Astrological Predictions for the 2024 US Elections
On November 5, the United States will hold its presidential elections, marked by a climate of extreme polarization and social tension. These elections, influenced by the recent Pluto Revolution of the United States (which has lasted 248 years and began on December 28, 2022) and the also nearby Uranus Revolution (which begins in 2027 and lasts 84 years), are unpredictable and volatile, with unforeseen events such as the three assassination attempts against Donald Trump.
Let's take a look at the astrology of the United States and the current moment to get a glimpse of what might happen on Election Day and in the months that follow.
The Natal Chart of the United States
The United States Natal Chart primarily used in astrology is the one from the Declaration of Independence, signed on July 4, 1776. This chart marks the official birth of the country and is considered the basis for analyzing transits and progressions affecting the United States.
Let's look at the following positions, as we will use them later in this entry:
- The Ascendant at the 7th degree of Sagittarius
- Mercury at 24° of Cancer in the 8th House.
America's Solar Revolution 2024
Solar Revolution 2024 for the United States.
The Sun in mundane astrology rules the ruler of a country , so taking a look at the ongoing Solar Revolution is essential in this case.
For the 2024 Solar Revolution in the United States, the Sun is in the 9th House . This implies that legal and judicial issues will be central not only to the country, but also to both candidates. The Sun, square to the lunar nodes, indicates a process of purging around accumulated tensions and perceptions of injustice in society, not only currently but also historically . The country will be driven to question and reflect deeply on its judicial system and ethical principles. Of course, these issues will also color the elections.
The Ascendant is in Scorpio , further emphasizing the theme of repressed emotions in society, power dynamics (and the loss of it), minorities, and the transformation of something that is not indifferent to the country.
Confusing Information
The Moon , which represents the people, is located at 29° of Gemini in this Solar Revolution . The 29° degree - or anaretic - always implies important endings; the urgency of closure. Gemini, a sign linked to communication and journalism , indicates that the way information is handled will be a central issue for the country and the population.
However, the Sabian symbol corresponding to this degree of the zodiac - Gemini 30 - is not auspicious: “beautiful women parading in bathing suits” is associated with a careful selection of what is displayed, leaving several elements out of public view.
Additionally, this Moon is square to Neptune at 29° Pisces . This further reinforces the tendency to not make information transparent, to embellish it, to hide it through euphemisms or, in the most extreme cases, to lie . This configuration also influences in parallel the emotional state of the population, which is in a state of confusion, lack of certainty, disappointment and disenchantment . This extends to uncertainty about who to vote for, questioning whether the candidates presented have any reality or are more than anything manufactured characters that reflect the different American paradigms. What to believe and what not to believe? Do the polls reflect real preferences or are they manipulated to influence the vote? These are questions that the American population faces more than ever with this 2024 Solar Revolution.
And finally, in addition to this , Mercury in this Solar Revolution is in opposition to Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, activating the axis of the 3rd House and the 9th House. The 3rd House is related to journalism, information, voting and what is communicated on a daily basis to the population, while the 9th House covers what is broadcast on major networks such as CNN, MSNBC and Fox News. This opposition further accentuates the challenges in communication, suggesting that, with the sum of all these planetary configurations that we have been talking about so far, transparency in information will be an exception. The general trend will be one of opacity at the media and social level, affecting important situations, including elections.
November 5th: Election Day
Considering that there is enormous potential for unclear information in the 2024 US Solar Revolution, this tendency is amplified in the Election Day Chart on November 5th . Remember that the United States is going through an absolutely unpredictable period due to the proximity of the Uranus Revolution, the lingering effects of the Pluto Revolution, and the overall global astrological climate. This is a historical moment when literally anything could happen.
Unless something unforeseen happens (which is a very real possibility given planetary influences) to postpone the date of the elections and they do take place on this day, the astrological chart for the start of voting will be extremely volatile and prone to anomalies . Uranus conjunct the Midheaven marks an unpredictable environment full of situations that we will not see coming. The difficult opposition between Pluto and Mars indicates polarization and conflict, with a high probability of episodes of violence , confrontations and demonstrations of power.
Uranus rules accidents, electricity, abnormalities, abruptness, agitators, airplanes, assassination attempts, boycotts, hurricanes, disorder, earthquakes, mistakes, lightning, storms, manipulation, mass media, Russia, heart attacks, the unprecedented.
That is, having Uranus elevated in the Midheaven suggests that any of these factors could play a role . This could manifest itself in power outages, technological problems, or even unexpected weather events that affect the development of the electoral process. The presence of Uranus retrograde, together with the retrogradations of Saturn, Neptune, and the ruler of the 3rd house (Venus) in square to Neptune, reinforces the possibility of delays in the results. It is very likely that this election will not develop as smoothly and quickly as in previous cycles, and that the country will face unexpected challenges in the voting and counting process.
November 25th to December 15th: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (Bonus Track: Mars Retrograde in Cancer)
Planetary transits for 12/12/2024, Mercury RX in Sagittarius conjunct the United States Ascendant.
Between November 25th and December 15th, Mercury will be retrograde in Sagittarius. The United States has its Ascendant at 7° Sagittarius, and Mercury will be retrograde directly over it (the exact conjunction will be on December 12th ) . Mercury, ruling communication and voting, suggests that this period will further emphasize the need to review information and bring previously unknown data to light. This could involve the emergence of new evidence or details related to the electoral process.
Additionally, when Mercury finishes retrograding on December 15, Mars will also be retrograding conjunct the North Node of the United States in the 9th House, indicating a period of review and restructuring, and perhaps legal matters involved. Mars will retrograde conjunct Mercury in Cancer in the 8th House of the United States , reinforcing the possibility that hidden information or previously unknown details about the candidates or key aspects of the election will come to light. This process could take time and delay the final resolution of events related to the election , marking a period of reexamination of information, crucial for the country. What's more, Mars will retrograde until February 23, 2025 . Perfectly this confusion and lack of answers could last until this time.
And Who Will Win The Elections?
In my July 26 post (read here ), I predicted that Kamala Harris’ planetary influences were quite challenging, indicating that the popularity she would gain from her nomination as the Democratic candidate would be fleeting . Indeed, this prediction has come true, she has made communication mistakes and is currently virtually tied with Donald Trump in the polls. I also mentioned that, in the extremely unlikely event that she were elected president, something would undermine her role.
This last sentence is the one I want to take to update and reinforce my prediction, considering how recent events have unfolded. With Uranus in play, we can expect the completely anomalous, situations that are out of the ordinary and defy expectations. And this is exactly what I think will happen.
Although the transits and planetary influences for Kamala Harris are challenging and do not reflect an optimal moment in her life (let's consider that, among other things, she has Pluto transiting in square to her Sun and Moon), they do point to a professional zenith. However, her mandate will represent a crisis for her . As the July 26 entry says, it is likely that they will try to undermine her power and that she will become the scapegoat for various situations.
Comparatively, Donald Trump's transits are significantly negative (you can check some of them in this post and this one ), and his current and 2025 planetary cycles present too many complications to establish his lead in this election. Therefore, my prediction is that Harris will be the winner .
* This article has been written as objectively as possible, attempting only to interpret the astrological influences at play from a perspective of respect for the people involved and for astrology itself. This is not a political blog. Thank you for keeping your comments respectful!
Main Image Credits: AP/Charles Rex Arbogast
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