The Astrology Blog
Fame Astrology: Discover Here the Indicators in the Natal Chart
![Astrología de la Fama: Descubre Aquí los Indicadores en la Carta Natal](
Fame Astrology: Discover Here the Indicators in...
Fame Astrology: Discover Here the Indicators in...
Fame is a fascinating and elusive concept. What do we mean by fame? Is it simply mass recognition, or does it imply something deeper? There is no single answer to this question, as fame can take many forms and meanings. From Andy Warhol’s ephemeral “15 minutes of fame” to figures whose influence transcends historical periods and cultures, fame is as diverse as the people who achieve it. The most basic definition, according to the RAE, is the “condition of being famous” or “the opinion that people have of someone or something.” However, this definition barely scratches the surface. For the... Leer Más
Transit of Neptune through the 4 Angles: Illusion and Revelation
![Tránsito de Neptuno Por Los 4 Ángulos: Ilusión y Revelación](
Transit of Neptune through the 4 Angles: Illusi...
Transit of Neptune through the 4 Angles: Illusi...
Neptune transits are slow, and their effects profound. When a Neptune transit begins, we may feel like everything that gave us some stability is dissolving. It's common to feel disoriented, depressed, drained of energy, disappointed, and empty during these periods. The structures and certainties that once provided us with security seem to fade away, leaving us feeling vulnerable and confused. There's something we're desperately searching for to fill that void, but we don't know what it is or where to start. Neptune represents the desire to go beyond being a separate identity; we need to unite with something bigger than... Leer Más
The Midheaven in the 12 Signs: Find Your Calling
![Astrologia Mediocielo en los 12 signos carta natal](
The Midheaven in the 12 Signs: Find Your Calling
The Midheaven in the 12 Signs: Find Your Calling
Do you feel a little lost regarding what your true calling in life is? In astrology, many of these doubts are dispelled by analyzing the location of the Midheaven in the birth chart. The Midheaven, also known as the MC or Medium Coeli, is one of the four main angles in the natal chart. Located on the cusp of the 10th House, this angle is a gateway to active and visible participation in society. Our Brand in the World The Midheaven symbolizes our public calling, our career, and the way we seek recognition and social status. It is here that... Leer Más
Calculadora de carta natal
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator .
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator.
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