The Astrology Blog
Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guía Completa
![Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guía Completa](
Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guí...
Venus Retrógrada en Aries y Piscis 2025: La Guí...
Si creemos que la retrogradación de Venus en Aries y Piscis de marzo y abril de 2025 será una retrogradación más, estamos muy equivocados. Este será un tránsito explosivo y con el potencial de anticiparnos muchas temáticas de lo que el mundo verá en los próximos años. Los factores clave que ocurrirán durante esta retrogradación de Venus, y que amplifican su impacto son: • Mercurio también retrógrado en Aries y Piscis, simultáneo a esta retrogradación. • Dos eclipses en medio del tránsito: eclipse lunar en Virgo (14 de marzo) y eclipse solar en Aries (29 de marzo).... Leer Más
The Ultimate Guide to Mars Retrograde in Leo and Cancer 2024 - 2025
![La Guía Definitiva Para Marte Retrógrado en Leo y Cáncer 2024 - 2025](
The Ultimate Guide to Mars Retrograde in Leo an...
The Ultimate Guide to Mars Retrograde in Leo an...
We have several months ahead of us with a rather turbulent astrological climate and many changes on a global level. Within this context, it could be said that Mars retrograde marks the beginning of these somewhat crazy months. This retrograde — which will begin on December 6, 2024 and end on February 23, 2025 and in which Mars will retrograde from 6°10' of Leo to 17°0' of Cancer — represents a key moment to stop, reflect and readjust our actions. Let’s face it: this is an uncomfortable retrograde. Mars is the planet that retrogrades the least often—about 70 to 80... Leer Más
New Moon in Sagittarius on December 1, 2024: It All Begins With A Vision
![Luna Nueva en Sagitario del 1 Diciembre 2024: Todo Comienza Con Una Visión](
New Moon in Sagittarius on December 1, 2024: It...
New Moon in Sagittarius on December 1, 2024: It...
The New Moon in Sagittarius of this 2024 will occur on November 30 or December 1 (depending on where in the world you are) , in the grade 9°32' of the sign. In it, the factors to highlight are: It will be in square with Saturn retrograde in Pisces . It will be in opposition to the ruler of the lunation itself, Jupiter retrograde in Gemini. It will make a trine with Mars in Leo. It will occur simultaneously with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. This lunation will affect us all, but Its impact will be greater if you have planets or angles between degrees... Leer Más
Astrological Climate for December 2024: Key Dates, Challenges, Tips
![Clima Astrológico de Diciembre 2024: Fechas Clave, Desafíos, Tips](
Astrological Climate for December 2024: Key Dat...
Astrological Climate for December 2024: Key Dat...
If we're looking for a month that delivers certainty, December won't be that month. This will be a period that asks us to be adaptable in the face of uncertainty, coexisting with confusion, slowness, and disorder . With Mercury retrograde for half the month, Mars entering retrograde, and Jupiter and Neptune also in retrograde motion (although Neptune will resume direct motion), the feeling of uncertainty will be a central theme. In this context, it is essential to keep fear at bay and work through any feelings of loss of control that may arise. This does not mean ignoring anxiety or... Leer Más
The Complete Guide to Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius 2024 (November 25 - December 15)
![La Guía Completa Para Mercurio Retrógrado en Sagitario 2024 (25 de Noviembre al 15 de Diciembre)](
The Complete Guide to Mercury Retrograde in Sag...
The Complete Guide to Mercury Retrograde in Sag...
And we have the last Mercury retrograde of 2024. This time, in Sagittarius. Between today, November 25, and December 15, it will go backwards from degree 22. °40' at 6 °23' of the sign . In astrology, Mercury rules a wide range of aspects that are part of our daily lives. In addition to communication , commerce , and travel , Mercury rules areas such as advertising , automobiles , bicycles , books , the brain , engineering , journalism , contracts , and criticism . This planet also influences activities such as writing , history , health , intelligence... Leer Más
Astrological Weather for November 2024: Key Dates, Challenges, Tips
![Clima Astrológico de Noviembre 2024: Fechas Clave, Desafíos, Tips](
Astrological Weather for November 2024: Key Dat...
Astrological Weather for November 2024: Key Dat...
November is shaping up to be a month of heightened emotions and challenges regarding information – a particular combination of influences that challenge us to maintain clarity amidst a volatile atmosphere. Throughout the month, there are several transits that together suggest a huge tendency to idealize, blindly believe or accept without question, which can lead to rigid or fanatical attitudes if we are not aware. The need for discernment will be key, especially in a context where information can arrive distorted or colored by personal perspectives. This month highlights the definitive entry of Pluto into Aquarius , a historic transit... Leer Más
Astrological Predictions for the 2024 US Elections
![Predicciones Astrológicas Para Las Elecciones 2024 En Estados Unidos](
Astrological Predictions for the 2024 US Electi...
Astrological Predictions for the 2024 US Electi...
On November 5, the United States will hold its presidential elections, marked by a climate of extreme polarization and social tension. These elections, influenced by the recent Pluto Revolution of the United States (which has lasted 248 years and began on December 28, 2022) and the also nearby Uranus Revolution (which begins in 2027 and lasts 84 years), are unpredictable and volatile, with unforeseen events such as the three assassination attempts against Donald Trump. Let's take a look at the astrology of the United States and the current moment to get a glimpse of what might happen on Election Day... Leer Más
Are we on the brink of a third world war? Analysis
![¿Estamos al Borde de Una Tercera Guerra Mundial? Análisis](
Are we on the brink of a third world war? Analy...
Are we on the brink of a third world war? Analy...
At this time (October 2024), tensions between Israel, Iran, and Iranian-backed groups such as Hezbollah have reached a critical point . After Iran launched the largest missile attack on Israel in retaliation for the deaths of senior Hezbollah and Hamas leaders, the situation has rapidly escalated . Israel has responded with large-scale bombings in southern Beirut and mobilized troops for ground operations in Lebanon. The violence has left thousands dead, and fears of a full-scale war have shaken the international community. The United States, for its part, has shown support for Israel, although it has so far avoided backing direct... Leer Más
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Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator.
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