The Astrology Blog
The Ultimate Guide to Mars Retrograde in Leo and Cancer 2024 - 2025
![La Guía Definitiva Para Marte Retrógrado en Leo y Cáncer 2024 - 2025](
The Ultimate Guide to Mars Retrograde in Leo an...
The Ultimate Guide to Mars Retrograde in Leo an...
We have several months ahead of us with a rather turbulent astrological climate and many changes on a global level. Within this context, it could be said that Mars retrograde marks the beginning of these somewhat crazy months. This retrograde — which will begin on December 6, 2024 and end on February 23, 2025 and in which Mars will retrograde from 6°10' of Leo to 17°0' of Cancer — represents a key moment to stop, reflect and readjust our actions. Let’s face it: this is an uncomfortable retrograde. Mars is the planet that retrogrades the least often—about 70 to 80... Leer Más
Astrological Climate for December 2024: Key Dates, Challenges, Tips
![Clima Astrológico de Diciembre 2024: Fechas Clave, Desafíos, Tips](
Astrological Climate for December 2024: Key Dat...
Astrological Climate for December 2024: Key Dat...
If we're looking for a month that delivers certainty, December won't be that month. This will be a period that asks us to be adaptable in the face of uncertainty, coexisting with confusion, slowness, and disorder . With Mercury retrograde for half the month, Mars entering retrograde, and Jupiter and Neptune also in retrograde motion (although Neptune will resume direct motion), the feeling of uncertainty will be a central theme. In this context, it is essential to keep fear at bay and work through any feelings of loss of control that may arise. This does not mean ignoring anxiety or... Leer Más
Sun-Mars Aspects in the Natal Chart: Passion for Living
![Aspectos Sol-Marte en la Carta Natal](
Sun-Mars Aspects in the Natal Chart: Passion fo...
Sun-Mars Aspects in the Natal Chart: Passion fo...
Aspects between the Sun and Mars in the natal chart are powerful manifestations of how a person can channel their energy, action, and determination. These aspects, when present, reveal how the will to act is integrated with the expression of the creative impulse , and can manifest in different ways depending on the type of aspect (conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition, inconjunction) and the signs involved. In particular, Sun-Mars aspects challenge us to balance our actions and passions with our authenticity, prompting us to act with confidence and vitality. Below, we explore the meaning of each of these aspects. The... Leer Más
Astrological Weather for October 2024: Key Dates, Challenges, Tips
![Clima Astrológico de Octubre 2024: Fechas Clave, Desafíos, Tips](
Astrological Weather for October 2024: Key Date...
Astrological Weather for October 2024: Key Date...
The month of October brings with it an emotionally turbulent astrological weather, marked by an intensity that comes from deep within, very different from the volatility of August and September. Whereas the previous months were characterized by rapid and visible changes, October is about the explosion of repressed emotions , feelings that have been hidden beneath the surface and are now coming to light. This more introverted energy can give rise to conflict, as long-held resentments emerge to be confronted. This is a month in which we are faced with the need to purge what no... Leer Más
Out-of-bounds planets: step-by-step explanation and interpretation
![Planetas Fuera de Límites: Explicación e Interpretación Paso a Paso](
Out-of-bounds planets: step-by-step explanation...
Out-of-bounds planets: step-by-step explanation...
Out of Bounds (OOB ) planets represent a fascinating and relatively new angle in astrological study, offering a unique perspective on how celestial bodies can influence human personality and behavior. Below, we'll explain exactly what they are and how to make the most of them if you have out of bounds planets in your birth chart. What Exactly Does It Mean When A Planet Is Off-Limit? First of all, it’s basic that we understand what declination is. Declination is an astronomical concept that refers to the angular distance of a celestial body from the celestial equator , similar to how... Leer Más
Mars in the 12 Signs in Love: Desire, Libido and Conquest
![Marte en Los 12 Signos En El Amor: Deseo, Líbido y Conquista](
Mars in the 12 Signs in Love: Desire, Libido an...
Mars in the 12 Signs in Love: Desire, Libido an...
Mars, known as the god of war in Roman mythology, represents a masculine and dynamic energy in astrology. However, it is important to understand that this energy is not limited to the male gender. All people, regardless of our gender and sexual orientation, possess both feminine and masculine energies in our temperament. Mars tells us how we connect with our desire, how we pursue our goals and develop courage, and how we set boundaries to protect ourselves. This planet reveals the way we express our assertiveness and handle conflicts. In the context of our relationships, Mars also tells us how... Leer Más
Donald Trump Assassination Attempt: A Sad Prelude to the Uranus Revolution
![Intento de Asesinato de Donald Trump: Triste Preludio a la Revolución de Urano](
Donald Trump Assassination Attempt: A Sad Prelu...
Donald Trump Assassination Attempt: A Sad Prelu...
In my June 7 blog post, I addressed the impending Uranus Revolution in the United States, explaining how these critical periods often coincide with moments of intense transformation and challenge (you can read it here ). Uranus Revolutions are times of abrupt change and, at times, conflict. In keeping with this astrological climate, sadly significant events such as the one that just occurred appear. In that post I also mentioned how Donald Trump is practically the personification of the current moment in the social and political fabric that the United States is going through. His birth chart and his public... Leer Más
Calculadora de carta natal
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator .
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator.
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