The Astrology Blog

Luna Llena en Tauro del 15 de Noviembre 2024: Dinero, Poder e Información

Full Moon in Taurus on November 15, 2024: Money...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Full Moon in Taurus on November 15, 2024: Money...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

As a society, we are strongly resisting the enormous changes that are unfolding before our eyes. We cling to known structures and systems, even though the environment demands that we adapt and transform. The Full Moon in Taurus that will occur on November 15 reminds us of exactly that: what we find difficult to let go of and what we continue to cling to in search of stability. It will occur in the degree 24°00' of the sign. In it, there are several factors that we will have to take into account: A few hours before this happens, Saturn will have entered... Leer Más

Actualidad Astrología Mundana Elemento Tierra Eris Escorpio Lunaciones Personajes Destacados Política Predicciones Tauro
Luna Llena en Aries del 17 de Octubre 2024: Siempre es Más Oscuro Antes del Amanecer

Full Moon in Aries on October 17, 2024: It's Al...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Full Moon in Aries on October 17, 2024: It's Al...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

The Full Moon in Aries on October 17 will be a difficult lunation in a tense world context, with several active conflicts at a global level . It will occur in the degree 24°35' of the sign. In it, there are several factors that we will have to take into account: It will be in exact conjunction with Eris in Aries (degree 24°56'). It will also be in conjunction with Chiron in Aries (degree 21°05'). It will be in square to Mars in Cancer (degree 22°55'). The Moon will be in mutual reception with Mars in Cancer (Cancer is ruled by the... Leer Más

Aries Eris Lunaciones Quirón