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2025: The Threshold Towards a New World

by La Casa 8 Astrologia
2025: El Umbral Hacia un Nuevo Mundo

2025: The Threshold Towards a New World

La Casa 8 Astrologia

2025: The Threshold Towards a New World

La Casa 8 Astrologia

2025 will mark a before and after in our evolution as humanity. We are facing the end of a stage that, although familiar, no longer supports the needs of the world on this path towards its transformation. The structures and paradigms that offered us false security are coming to an end, opening the way to a profound process of reconstruction. So, this year invites us to perceive reality from a completely new perspective. It challenges us to rethink our ability to adapt and move forward, to let go of that which no longer resonates with the collective purpose of this... Leer Más

Actualidad Elemento Aire Elemento Fuego Era de Acuario Neptuno Plutón Urano
Clima Astrológico de Diciembre 2024: Fechas Clave, Desafíos, Tips

Astrological Climate for December 2024: Key Dat...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Astrological Climate for December 2024: Key Dat...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

If we're looking for a month that delivers certainty, December won't be that month. This will be a period that asks us to be adaptable in the face of uncertainty, coexisting with confusion, slowness, and disorder . With Mercury retrograde for half the month, Mars entering retrograde, and Jupiter and Neptune also in retrograde motion (although Neptune will resume direct motion), the feeling of uncertainty will be a central theme. In this context, it is essential to keep fear at bay and work through any feelings of loss of control that may arise. This does not mean ignoring anxiety or... Leer Más

Capricornio Espiritualidad Géminis Júpiter Leo Marte Mercurio Neptuno Planetas Retrógrados Quirón Sagitario Tránsitos
Astrología de la Fama: Descubre Aquí los Indicadores en la Carta Natal

Fame Astrology: Discover Here the Indicators in...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Fame Astrology: Discover Here the Indicators in...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Fame is a fascinating and elusive concept. What do we mean by fame? Is it simply mass recognition, or does it imply something deeper? There is no single answer to this question, as fame can take many forms and meanings. From Andy Warhol’s ephemeral “15 minutes of fame” to figures whose influence transcends historical periods and cultures, fame is as diverse as the people who achieve it. The most basic definition, according to the RAE, is the “condition of being famous” or “the opinion that people have of someone or something.” However, this definition barely scratches the surface. For the... Leer Más

Carta Natal Deportes Fama Fútbol Grado 29° Júpiter Las 12 Casas Mediocielo Neptuno Personajes Destacados Plutón Política Tenis
¿Valdrá la Pena? Los Aspectos Más Difíciles de Sobrellevar en la Carta Compuesta de Pareja

Will It Be Worth It? The Most Difficult Aspects...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Will It Be Worth It? The Most Difficult Aspects...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Relationship astrology is simply fascinating. One of the most commonly used ways to understand interpersonal dynamics is through composite charts (don't know what a composite chart is? I'll explain it here ). If we look at it from a theoretical perspective, any composite chart – any relationship – has the potential to work. However, putting that theory into practice is another story . The synergy between two people can be seen as relatively harmonized and optimized, but there are cases of composite charts where we find ourselves with extremely challenging factors at play: At what price do we maintain such... Leer Más

Amor Carta Compuesta Neptuno Planetas Inaspectados Plutón Saturno Urano Yod
Tips Para Atravesar Los Tránsitos de Los Planetas Transpersonales Con Éxito

Tips for Successfully Navigating Transpersonal ...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Tips for Successfully Navigating Transpersonal ...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Transits of the transpersonal planets ( Uranus, Neptune and Pluto ) are often accompanied by challenging moments that shake up our lives . For many, these transits can feel like true personal crises, in which everything known seems to shake . They are not easy to go through, as they confront us with profound changes and inevitable transformations. However, although the process may seem overwhelming, these transits offer us an invaluable opportunity to reinvent ourselves and find new ways of being. Disruptions That Our Soul Asks Of Us It is common to fall into the temptation of thinking that a... Leer Más

Neptuno Plutón Tránsitos Urano

The Bible of Neptune Transits to the Planets of...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Neptune is one of the slowest planets in its journey around the zodiac, taking approximately 165 years to complete one revolution. We sometimes fool ourselves into thinking that a Neptune transit doesn't have much of an effect because its influence can seem subtle. Unlike transits of Uranus and Pluto, which often trigger sudden, radical crises, Neptune acts gradually. However, this doesn't mean that Neptune doesn't have a profound impact. The transformations it induces are slow but definitive, and although they are not violent, they are just as profound and significant as those of Uranus and Pluto. Neptune and the Veil... Leer Más

Aspectos Espiritualidad Neptuno Tránsitos

Transit of Neptune through the 4 Angles: Illusi...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Neptune transits are slow, and their effects profound. When a Neptune transit begins, we may feel like everything that gave us some stability is dissolving. It's common to feel disoriented, depressed, drained of energy, disappointed, and empty during these periods. The structures and certainties that once provided us with security seem to fade away, leaving us feeling vulnerable and confused. There's something we're desperately searching for to fill that void, but we don't know what it is or where to start. Neptune represents the desire to go beyond being a separate identity; we need to unite with something bigger than... Leer Más

Ascendente Carta Natal Imum Coeli Mediocielo Neptuno Tránsitos

Do We Dare To Be Ourselves? Neptune Transit in ...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

In 2025 we have a major transit: Neptune changes signs. It will leave its domicile in Pisces, to enter Aries until 2039, a sign with a completely different energy that will require different skills from us. Transits of the transpersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are often feared because they are associated with profound and often disruptive changes in our lives. In addition, these planets can bring experiences that challenge our emotional stability and security, causing us to confront unknown or repressed aspects of ourselves and the world. For these transits, it is essential to prepare in advance (ideally at... Leer Más

Actualidad Aries Espiritualidad Neptuno Predicciones Tránsitos

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