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Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guía Completa

by La Casa 8 Astrologia
Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guía Completa

Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guí...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guí...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

  Si creemos que la retrogradación de Venus en Aries y Piscis de marzo y abril de 2025 será una retrogradación más, estamos muy equivocados. Este será un tránsito explosivo y con el potencial de anticiparnos muchas temáticas de lo que el mundo verá en los próximos años.   Los factores clave que ocurrirán durante esta retrogradación de Venus, y que amplifican su impacto son:   • Mercurio también retrógrado en Aries y Piscis, simultáneo a esta retrogradación. • Dos eclipses en medio del tránsito: eclipse lunar en Virgo (14 de marzo) y eclipse solar en Aries (29 de marzo).... Leer Más

Aries Piscis Planetas Retrógrados Venus
Clima Astrológico de Febrero 2025: ¿Estamos Soñando o Estamos Despiertos?

February 2025 Astrological Weather: Are We Drea...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

February 2025 Astrological Weather: Are We Drea...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

( Download this month's transit calendar at this link .) We have already noticed: the world is changing at a speed that we can barely process. Everything moves, everything changes, everything seems to collapse and rebuild itself in a matter of moments. The feeling of instability is no longer something external, but something that seeps into our everyday perception. What is more real, what we feel or what we see outside? Do we cling to what the information circulating tells us, or are we guided by what our intuition shows us? The astrological climate of February has a similar tone.... Leer Más

Actualidad Acuario Cáncer Piscis Tránsitos

The Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo (2025 - 2026)

by La Casa 8 Astrologia
Los Nodos Lunares en Piscis y Virgo (2025 - 2026)

The Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo (2025 - 2026)

La Casa 8 Astrologia

The Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo (2025 - 2026)

La Casa 8 Astrologia

In 2025, the lunar nodes enter the Pisces-Virgo axis, with the North Node transiting Pisces and the South Node in Virgo. To be more precise, they will be on this axis from January 29, 2025, to August 29, 2026. This movement marks the background against which the other important transits of the slow planets that will change signs this year will be outlined (read more about them here ). The arrival of the North Node in Pisces - the last sign of the zodiac - connects us with endings and closures . Where the nodes are, circumstances arise that feel... Leer Más

Actualidad Espiritualidad Nodos Lunares Piscis Virgo
Clima Astrológico de Enero 2025: Un Nuevo Mundo Comienza a Florecer

Astrological Weather for January 2025: A New Wo...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Astrological Weather for January 2025: A New Wo...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

( Download this month's transit calendar at this link .) We are entering a crucial stage of transformation. This is a month that marks the beginning of a new world , a time when the seeds already planted begin to germinate, and the changes we have long sensed begin to manifest. However, this new beginning brings with it a mix of emotions: hope for what is being born, but also a certain nostalgia and mourning for what we are leaving behind. This month’s Lunistice brings to the surface latent emotions that need to be released, creating an ambivalent feeling .... Leer Más

Actualidad Acuario Cáncer Capricornio Luna Piscis Tránsitos
Eclipse Lunar en Piscis, 17/18 Septiembre 2024: Un Portal a lo Intangible

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, 17/18 September 2024: ...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, 17/18 September 2024: ...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

"It is the invisible and the spiritual in people that determines the external and the real." - Oswald Chambers On September 18th at 02:44:18 UTC we will have a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces . It will be visible from all of America (except western Alaska), all of Africa, all of Europe and the Middle East. This eclipse will occur in the degree 25°40' of the sign. For reference, we haven't had a lunar eclipse in Pisces since September 2006. And because this is a lunar eclipse, it means that the Sun and Moon will be in exact opposition (Sun at 25°40'... Leer Más

Eclipses Elemento Agua Espiritualidad Lunaciones Piscis Símbolos Sabianos

The Moon in Pisces in the 12 Houses of the Natal Chart

by La Casa 8 Astrologia
La Luna en Piscis en Las 12 Casas de la Carta Natal

The Moon in Pisces in the 12 Houses of the Nata...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

The Moon in Pisces in the 12 Houses of the Nata...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

The Moon in the birth chart is a key element that reflects our need for protection and nurturing. It not only symbolizes the focus of our personal growth, but also drives our emotional development. It is closely linked with our feelings, reactions and instincts, and plays a central role in how we deal with everyday matters and our habits. In addition, the Moon has a deep connection with our body, our instinctive needs and our perception of the past. Traditionally, it is associated with memory, imagination and the ability to communicate emotionally, as opposed to objective facts. To understand the... Leer Más

Carta Natal Elemento Agua Espiritualidad Las 12 Casas Luna Piscis

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