The Astrology Blog

El Ascendente en la Revolución de Venus: Técnicas Para Predecir Eventos

The Ascendant in the Revolution of Venus: Techn...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

The Ascendant in the Revolution of Venus: Techn...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

The Venus Revolution is an essential astrological tool , as it allows us to understand the dynamics of attraction and the opportunities that will mark the next 10 to 14 months of our lives with respect to everything that Venus rules (if we know how to read it correctly, it is an astrological chart with enormous predictive capacity). The chart of a Venus Revolution is raised for the exact moment in which Venus returns to the same degree and minute in which we have it in our natal chart . Although many factors are important in a Venus Revolution, the... Leer Más

Ascendente Revolución de Venus
Venus en Las 12 Casas de la Revolución de Venus: Significado y Predicciones

Venus in the 12 Houses of Venus Revolution: Mea...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Venus in the 12 Houses of Venus Revolution: Mea...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

(Read the Introduction to Venus Revolutions and First Steps entry at this link ) Venus Returns are unique predictive charts in astrology for one key reason: to tap into their true potential, you need to be receptive . Unlike a Solar Return, which is all about how we project our life energy and creative drive, a Venus Return focuses on what we can attract in the next 10 to 14 months, which is how long this cycle typically lasts. Venus speaks to us about love, pleasure, beauty, relationships, money, art, and worthiness (in some cases, legal matters as well) .... Leer Más

Abundancia Amor Dinero Las 12 Casas Predicciones Revolución de Venus Venus

Revolutions of Venus: Introduction and First Steps

by La Casa 8 Astrologia
Revoluciones de Venus: Introducción y Primeros Pasos

Revolutions of Venus: Introduction and First St...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Revolutions of Venus: Introduction and First St...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

The Venus Revolution -also known as the Venus Return- is an astrological event that occurs when Venus returns to the same degree and sign as you have it in your natal chart . Like the revolution of any planet, it has its own astrological chart , which gives us predictive information. Each Venus revolution marks the beginning of a new cycle in the areas of life that Venus rules: love, relationships, values, pleasure, aesthetics, and finances . Unlike a Solar Revolution, which is more related to how we project our identity outward and how we feel in terms of vitality,... Leer Más

Abundancia Amor Dinero Predicciones Revolución de Venus Venus