The Astrology Blog
The Planets, Nodes and Asteroids in the 3rd House of the Solar Return: Predictions
![Los Planetas, Nodos y Asteroides en la Casa 3 de la Revolución Solar: Predicciones](
The Planets, Nodes and Asteroids in the 3rd Hou...
The Planets, Nodes and Asteroids in the 3rd Hou...
The Solar Return is an annual cycle that we experience each year around our birthday . Interestingly, this cycle doesn’t always begin on the exact day of our birth; it can occur a day before, on the same day, or even the day after our birthday. Our birthday marks something deeply personal, where we become the center of attention, and in some way, we feel special. The Solar Return shares that tone: it’s a year-long cycle that offers us a clear vision of the lessons and learnings we can expect during that time and that bring us a little... Leer Más
Houses in Astrology: A Beginner's Guide
![Las Casas en Astrología. Una Guía Para Principiantes](
Houses in Astrology: A Beginner's Guide
Houses in Astrology: A Beginner's Guide
Astrology is a very rich language, full of symbols and deep meanings, but it has certain basic elements – which, if we want to start learning about astrology, are essential, because we will use and review them constantly. The houses are part of the basic language of astrology and form one of its fundamental pillars. Houses in astrology are essential to understanding how a birth chart is constructed, since they are what give it its structure . As their name indicates, houses are places where things are “housed”, and it is precisely this concept that allows us to understand how... Leer Más
Fame Astrology: Discover Here the Indicators in the Natal Chart
![Astrología de la Fama: Descubre Aquí los Indicadores en la Carta Natal](
Fame Astrology: Discover Here the Indicators in...
Fame Astrology: Discover Here the Indicators in...
Fame is a fascinating and elusive concept. What do we mean by fame? Is it simply mass recognition, or does it imply something deeper? There is no single answer to this question, as fame can take many forms and meanings. From Andy Warhol’s ephemeral “15 minutes of fame” to figures whose influence transcends historical periods and cultures, fame is as diverse as the people who achieve it. The most basic definition, according to the RAE, is the “condition of being famous” or “the opinion that people have of someone or something.” However, this definition barely scratches the surface. For the... Leer Más
The Moon in Aquarius in the 12 Houses of the Natal Chart
![La Luna en Acuario en las 12 Casas de la Carta Natal](
The Moon in Aquarius in the 12 Houses of the Na...
The Moon in Aquarius in the 12 Houses of the Na...
The Moon in the birth chart is a key element that reflects our need for protection and nurturing . It not only symbolizes the focus of our personal growth, but also drives our emotional development. It is closely linked with our feelings, reactions and instincts , and plays a central role in how we deal with everyday matters and our habits . Furthermore, the Moon has a deep connection with our body, our instinctive needs and our perception of the past. Traditionally, it is associated with memory, imagination and the ability to communicate emotionally , as opposed to objective facts.... Leer Más
Venus in the 12 Houses of Venus Revolution: Meaning and Predictions
![Venus en Las 12 Casas de la Revolución de Venus: Significado y Predicciones](
Venus in the 12 Houses of Venus Revolution: Mea...
Venus in the 12 Houses of Venus Revolution: Mea...
(Read the Introduction to Venus Revolutions and First Steps entry at this link ) Venus Returns are unique predictive charts in astrology for one key reason: to tap into their true potential, you need to be receptive . Unlike a Solar Return, which is all about how we project our life energy and creative drive, a Venus Return focuses on what we can attract in the next 10 to 14 months, which is how long this cycle typically lasts. Venus speaks to us about love, pleasure, beauty, relationships, money, art, and worthiness (in some cases, legal matters as well) .... Leer Más
The Planets, Nodes and Asteroids in the 2nd House of the Solar Return: Predictions
![Los Planetas, Nodos y Asteroides en la Casa 2 de la Revolución Solar: Predicciones](
The Planets, Nodes and Asteroids in the 2nd Hou...
The Planets, Nodes and Asteroids in the 2nd Hou...
The Solar Revolution is an annual cycle that we experience every year around our birthday . Interestingly, this cycle does not always begin on the exact day of our birth; It can happen the day before, the same day or even the day after. Our birthday. Our birthday marks something deeply personal, where we become the center of attention, and somehow, we feel special. The Solar Return shares that tone: it is a year-long cycle that offers us a clear vision of the lessons and learnings we can expect during that time and that bring us a little closer to connecting... Leer Más
The Moon in Synastry, Overlaying the 12 Houses
![La Luna en Sinastría, Superposición a las 12 Casas](
The Moon in Synastry, Overlaying the 12 Houses
The Moon in Synastry, Overlaying the 12 Houses
What does it mean when your partner's Moon falls in your 1st house? Or how does it affect the relationship when your Moon is in the other person's 8th house? In astrology, synastry allows us to understand the interaction between two people's birth charts, revealing how they influence each other in their relationships. When we analyze synastry, one of the most important factors is the position of the Moon , as it reflects our deepest emotions, our needs, and how we emotionally connect with others. In this post, we'll explore how the Moon manifests itself by overlaying each of... Leer Más
The Planets, Nodes and Asteroids in the 1st House of the Solar Return: Predictions
![Los Planetas, Nodos y Asteroides en la Casa 1 de la Revolución Solar: Predicciones](
The Planets, Nodes and Asteroids in the 1st Hou...
The Planets, Nodes and Asteroids in the 1st Hou...
The Solar Return is an annual cycle that we experience each year around our birthday . Interestingly, this cycle doesn’t always begin on the exact day of our birth; it can occur a day before, on the same day, or even the day after our birthday. Our birthday marks something deeply personal, where we become the center of attention, and in some way, we feel special. The Solar Return shares that tone: it’s a year-long cycle that offers us a clear vision of the lessons and learnings we can expect during that time and that bring us a little... Leer Más
Calculadora de carta natal
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator .
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator.
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