The Astrology Blog
Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guía Completa
![Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guía Completa](
Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guí...
Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guí...
Si creemos que la retrogradación de Venus en Aries y Piscis de marzo y abril de 2025 será una retrogradación más, estamos muy equivocados. Este será un tránsito explosivo y con el potencial de anticiparnos muchas temáticas de lo que el mundo verá en los próximos años. Los factores clave que ocurrirán durante esta retrogradación de Venus, y que amplifican su impacto son: • Mercurio también retrógrado en Aries y Piscis, simultáneo a esta retrogradación. • Dos eclipses en medio del tránsito: eclipse lunar en Virgo (14 de marzo) y eclipse solar en Aries (29 de marzo).... Leer Más
Full Moon in Aries on October 17, 2024: It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn
![Luna Llena en Aries del 17 de Octubre 2024: Siempre es Más Oscuro Antes del Amanecer](
Full Moon in Aries on October 17, 2024: It's Al...
Full Moon in Aries on October 17, 2024: It's Al...
The Full Moon in Aries on October 17 will be a difficult lunation in a tense world context, with several active conflicts at a global level . It will occur in the degree 24°35' of the sign. In it, there are several factors that we will have to take into account: It will be in exact conjunction with Eris in Aries (degree 24°56'). It will also be in conjunction with Chiron in Aries (degree 21°05'). It will be in square to Mars in Cancer (degree 22°55'). The Moon will be in mutual reception with Mars in Cancer (Cancer is ruled by the... Leer Más
Astrological Weather for October 2024: Key Dates, Challenges, Tips
![Clima Astrológico de Octubre 2024: Fechas Clave, Desafíos, Tips](
Astrological Weather for October 2024: Key Date...
Astrological Weather for October 2024: Key Date...
The month of October brings with it an emotionally turbulent astrological weather, marked by an intensity that comes from deep within, very different from the volatility of August and September. Whereas the previous months were characterized by rapid and visible changes, October is about the explosion of repressed emotions , feelings that have been hidden beneath the surface and are now coming to light. This more introverted energy can give rise to conflict, as long-held resentments emerge to be confronted. This is a month in which we are faced with the need to purge what no... Leer Más
Do We Dare To Be Ourselves? Neptune Transit in Aries 2025-2039
![¿Nos Atrevemos A Ser Nosotros Mismos? Tránsito de Neptuno en Aries 2025-2039](
Do We Dare To Be Ourselves? Neptune Transit in ...
Do We Dare To Be Ourselves? Neptune Transit in ...
In 2025 we have a major transit: Neptune changes signs. It will leave its domicile in Pisces, to enter Aries until 2039, a sign with a completely different energy that will require different skills from us. Transits of the transpersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are often feared because they are associated with profound and often disruptive changes in our lives. In addition, these planets can bring experiences that challenge our emotional stability and security, causing us to confront unknown or repressed aspects of ourselves and the world. For these transits, it is essential to prepare in advance (ideally at... Leer Más
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Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator.
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