Kate Middleton William Astrologia Predicciones

Kate, William, Pluto in Aquarius and a Worrying Composite Chart

Pluto's entry into Aquarius (a transit that began in 2023 and will continue until 2043) places us before a scenario of profound transformations that challenge established structures, including the British monarchy. This transit, historically associated with revolutions and fundamental changes such as those experienced during the French Revolution and the Declaration of Independence of the United States, invites us to reflect on the future of centuries-old - if not millennia-old - institutions in times of change. In this context, Pluto in Aquarius is a central factor in understanding the complex...

Pluto's entry into Aquarius (a transit that began in 2023 and will continue until 2043) places us before a scenario of profound transformations that challenge established structures, including the British monarchy. This transit, historically associated with revolutions and fundamental changes such as those experienced during the French Revolution and the Declaration of Independence of the United States, invites us to reflect on the future of centuries-old - if not millennia-old - institutions in times of change.

In this context, Pluto in Aquarius is a central factor in understanding the complex web of astrological influences that affect Princess Kate and Prince William, as successors to a British crown in deep crisis. The couple's composite chart, examined under the influence of Pluto in Aquarius and other current transits that we will see below, reveals a confluence of factors that could be signaling the end of an era not only for them as individuals and as a couple, but for the British monarchy as a whole.

Transpersonals Have Their Own Agenda, Whether We Like It Or Not

Transpersonal planets like Uranus, Neptune and Pluto express their energies in rather impersonal ways (since their influence transcends what we as human beings want or not), and in the case of Pluto in Aquarius, sadly there are human beings who will see their personal lives impacted as this transit transforms society. Princess Kate's situation, beyond its unfortunate personal and family implications (whether or not her cancer diagnosis is true), fits perfectly with the current astrological climate and the challenges facing the British crown at a time of global change. Pluto in Aquarius promises to reveal the hidden, force changes and radically transform the power structures (and the power of information) present in society. This transit raises urgent questions about the ability of the monarchy to adapt and evolve in response to the demands of a society that is rapidly changing, and in which old hierarchies are becoming obsolete.

Are They Hiding Something From Us?

Is there something deeper beneath the surface of this couple, beyond a cancer diagnosis? Could Kate and William's partnership be a catalyst that precipitates a profound review of the values, roles and responsibilities of the British monarchy? Yes. But they could also be the visible faces of the beginning of the end of one of the oldest and most emblematic institutions in the world.

Composite Letter of Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales (01/09/1982 19:00, Reading, United Kingdom. Rodden Category A: memoir) and William, Prince of Wales (06/21/1982 21:03, London, United Kingdom. Rodden Category AA: birth certificate). Software: Luna

Kate and William, Channels for Pluto to Manifest

Nothing is a coincidence in the cosmos, and it is quite telling that the couple in charge of transforming the British monarchy during the Pluto cycle in Aquarius, has Pluto in conjunction with the ascendant in their composite chart. Here, the ascendant and Pluto are in Libra. So the way to express this Plutonian energy will be in themes related to justice, peace and repairing inequalities (within the couple's relationship and also with society). If we think that the ascendant has to do with the energy from which the couple manifests whatever, in this case that implies that Kate and William's relationship needs to "go through" the energy of Pluto (transformation, exposing the hidden) again and again over time for the relationship to exist as such.

Unfortunately, many couples with Pluto on the ascendant have a tragic element that defines them. Sometimes because they are visible faces of the darkest part of human nature, other times because they are carriers of death (literal and/or symbolic) and transformation in their environment, or also because death and loss is part of the destiny of the relationship. At the time I write this, Pluto is retrograde at 2 degrees of Aquarius. The Imum Coeli (IC), which marks the beginning of the 4th house and represents the foundations of the relationship in this composite chart, is at 3 degrees of Aquarius, so Kate and William's role in the transformation of the British monarchy will come to light in March-April 2025, when Pluto transits this degree.

Cadent Houses as Bridges to Change

Another aspect that suggests this is a relationship meant to act as a bridge between two historical periods is the concentration of planets in the cadent houses of the composite chart, namely houses 3, 6, 9, and 12. Traditionally, these houses are associated with transition and completion, focusing on processing learning and concluding cycles. Relationships that have a preponderance of planets in these houses tend to face challenges of durability, as the energy inherent in these houses pushes toward completion and change. Sadly, this suggests that the relationship might be meant to serve as a bridge to a transformation, and then after the purpose has been fulfilled, dissolve.

Power imbalance

The presence of Venus, Mercury and the Sun in the 6th house (work, service, routines) of the composite chart indicates that this is a relationship that invests and obtains its energy in serving and fulfilling duties, mainly work-related. Evidently, William and Kate have been working together for 13 years in the service of the British crown. However, the negative part of the 6th house in a composite chart of a couple can be unequal power dynamics between the two people (remember that the 6th house rules subordinate positions). Again, March-April 2025 will be a turning point since in addition to the conjunction of Pluto in Aquarius to the composite IC, Saturn in Aries will make a conjunction to the composite Venus (ruler of the ascendant in Libra), delimiting the future of the relationship. This conjunction will be exact in May.

A Pressure Cooker Behind Closed Doors

Beyond these factors (which in themselves are not particularly positive for a long-term relationship), there is a deeply worrying element in this composite chart: the handling of aggression and rage. If the surface that William and Kate present is so civilized and they express nothing but harmony and good manners to the public, where does this energy that the composite chart intrinsically generates, given its planets, go?

The factors that tell us that this relationship is sadly far from being a fairy tale are:

1. Sun-Moon square, with Sun in Aries

The square in itself is a tense aspect that causes a violent clash between their energies. In composite charts for couples, one person usually plays the role of the Sun's energy and the other that of the Moon. It is not uncommon for couples with this composite aspect to end up getting along like water and oil, due to the difficulty in integrating these two very dissimilar energies. If we add to this the fact that the composite Sun is in Aries (a sign that in its negative expression is associated with war and poorly channeled aggression), the potential of this configuration is not very encouraging.

2. Moon-Mars square, with Mars in the 12th house

Another square. This time between the Moon (emotional needs) and Mars (aggression, rage). Composite Mars is in Libra, a sign in which we are not inclined to externalize our rage. On the contrary, we tend to bottle it up to maintain harmony - even if it is apparent - for as long as possible. When Mars in Libra has so much pent-up rage that it can no longer maintain itself, it explodes. And in a square to the Moon in Cancer, these episodes are likely to be extremely emotionally volatile, exhausting for both parties and making them feel full of guilt. Many energies that we feel guilty about (and that we hide) are related to our 12th house, the house where we find Mars in this composite chart.

3. Sun-Mars opposition

This "suffocated" Mars in Libra in the 12th house is in opposition to the Sun in Aries in the 6th house. Considering that William is the person who expresses the Sun/masculine energy in this composite chart (and Kate the Moon/feminine), the rumors that have been circulating in the press for many years about William having serious anger management problems resonate with this configuration. Added to the possible power imbalance of the stellium in the 6th house, the repressed and poorly channeled aggressiveness of Mars in the 12th house in Libra, the square of the Sun and Mars with the Moon - a configuration called a T-square... Something looks very wrong here.

4. Pluto Conjunct Ascendant

We mentioned it at the beginning of this entry: many times the couple with Pluto in the ascendant of the composite chart personifies the darkest and most tragic part of the human being that nobody wants to see.

5. Saturn in house 12

In this composite chart, Saturn is in Libra, its sign of exaltation. What does this mean? That its energy is tremendously strong, for better or worse. Being in the 12th house, it is likely that a considerable portion of that energy is hidden. The positive potential of composite Saturn in the 12th? Living spirituality responsibly, and knowing that it is part of our emotional well-being as a couple. But William is an atheist - what's more, when he becomes king he wants to separate the monarchy from the Anglican Church. So this positive expression of Saturn is ruled out. The negative expression of Saturn in Libra in the 12th is a deep sadness and feeling of emptiness that we don't know how to fill, and that we don't want people to know about because of a rigid vision of what is right and what is wrong. This can easily give way to self-sabotaging behaviors, censorship of oneself and one's partner, feelings of guilt and addictions to evade this pain.

Birth Chart of Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales (01/09/1982 19:00, Reading, United Kingdom. Rodden Category A: memory).

Kate and Her Aquarian Side

We already know what the composite chart has inside. Let's move on to Princess Kate's natal chart. She has planets in Aquarius in her natal chart: Mercury in the 6th degree and Venus retrograde in the 7th degree, both in the 6th house. Pluto has already begun to make a conjunction to them, triggering a deep crisis that we hope can lead her to positively transform the areas of her life that these two planets rule: communication, advisors, written agreements, children, the press, self-esteem, love, women, finances. Retrograde Venus in her natal chart usually connects with her self-esteem in a solid way around the third or fourth decade of life, so the crisis triggered by the transit of Pluto in Aquarius could help her enter into a deep healing process, which will help her leave behind all the situations in which, for different reasons, she has lost her power.

The way out of this crisis (for her, for her relationship and for the monarchy) is related to embracing Aquarian energy: groups, equality, breaking down obsolete structures and traditions. If everything goes well in this relationship and the secretive moment she is going through, after this transit we hope to see a very different Kate than the one we know now.

Birth Chart of William, Prince of Wales (21/06/1982 21:03, London, United Kingdom. Rodden AA Category: Birth Certificate).

William and A Change of Values

William (25 degrees of Taurus, apex of a yod) is also experiencing an important transit to his Venus. William is coming to repair a transgenerational pattern in his family regarding the relationship with women, self-esteem, justice, values, money and love. Uranus by transit will make an exact conjunction to his natal Venus in June and November 2024, and then in... April 2025. That date again. William and Kate's relationship will undergo a radical change by then. If during this transit William tries to cling to the past or to what is known, it is likely that this period will be quite difficult for him. The purpose of this transit is for him to transform the relationship with what he values ​​in life, and his values ​​change to open up to new times and to his true nature as a person. Just as the way Kate has been living until now has become unsustainable (Pluto transits always point this out to us), so too the way they have been carrying out their relationship ends. New starts will come between March and mid-2025.

Kate's Future in 2024

If we are to believe what the now-unbelievable Kensington Palace is saying, Princess Kate underwent abdominal surgery in January of this year. In her 2024 solar return, Neptune (deception, indefinition, dissolution, loss) is in the 6th house (health), at 25 degrees of Pisces. Surgery or not, there has been something tremendously serious going on in Kate's health. In September, there will be a lunar eclipse that falls right at this degree of the zodiac, bringing to the surface something else that is currently unknown, regarding Kate's health and her current situation. Furthermore, the lunar eclipse on March 25 fell in conjunction with her natal Mars in the 12th house (hidden places, sacrifices, loss), and coincided with the highly AI-edited video in which she supposedly reveals that she has cancer.

On the other hand, the eclipse on April 8th fell in opposition to her natal Saturn in the 3rd house (house of communication: no one has seen her say anything in person or issue a statement) and the solar eclipse on October 2nd will also fall in conjunction - but this time exactly - to Mars. Each of these eclipses activates planets closely related to her marriage, information, aggression and limitations and censorship. And finally, Kate's Mars revolution that began on September 12, 2023, has Saturn retrograde in exact conjunction to her ascendant in Pisces. This only suggests limitations and long waits for us to see her again. Unfortunately, it is most likely that Kate's supposed surgery in January (or whatever episode occurred behind closed doors) is only the beginning of an extremely challenging year in terms of her health, and one from which, to be honest, I am not sure she will be able to emerge. I sincerely hope that she and her family can heal, and that the truth - whatever it may be - can finally come to light.

The Future of William (and Harry?) in the Monarchy

We still don't know if Prince William will be able to be king once Charles III leaves the throne. The transit of Uranus to his Venus in Taurus, added to the planets of his 2024 solar revolution, suggests that he will probably live a much more internal and private process during the next few years than what it means to reign, away from the world's gaze. For this year's solar revolution, he has the Sun, Venus and Mercury in the 4th house (home, family, past, private life). And the solar eclipse of October 2 at 10 degrees of Libra will fall in conjunction with the south node of the solar revolution, in the 7th house of marriage. There is definitely something in William and Kate's relationship that will be left behind during 2024 and 2025, and that will affect a change in priorities for William.

On the other hand, Prince Harry has a much longer period of public exposure ahead of him. Although he decided to move to California in 2020 to distance himself from the royal family, the solar eclipse in Aries on April 8 fell exactly in conjunction with the Midheaven of his 2023 solar revolution. And the solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 falls exactly in conjunction with the ascendant of his 2024 solar revolution. These are extremely decisive transits, indicating that Prince Harry will gain much more notoriety and will surely be able to rebuild his reputation. Will it be back in the royal family, in case William cannot succeed Charles as king?

Nostradamus predicts that "the King of the Isles will be succeeded by someone who will not bear the mark of a king." Only time will tell. But what is certain is that the British monarchy as we knew it is ending an important stage with Pluto in Aquarius.


¡Increíble! ¡No me había cuestionado todo esto hasta leerlo aquí! Tienes tanta razón 👏
La Casa 8 Astrología:
¡Muchas gracias!


Pobre princesa. Yo pienso que ya no está en este mundo
La Casa 8 Astrología:
Desgraciadamente cada vez hay más gente que está llegando a esta conclusión.

Fernanda D

Infartante artículo, muy documentado tu análisis. Yo también creo que algo huele mal ahí …
La Casa 8 Astrología:
¡Gracias por tu comentario! Tristemente, mientras más va pasando el tiempo y Kate no aparece, más se complica el panorama. 


Impresionante analisis. Concuerdo, detrás de esto hay algo muy raro
La Casa 8 Astrología:
¡Gracias por tu feedback positivo! Sí, y es raro también que los dos hijos menores de Kate no aparezcan desde diciembre.


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