Luna Llena en Acuario del 19 de Agosto 2024: El Gran Despertar

Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024: The Great Awakening

"None of us know all the potential that lies dormant in the spirit of the population, or all the ways the population can surprise us when the right interaction of events occurs." - Vaclav Havel The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19 is by far the most explosive, unpredictable and transformative of the year . It will occur at 27°15' of the sign. During it, many things will be happening simultaneously: Uranus at 27° Taurus will be making an exact square to the Sun in Leo and the Moon...

"None of us know all the potential that lies dormant in the spirit of the population, or all the ways the population can surprise us when the right interaction of events occurs."

- Vaclav Havel

The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19 is by far the most explosive, unpredictable and transformative of the year . It will occur at 27°15' of the sign. During it, many things will be happening simultaneously:

  • Uranus at 27° Taurus will be making an exact square to the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius ; that is, we have a T square.
  • The Sun will be conjunct Mercury retrograde in Leo.
  • There will be another T-square; between Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Virgo and Saturn in Pisces.
  • This is the last lunation we will have before Pluto returns to Capricorn (between September and November), also for the last time.

This lunation will affect us all, but its impact will be greater if you have planets or angles between 25°-29° of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius).

Full Moon in Aquarius August 19, 2024

Full Moon in Aquarius, August 19, 2024. Software: Luna

Aquarius: Committing to That Vision for the Future

This is an extremely volatile lunation that invites us to close chapters and face revelations that have been maturing within us, and that now is the time to express on a personal and collective level. Aquarius, being a fixed air sign, is associated with forward-thinking, innovation, and the desire to persist in order to change traditional structures . This energy is in tension with the Sun in Leo, a fixed fire sign that represents self-expression, confidence, and the desire to shine with authenticity . The opposition between these two signs sets a stage where the clash between the futuristic vision and the desire for self-affirmation becomes inevitable.

The fixed T-square (Sun, Moon and Uranus) that forms during this Full Moon brings with it a time of profound revelations and challenges that cannot be ignored. The energies of Aquarius and Leo, represented by the Moon and the Sun respectively, are in opposition that invites us to integrate and balance our visions of the future with our authenticity and confidence in who we are . However, this integration will not be easy, as Uranus in Taurus, forming the tip of the T-square, introduces a radical tension that requires us to rethink our fundamental values. As a side note, Uranus rules storms, lightning, the sky and electromagnetic waves; we can expect climatic, telluric and internet anomalies, as well as high anxiety and nervous tension on a personal and collective level. It is important that we are aware of our emotional state, and take measures that allow us to feel rooted and calm, from within.

Uranus and the Weather

This fixed T-square means that while the Moon in Aquarius pushes us to look to the future with an innovative perspective and the Sun in Leo pushes us to express our essence with confidence, both energies are limited by the resistance to change that is characteristic of fixed signs . Known for their tenacious nature and aversion to flexibility, these three fixed energies—Aquarius, Leo, and Taurus—make this T-square especially complex , as none of them are willing to give in easily. As a result, we will be forced to make concessions, integrating what the Moon and the Sun symbolize, while facing the pressure of Uranus urging us to question and transform what we have considered stable in our lives. To get to these questions, expect major revelations . These revelations will shake our emotional foundations, pushing us toward change. After this lunation, things will never be the same again.

Thus, the pressure exerted by Uranus in Taurus in this T-square leads us to ask ourselves: What has been the stability that we have known until now, both on a personal and collective level? This configuration confronts us with the need to culminate that which has been limiting us in terms of our authenticity, our confidence and our capacity for self-expression. But it also pushes us to reconsider our vision of the future and how we want it to be. If we want to live peacefully and authentically in the years to come, we need to rethink what is necessary now .

Thus, this Sun-Moon-Uranus configuration can bring to the surface the uncomfortable truth that, in some respects, there is a possibility that we have been sailing on autopilot , without really proactively committing to what we want to build in the future. It could signal to us that perhaps we have let ourselves be carried away by routine and stress, without stopping to reflect deeply on where we want to go. The tension of this T-square pushes us to face this reality and make conscious decisions about the direction we want to follow.

From this lunation onwards, the world is likely to change significantly, and it will no longer be what we knew or what gave us security. It is better to accept the situation now than later . As we mentioned before, fixed signs cling and avoid change, so this task will not be easy. We need to open our hearts to new possibilities, knowing that we are not islands within this world and that if we work together for the common good, changes will begin to manifest.

Corresponding Sabian Symbol: Aquarius 28, "A tree felled and cut down."

This lunation occurs in the Sabian symbol for Aquarius 28 , which represents a tree being felled and cut into pieces. This symbol, in its most abstract dimension, invites us to reflect on the need to prepare for the future and to be cautious. The tree, surely felled and cut in spring - long before the arrival of winter - symbolizes foresight in the face of difficult times that we know will inevitably come. It reminds us of the importance of anticipating what is to come, of preparing now to avoid being trapped when the most challenging situations arise.

In its literal dimension, this symbol can also refer to the fall or destruction of something that has been standing for a long time . A large tree, with deep roots, that has grown and strengthened over the years, is cut down and cut into its components, dismembered, reduced to ground level. This act, however, is not simply an overthrow, but a transformation with a greater purpose. The tree, by being divided and used, serves the community in a more equitable, more transparent, and more egalitarian way. This symbol speaks to us of the need to dismantle old structures that have been present for a long time , not to destroy for the sake of destroying, but to redistribute resources and meet the needs of society more fairly and efficiently.

Of course, this symbol also has deep resonances in the political realm . It is inevitable that we will see manifestations of this energy in the dynamics that are occurring and will continue around this date. Structures that have been standing for a long time could face a process of dismantling.

Conjunction of the Sun with Mercury Retrograde in Leo

During this lunation, the Sun in Leo will be conjunct Mercury retrograde, adding an extra layer of complexity to the events that will unfold. This planetary configuration suggests a need to express ourselves (and do so), but then retract or have to keep quiet. The world environment is already very volatile, and this particular day may leave us speechless with unexpected developments that defy our expectations .

Mercury retrograde, conjunct the Sun, indicates that many of the changes we see or have to implement will not be definitive at first . Amid the global transformation we are witnessing, structural changes are destined to stay, but within the scheme of details, some decisions or communications are likely to be reviewed, corrected, or even reversed . This is especially relevant in the political realm, where decisions made under the influence of this lunation could be reexamined and modified as new information or circumstances develop. So, although change is inevitable, we must be prepared for a dynamic process, where what is announced today might not be what ultimately holds in the near future.

Mercury Retrograde in Leo

T-Square in Mutable Signs

A mutable T-square also forms this lunation, introducing an additional level of tension and volatility. This T-square includes Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn retrograde in Pisces , both square Mars and Jupiter in Gemini .

Venus in Virgo seeks practical and functional solutions ; it does not like to waste time on unnecessary complications. The energy of Virgo encourages solving situations in a direct and effective manner, without going around in circles too much. However, the presence of Saturn retrograde in Pisces slows down this impulse, creating limitations and delays that prevent moving forward quickly and efficiently . This generates a feeling of frustration, since planets in Virgo - which tend to be impatient - are forced to deal with obstacles that they cannot easily overcome.

Furthermore, the square to Mars and Jupiter in Gemini adds an extra layer of volatility and impatience to the mix. Mars in Gemini wants to act fast, while Jupiter amplifies this need to move and change. However, the limitations imposed by Saturn and the mutable nature of the signs involved can cause situations to change quickly and unexpectedly , blocking our efforts.

These blockages can be due to a variety of reasons, from personal limitations to climatic or social issues. Mutable signs are associated with adaptation and change, but in this case, the scattered and fluctuating energy can generate frustration when we try to move forward and encounter unforeseen barriers.

Full Moon in Aquarius Revelations

This Full Moon Will Be A Pivotal Moment For:


On the same day of this lunation, the Democratic National Convention will be taking place. In the US natal chart, the Moon is at 27° Aquarius, so this lunation will be in exact conjunction with it. The Moon's nodes - in Aries and Libra at this time - will be making a trine to the US lunar nodes - North Node in Leo and South Node in Aquarius. Something important (and probably shocking ) will happen on this day, representing a turning point for the country.

Kamala Harris

In Kamala Harris’s case, the Moon at 27° Aquarius forms an exact sextile to her natal Moon at 27° Aries, while this lunation’s Sun at 27° Leo makes an exact sextile to her natal Sun at 27° Libra. These alignments create an astrological pattern known as a mystic rectangle , which often indicates a time of great potential and balance, when opposing and complementary energies harmonize to offer significant opportunities for growth and transformation.

However, it is likely that what happens today for her, possibly at the Democratic Convention, will experience a reversal or change due to the presence of Mercury retrograde during this lunation, added to other factors that we have analyzed in detail in the entry dedicated to the astrology of Kamala Harris, which you can visit at this link .

Donald Trump

For Donald Trump, this Full Moon in Aquarius presents itself as a complicated lunation with unfavorable aspects . This lunation falls at the end of his 6th house, the house that rules health, suggesting that abrupt and erratic revelations related to his physical well-being could arise. Given the unexpected and radical nature of this lunation, it is likely that situations related to his health that have not been evident until now will come to light.

Furthermore, the retrograde Sun-Mercury conjunction in Leo makes an exact conjunction to his natal Mars and is very close to his Ascendant, at the end of his 12th house and the beginning of his 1st house. The Sun, related to the heart , and Mars, which rules the blood , together with Aquarius, which is associated with circulation, form a worrying combination . Added to this is the fact that Uranus, in the T-square of this lunation, falls on Trump’s Midheaven, which could indicate unexpected and disruptive changes in his public life and career.

As if that weren't enough, the Moon's nodes are square his natal Mercury, adding an extra layer of tension and challenge. And to complicate matters further, Saturn is squaring his natal Sun, the ruler of his chart, which relates directly to his physical body, as well as squaring his natal Moon. All of this set of astrological aspects does not bode well for Trump during this lunation. All of these configurations give a bad feeling about his health , suggesting that he could face serious complications in this area, as well as significant challenges in his public life.  For more information on Donald Trump's astrology, you can check it out at this link .

Joe Biden

This Full Moon will have a major impact for Joe Biden as it falls conjunct his South Node. This implies a closure, diminishment, or loss of something in his life. Being in his 3rd House, which rules communication, ideas, and close connections, this transit could signal a time when Biden needs to let go of old thought patterns or ways of communicating that no longer serve him. This is a period of culmination where he could be forced to let go of certain approaches or relationships that have served their purpose in his personal and public evolution.


Argentina, like the United States, has the Moon at 27° Aquarius, but in the 12th house. Thus, this Full Moon falls on Argentina's natal Moon. This lunation will bring many hidden matters to light , revealing situations that have been in the shadows for a long time. In addition, the 12th house is also associated with endings , indicating that there could be a significant closing of cycles in key areas of the country.

On the other hand, Uranus of this lunation is very close to the Sun and the Imum Coeli of Argentina, which is particularly relevant because the Sun rules authorities, such as the president and the figure of leadership in general . This aspect suggests that there could be unexpected or disruptive changes related to leadership and power structures in the country , which could have a profound effect on the direction Argentina takes in the near future. The combination of these factors makes this lunation a time of profound revelations for the country.


This Full Moon will have a profound impact on Venezuela. Falling right on the Imum Coeli , with the Sun conjunct the Midheaven and Uranus conjunct the Descendant, shocks to the fundamental structure of Venezuela are anticipated. This could bring significant revelations about the country’s internal state and international relations, at a time when the Maduro regime is being deeply questioned. The energy of this lunation can act as a catalyst, bringing to light inconceivable truths and triggering changes that reshape the nation’s future.

This Full Moon is the opportune moment for:

Open yourself to surprises

Recognize that you are not in complete control of things and that life can take unexpected turns. Allow yourself to accept and adapt to the changes that come your way.

Reflect on your contribution to the community

Take this moment to become aware of how you are contributing to the well-being of society and whether your role is aligned with a larger purpose.

Think outside the box

This is an opportunity to challenge your habitual ways of thinking and explore innovative ideas and solutions that better fit the current reality.

Release the need to cling to the past

This is the perfect time to let go of outdated patterns and prepare for the new that is to come.

Direct your attention beyond yourself

In the face of transformation and chaos, developing flexibility will allow us to better adapt to changing circumstances and find new ways to move forward.

Recognize the areas of your life that need change

Identify where you have been resisting change and consider how you can enable transformation to occur more easily.

Connect with the future you want

Visualize how you want your life to be in the coming years and take concrete actions that will bring you closer to that vision.

Visualize the areas in which you have let yourself go

Reflect on those parts of your life where you have lost drive or motivation and decide how you can rekindle your commitment to them.

Embrace uncertainty with confidence

Instead of fearing the unknown, embrace uncertainty with the confidence that the changes ahead, though they may be abrupt, are here to lead you to a better destination.

The 12 Houses of the Natal Chart

What Revelations and Rebellions Can You Expect in the House of Your Natal Chart Where This Lunation Falls?

These will be the themes that will be activated in your life so that you can leave behind what is comfortable and open yourself to the new and unexpected (you have to look at which house of your birth chart the 27°15' degree of Aquarius is in, that is where the Full Moon will fall).

House 1: Identity and Personal Appearance

If the Full Moon falls in your 1st house, it will illuminate aspects related to your identity, your appearance, and how you present yourself to the world. The 1st house is the area of ​​life that governs your personality and the impression you make on others, so this lunation could mark a moment of culmination or revelation in these areas.

This Full Moon invites you to reflect on who you are and how you are showing yourself to the world. You may feel the need to make adjustments to your image or the way you project yourself so that it better reflects your true essence and personal evolution. It is a good time to free yourself from any masks or appearances that no longer resonate with you, allowing you to be more authentic in your personal expression.

Additionally, this lunation in the 1st house can bring intense emotions to the surface related to your sense of identity. You could experience greater self-knowledge, leading you to make important decisions about how you want to be perceived and what direction you wish to take in your life. This is a time to assert your individuality and ensure that you are living in accordance with your deepest values ​​and desires.

House 2: Finance and Values

If the Full Moon falls in your 2nd house, it will illuminate aspects related to your resources, finances, personal values ​​and self-esteem. The 2nd house governs what we value, both materially and personally, and how we manage our resources to feel secure and stable.

This lunation could bring important revelations about how you manage your finances and how you value what you possess. You could realize that certain ways of managing your resources are no longer sustainable or aligned with your true priorities, which will lead you to rethink your relationship with money and material goods. It's a good time to evaluate whether your spending and savings truly reflect what you consider important in your life.

Additionally, the 2nd house is also related to self-esteem and a sense of personal worth. This Full Moon could reveal areas in which you need to strengthen your self-confidence and recognize your intrinsic value. You might feel the need to free yourself from limiting beliefs about money and abundance, adopting an approach more aligned with your authenticity and current needs.

House 3: Communication and Learning

If the Full Moon falls in your 3rd house, it will illuminate aspects related to communication, close environment, siblings and learning. The 3rd house governs the way we exchange ideas, how we express ourselves on a daily level and our interactions with the closest people in our daily environment.

This lunation could bring important revelations regarding how you communicate and connect with others. You might realize that certain forms of expression or communication patterns are no longer effective, which will lead you to rethink the way you relate to those around you. It's a good time to review how you share your thoughts and whether what you say is aligned with your true intentions and feelings.

Additionally, the 3rd house is also related to learning and curiosity, so this Full Moon could mark a culmination point in your studies or in acquiring new knowledge. You might feel the need to expand your mind and take a more innovative and open approach to the information you consume and share.

As for relationships with siblings, neighbors, or people close to you, this lunation could bring to the surface situations that need to be addressed or resolved. You could find yourself revisiting old conversations or reconsidering how you connect with these people in your daily life.

House 4: Home and Family

If the Full Moon falls in your 4th house, it will illuminate issues related to home, family, your roots, and your most intimate emotional life. The 4th house is the area of ​​life that governs our emotional foundation and family relationships, so you could experience a moment of culmination or revelation in these areas.

This lunation could bring unfinished business related to your home or family dynamics to the surface, revealing what needs to be resolved or transformed to create a more harmonious and secure environment. You could feel the need to reevaluate how you connect with your loved ones, and how the home you live in reflects (or doesn't reflect) your current emotional needs.

Additionally, this Full Moon in the 4th House invites you to reflect on your roots and past, whether you're reconsidering the influence of your family history on your present life or feeling the urge to make changes to your physical environment to better align it with your emotional well-being. You may also be facing major decisions about the home, such as moving, renovations, or even changes to the family structure.

On a deeper level, this lunation offers you the opportunity to heal old emotional wounds and free yourself from familiar patterns that no longer serve you. It is an opportune time to create a stronger, more emotionally satisfying foundation for your future life, ensuring that your environment and family relationships are in tune with who you are now.

House 5: Creativity and Pleasure

If the Full Moon falls in your 5th house, this lunation will illuminate aspects related to creativity, romance, children, and recreational activities. The 5th house is the area of ​​life that governs self-expression, pleasure, and passions, so you could experience a moment of culmination or revelation in one of these areas.

This Full Moon could bring to the surface feelings and situations that invite you to reevaluate how you are expressing your creativity and enjoying life. You could realize that certain forms of fun or creative projects no longer resonate with you, leading you to seek out new ways to express your essence in ways that are more authentic and aligned with who you are now.

In the realm of romance, this lunation could mark a turning point in a love relationship, leading you to clarify your feelings and expectations. You may feel the need to release relationship patterns that no longer serve you, allowing you to make room for more genuine and fulfilling connections.

Also, if you have children, this Full Moon could bring revelations related to them, or even your own relationship with your inner child. It's a good time to reflect on how you balance your responsibilities and the time you spend enjoying life.

House 6: Health, Pets and Daily Routines

If the Full Moon falls in your 6th house, it is likely to illuminate issues related to your daily routine, work, health, and service. This lunation could bring important revelations about how you have been handling your daily responsibilities, your physical and mental well-being, and your attitude toward work and service to others.

The 6th house is associated with organization and taking care of everyday details, so this Full Moon could mark a time of culmination or change in these areas. You might realize that certain routines or habits are no longer effective or healthy for you, leading you to rethink how you manage your time and energy. It's a good time to let go of those practices that no longer benefit you and adopt a more balanced and sustainable approach.

In addition, this lunation could invite you to innovate in your approach to work and health. You could feel the need to explore new ways of taking care of your body and mind, as well as improving your efficiency at work. It is a propitious time to free yourself from the routines that have been limiting you and to open yourself to more modern methods aligned with your current needs. In short, this Full Moon offers you the opportunity to restructure your daily life in a way that allows you to be more productive, healthy and in tune with your values.

House 7: Relationships and Partnerships

If the Full Moon falls in your 7th house, it is likely to illuminate important aspects of your personal relationships and partnerships. This lunation could bring significant revelations regarding how you relate to others, especially in your closest relationships, such as those with partners, partners, or even sworn enemies.

The 7th house is linked to commitments and contracts, so this Full Moon could mark a point of culmination in one of these areas. You could become aware of dynamics in your relationships that no longer work or that need to be adjusted to better reflect who you are now. There may be a need to renegotiate agreements or redefine boundaries to ensure your relationships are more balanced and authentic.

Additionally, this lunation could invite you to take a more innovative and open approach in your interactions with others. You might feel the need to break free from relationship patterns that no longer serve you, allowing you to build freer connections that are aligned with your current values. Ultimately, it's a time to evaluate the quality of your relationships and make the necessary changes to move toward healthier and more satisfying bonds.

House 8: Transformation and Shared Resources

If the Full Moon falls in your 8th house, you could be faced with profound and life-changing revelations that lead you to question issues related to power, intimacy, and shared resources. This lunation can illuminate hidden or unresolved aspects of your life, especially regarding your close relationships, joint finances, or even deep emotional and psychological issues.

The 8th house is associated with processes of transformation and rebirth, so this Full Moon could mark a culmination point in these themes. You might feel the need to free yourself from emotional attachments, debts, or power dynamics that no longer serve you, allowing you to move toward a more authentic and empowered state.

In addition, this lunation invites you to explore new ways of managing your resources, both material and emotional, with a more innovative approach aligned with your current values. It is a time to leave behind what no longer sustains you, making room for a new, more balanced and conscious beginning.

House 9: Expansion and Philosophy of Life

If the Full Moon falls in your 9th house, you could experience a moment of revelation in which you question beliefs or approaches that no longer make much sense to you. This lunation invites you to discover a new path that is more aligned with who you are in the present, that better represents your personal evolution and the current time in which we live. It is an opportune moment to free yourself from dogmatic or limiting attitudes, allowing you to adopt a more innovative and open approach to knowledge and understanding of the world.

Additionally, this Full Moon could prompt you to expand your horizons, whether through study, travel, or exploring new philosophies and perspectives. It's an opportunity to open your mind to fresh, revolutionary ideas that resonate more with your current essence and the changing reality of society.

House 10: Career and Ambitions

If the Full Moon falls in your 10th house, the impact could have a twofold effect. On the one hand, if you have been working hard, being persistent and staying open-minded, you could receive significant recognition in relation to your social role or your professional ambitions. This lunation could give you the visibility you have been looking for, reflecting the fruits of your effort and dedication.

However, on the other hand, if the actions you have taken have not been from a genuine desire to serve the community - something that is fundamental for Aquarius - you could face an abrupt situation that forces you to reconsider your social role. Aquarius is a sign very oriented towards collective service, and this Full Moon could reveal imbalances or inconsistencies in your approach, leading you to reevaluate how you are positioning yourself in the world and what you are really contributing to others.

House 11: Community and Long-Term Goals

If this Full Moon falls in your 11th house, you could expect situations to arise that force you to reexamine your communication with a friend or within a group you belong to. Likewise, information from the past may resurface, leading you to reconsider or rethink your long-term goals. This is a time to evaluate the dynamics within your social circles and how they influence your vision of the future, ensuring that the connections you maintain and the goals you pursue are aligned with your true purpose.

House 12: Spirituality and Subconscious

If the Full Moon falls in your 12th house, it will illuminate aspects related to your inner world, the subconscious, secrets, and the closing of cycles. The 12th house is the area of ​​life that governs the hidden, the spiritual, and that which lies beneath the conscious surface. It is a space of deep introspection, where we face our shadows and discover truths that we may have avoided.

This lunation could bring important revelations about aspects of yourself that have been hidden or repressed. You could become aware of subconscious patterns, fears or blockages that you need to face in order to move forward. It is a propitious time to let go of old wounds, close cycles and release what no longer serves you, allowing you to heal and transform your life from a very deep level.

Additionally, the 12th house is also related to spirituality and retreat. This Full Moon could prompt you to seek moments of solitude and reflection to connect with your inner self and explore your spiritual world. You might feel the need to retreat a bit from the outside world to process emotions and find clarity on what you really need to leave behind.

A New Era


Esta luna llena me cae en casa 8 cuadratura a mi sol y nodo norte en tauro casa 11…llevo varios años con cambios…también tengo a marte a 20 ceres a 18 mercurio a 12 y juno…en Tauro….urano conj partil en virgo casa 3 retorno de saturno lo tengo a 27 de piscis conj con quirón Júpiter en Cáncer casa 12 y Neptuno en Escorpio casa 5…luna a 7 conj venus12 y palas. a 4 gr en 10……así qué muchísimos cambios
La Casa 8 Astrología:
¡Hola Maite!Sí, definitivamente estás viviendo muchísimos cambios y un replanteamiento en profundidad de cuál quieres que sea tu futuro. En este replanteamiento también entran en juego situaciones que a nivel emocional han dejado heridas, por lo que en este momento te ves empujada a sanar y entregarte a lo desconocido, cosa de comenzar este nuevo camino.Espero que esto te ayude 🙂


Hola, esta luna cae en mi casa 2 en cuadratura a Saturno en Escorpión en casa 11. Puede significar una pérdida con respecto a finanzas? Justo tengo un acuerdo para vender mi casa
La Casa 8 Astrología:
Hola Julio, sinceramente yo esperaría. Esta Luna Llena es demasiado volátil, y sumándola a que Mercurio (que rige los contratos) está retrógrado, el margen de error no es tan reducido. Es muy probable que algo de información salga a la luz con respecto a esta venta, o tu comprador(a), lo que valoras, tu sentido de estabilidad.¡Espero que esto te ayude!


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