The Astrology Blog

Full Moon in Gemini on December 15, 2024: A Layer Breaks

by La Casa 8 Astrologia
Luna Llena en Géminis del 15 de Diciembre 2024: Una Capa se Rompe

Full Moon in Gemini on December 15, 2024: A Lay...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Full Moon in Gemini on December 15, 2024: A Lay...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

We live in an age of rampant information crisis. Terms like fake news and brain rot —the latter chosen as the word of 2024 by The Oxford Dictionary—reflect how our ability to process and discern information is being put to the test . Critical thinking, journalism, and the way we understand the world have been deeply affected, generating confusion, polarization, and a disconnection from the truth. As we approach 2025, a year that promises to bring enormous (and enormous is an understatement) social, economic, and spiritual transformations, a clear and focused mind will be essential to face these changes. This... Leer Más

Actualidad Elemento Aire Géminis Lunaciones Personajes Destacados Política Predicciones Símbolos Sabianos
Astrología de la Fama: Descubre Aquí los Indicadores en la Carta Natal

Fame Astrology: Discover Here the Indicators in...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Fame Astrology: Discover Here the Indicators in...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Fame is a fascinating and elusive concept. What do we mean by fame? Is it simply mass recognition, or does it imply something deeper? There is no single answer to this question, as fame can take many forms and meanings. From Andy Warhol’s ephemeral “15 minutes of fame” to figures whose influence transcends historical periods and cultures, fame is as diverse as the people who achieve it. The most basic definition, according to the RAE, is the “condition of being famous” or “the opinion that people have of someone or something.” However, this definition barely scratches the surface. For the... Leer Más

Carta Natal Deportes Fama Fútbol Grado 29° Júpiter Las 12 Casas Mediocielo Neptuno Personajes Destacados Plutón Política Tenis

Who is Elon Musk Really? An Analysis

by La Casa 8 Astrologia
¿Quién es Realmente Elon Musk? Un Análisis

Who is Elon Musk Really? An Analysis

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Who is Elon Musk Really? An Analysis

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Elon Musk has been a leading figure in technology and business throughout the 21st century. Since his early days as an entrepreneur, Musk has demonstrated an ambitious and disruptive vision that has led him to transform entire industries. But what is behind this reputation as a visionary and innovator? Beyond his public image and the projects he carries out, this astrological analysis aims to explore a little more deeply who Elon Musk really is. What energies and aspects of his birth chart drive him to break boundaries? What do his planets reveal about his complex personality and his true motivations?... Leer Más

Análisis Estados Unidos Personajes Destacados Símbolos Sabianos
Luna Llena en Tauro del 15 de Noviembre 2024: Dinero, Poder e Información

Full Moon in Taurus on November 15, 2024: Money...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Full Moon in Taurus on November 15, 2024: Money...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

As a society, we are strongly resisting the enormous changes that are unfolding before our eyes. We cling to known structures and systems, even though the environment demands that we adapt and transform. The Full Moon in Taurus that will occur on November 15 reminds us of exactly that: what we find difficult to let go of and what we continue to cling to in search of stability. It will occur in the degree 24°00' of the sign. In it, there are several factors that we will have to take into account: A few hours before this happens, Saturn will have entered... Leer Más

Actualidad Astrología Mundana Elemento Tierra Eris Escorpio Lunaciones Personajes Destacados Política Predicciones Tauro

Astrological Predictions for the 2024 US Elections

by La Casa 8 Astrologia
Predicciones Astrológicas Para Las Elecciones 2024 En Estados Unidos

Astrological Predictions for the 2024 US Electi...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Astrological Predictions for the 2024 US Electi...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

On November 5, the United States will hold its presidential elections, marked by a climate of extreme polarization and social tension. These elections, influenced by the recent Pluto Revolution of the United States (which has lasted 248 years and began on December 28, 2022) and the also nearby Uranus Revolution (which begins in 2027 and lasts 84 years), are unpredictable and volatile, with unforeseen events such as the three assassination attempts against Donald Trump. Let's take a look at the astrology of the United States and the current moment to get a glimpse of what might happen on Election Day... Leer Más

Actualidad Astrología Mundana Cáncer Estados Unidos Grado 29° Mercurio Países Personajes Destacados Planetas Retrógrados Política Predicciones

Pedro Sánchez: Is this delicate situation sustainable?

by La Casa 8 Astrologia
Pedro Sánchez: ¿Es Sostenible Esta Situación Tan Delicada?

Pedro Sánchez: Is this delicate situation susta...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Pedro Sánchez: Is this delicate situation susta...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

(You can check the previous entry dedicated to Spain at this link ) Pedro Sánchez faces one of the most complex moments of his political career in 2024, with a series of blockages and controversies both on a personal and political level. Political Blockades On the one hand, there has been an intense parliamentary blockage in Spain since the 2023 general elections, and it has persisted throughout 2024, becoming increasingly severe. This blockage has been present in key votes such as the stability path and the General State Budget for 2025 , where Junts and other parties have voted against,... Leer Más

Actualidad Análisis Astrología Mundana España Países Personajes Destacados Política Predicciones
Luna Llena en Acuario del 19 de Agosto 2024: El Gran Despertar

Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024: The G...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024: The G...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

"None of us know all the potential that lies dormant in the spirit of the population, or all the ways the population can surprise us when the right interaction of events occurs." - Vaclav Havel The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19 is by far the most explosive, unpredictable and transformative of the year . It will occur at 27°15' of the sign. During it, many things will be happening simultaneously: Uranus at 27° Taurus will be making an exact square to the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius ; that is, we have a T square.... Leer Más

Actualidad Acuario Astrología Mundana Era de Acuario Lunaciones Personajes Destacados Política Predicciones

Upcoming Astrological Cycles of Venezuela, Madu...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Venezuela is at a decisive moment with the recent presidential elections on July 28, 2024. Nicolás Maduro, in power since 2013, has been declared the winner, generating controversy and accusations of fraud by the opposition and the international community. Despite widespread discontent and a crisis-ridden economy that has led millions of Venezuelans to emigrate, Maduro seeks to maintain his position against a strong opposition led by Edmundo González Urrutia. In this context, we will explore what the stars say about the future of the country and Maduro's leadership. Venezuela's Birth Chart: People Versus Government Letter of Independence of the Provinces... Leer Más

Astrología Mundana Países Personajes Destacados Política

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