Second Jupiter Revolution of Venezuela (10/27/2024 09:43, Caracas, Venezuela).

In Venezuela's second Jupiter Revolution, the Ascendant is at 21°36' Sagittarius, emphasizing thermals related to law, justice, and international relations. The Sabian symbol corresponding to the 21° degree of Sagittarius is Sagittarius 22, "a Chinese laundry." This symbol is associated with staying within one's own cultural and traditional boundaries, without much openness to external influences. It is a symbol that reflects a tendency toward introspection and maintaining one's own cultural identity, resisting significant changes or external influences, so applying it to this Jupiter Revolution suggests that there will not be significant external changes even with respect to the Maduro regime.

Sabian symbols have a symbolic interpretation but can also deliver literal messages, so the Ascendant in "a Chinese laundry" could have a literal connotation, hinting at a possible central role for China at this stage , whether through investments, political support, or strategic alliances.

In this second Jupiter Revolution of Venezuela, Jupiter is unaspected and retrograde . Although an unaspected planet can indicate unbridled expansion, the fact that it is retrograde is another element that tells us of a more introspective and reflective influence, little given to external change.

The fact that Jupiter is unaspected suggests that there are issues associated with law, ethics, and international relations that have been put off or neglected for a long time. This may imply that during this phase, a backlog of unresolved issues or situations related to Venezuela's legal framework and foreign relations will be revealed. The process of reviewing and addressing these issues could be more challenging and slow due to Jupiter's retrograde nature.

Protests in Venezuela

Credits: Reuters

This revolution, like the first one with Mars square the lunar nodes, presents a notably violent characteristic. Mars is in the 8th House , a placement that rules themes of profound transformation, shared resources, and often deaths and crisis situations. Mars, the planet of aggression and conflict, is in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn in the 2nd House , which represents the hidden powers regarding the country's finances and material resources.

The opposition between Mars and Pluto suggests a dynamic of conflict and power, with possible intense and violent struggles related to resources and the economy. This aspect can manifest itself in financial tensions, disputes over control of resources and, potentially, internal conflicts affecting the stability of the country. The 8th House, associated with death and regeneration, indicates that these conflicts can lead to deep and painful transformations.

The last transit of Pluto through Capricorn brings us, on a global level, the fall of hierarchical structures and the transformation of old forms of power, so this second Jupiter Revolution occurs in this context. This last stay of Pluto in Capricorn will not be easy for the world, so added to the opposition with Mars in this Jupiter Revolution, it is practically a fact that we will see an exacerbation of internal conflicts and tensions related to power and resources. If the energies of this cycle are used constructively, they will give way to new power dynamics (which we hope will be healthier than those that Venezuela currently has).

Third Revolution: April 27, 2025

Third Jupiter Revolution of Venezuela

Third Jupiter Revolution of Venezuela (04/27/2025 20:58, Caracas, Venezuela).

In the third Jupiter Revolution for Venezuela the Ascendant is again in Sagittarius , which keeps the focus on issues of justice, law and international affairs . But, this time the Ascendant is located at degree 11°10' of the sign, with the corresponding Sabian symbol being Sagittarius 12: "a flag that turns into an eagle; the eagle sings greeting the dawn." This symbol suggests a strong sense of transformation and awakening of a new era .

The image of a flag transforming into an eagle symbolizes a shift in identity or perspective, signaling a time when a collective (represented by the flag) is elevated to a new understanding or state of being (represented by the eagle). The eagle, known for its keen eyesight and ability to fly high, symbolizes clarity, vision, and freedom. The fact that the eagle sings in greeting at dawn suggests a new beginning, an awakening to new possibilities or truths .

For Venezuela, this symbol can indicate a time of clarity and revelation, where the country could experience a significant transformation in its identity or direction. It is a symbol of hope and renewal , suggesting that after a period of confusion or challenge, there may be an emergence of a new understanding or a new direction.

Unlike the second Jupiter Revolution, this time Jupiter is direct , indicating the potential for the internal changes of the two previous revolutions to begin to manifest themselves clearly in the political situation of the country. Jupiter is again in the 7th House in the third Revolution, which represents relations with other countries and partnerships.

Also, in this third revolution , Jupiter is in square with the lunar nodes , indicating a point of tension and karmic challenge. The lunar nodes, which represent the path of destiny and the challenges to overcome on a spiritual level, suggest that Venezuela's foreign relations and international agreements will be at a critical point. This square can manifest situations of conflict or difficult decisions that will affect the future direction of the country.

Venezuela faces the possibility of taking a leap of faith, of eliminating excesses and of risking thinking about its laws and ethics in a new way . The presence of Jupiter in the 7th House suggests that this process will be strongly influenced by partnerships and dynamics with other countries. It is a time to consider new alliances and redefine international relations with a focus on justice and truth.

Despite the opportunities this configuration presents, the country will need to be patient, as this transformation will not happen immediately. It will take time for the changes in this configuration to fully manifest, and Venezuela will need to navigate carefully to ensure that these new directions are sustainable and beneficial in the long term.

On the other hand, in this third Jupiter Revolution the opposition of Mars and Pluto appears again, but with Mars in Leo in the 8th House and ** Pluto in Aquarius in the 2nd House , both in fixed signs . This configuration not only underlines the conflict between the elites and authorities (Leo) and the people (Aquarius), but also indicates a significant inflexibility on both sides. Fixed signs are known for their resistance to change, suggesting that during this phase there will be great difficulty in adapting and accepting new realities or necessary transformations.

The position of Mars in Leo can represent power figures holding on tightly to their positions, while Pluto in Aquarius can symbolise the people's desire to transform and reveal hidden truths, particularly around resources and economic power. However, the fixed nature of these signs indicates considerable resistance to these changes, both from the authorities and the population.

This implies that during this latest Jupiter Revolution, there will be intense and long-lasting tension . Inflexibility on the part of the parties involved could make the transformation process more difficult and prolonged. In order for a new stage to truly begin in Venezuela, it will be crucial to find ways to overcome this resistance and allow the necessary transformations to develop effectively. The hardness and persistence of the fixed energies mean that any change that occurs will be profound and long-lasting, but also that the path to that change will be full of challenges and resistance.

PDVSA, Venezuelan Oil Industry
Venezuelan Oil Industry. Credits: PDVSA

And finally, this third Jupiter Revolution will have a New Moon in Taurus in the 5th and 6th Houses. The New Moon phase always suggests new beginnings, so this is another auspicious element for change to occur in the country. However, there is a square from the Sun to Pluto and Mars , highlighting possible conflicts related to oil extraction . Taurus, a sign associated with material resources and financial stability, and Pluto, which rules what is extracted from beneath the earth, suggest that the management of natural resources, especially oil, will be a critical issue during this period.

Furthermore, this configuration highlights Venezuela's need to re-evaluate its sense of worth and value , seeking a new stability that aligns with a more conscious and sustainable management of its resources. The influence of Taurus on this New Moon suggests that it is a time to focus on what really matters and to build a solid foundation for the future, both in terms of material and values. Taurus is a peaceful and stable sign, so the potential of this third cycle is definitely positive with regard to the resolution of this very long crisis that the country has been going through over the years.

1 comment

Que impresionante, lo que escribiste de la primera revolución de Jupiter ya se está cumpliendo, Dios quiera que finalmente podamos liberarnos del dict🅰️dor y volvamos a ser un pueblo libre y prospero Saludos de una venezolana en Miami, te felicito por tu contenido
La Casa 8 Astrología:
Mil gracias por tu feedback positivo Marylisa 🙏🏻Sí, es frecuente que las temáticas presentes en una revolución de un planeta comiencen a mostrarse meses antes de que la revolución como tal se produzca. En el caso de las revoluciones largas como las de Júpiter, estas temáticas pueden comenzar a verse hasta un año antes. Afortunadamente Venezuela tendrá la oportunidad de cambiar su gobierno durante este nuevo ciclo de Júpiter.Un abrazo y mucha fuerza. 🤍🇻🇪


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