The Astrology Blog
New Moon in Aquarius on January 29, 2025: No Need to Be Dramatic
![Luna Nueva en Acuario del 29 Enero 2025: No es Necesario Ponernos Dramáticos](
New Moon in Aquarius on January 29, 2025: No Ne...
New Moon in Aquarius on January 29, 2025: No Ne...
We are already in the midst of a remarkably different astrological climate than in 2024. The instability, accelerated changes and great turbulence that we are experiencing on a personal, collective and even climatic level are already being strongly felt. In the midst of this process where so many things are changing, it is natural that as human beings we look for certainties, something defined that allows us to regain a little control. This New Moon in Aquarius comes in that context: a lunation that, of course, awakens the need to start something, to find a direction that gives us security.... Leer Más
2025: The Threshold Towards a New World
![2025: El Umbral Hacia un Nuevo Mundo](
2025: The Threshold Towards a New World
2025: The Threshold Towards a New World
2025 will mark a before and after in our evolution as humanity. We are facing the end of a stage that, although familiar, no longer supports the needs of the world on this path towards its transformation. The structures and paradigms that offered us false security are coming to an end, opening the way to a profound process of reconstruction. So, this year invites us to perceive reality from a completely new perspective. It challenges us to rethink our ability to adapt and move forward, to let go of that which no longer resonates with the collective purpose of this... Leer Más
Full Moon in Gemini on December 15, 2024: A Layer Breaks
![Luna Llena en Géminis del 15 de Diciembre 2024: Una Capa se Rompe](
Full Moon in Gemini on December 15, 2024: A Lay...
Full Moon in Gemini on December 15, 2024: A Lay...
We live in an age of rampant information crisis. Terms like fake news and brain rot —the latter chosen as the word of 2024 by The Oxford Dictionary—reflect how our ability to process and discern information is being put to the test . Critical thinking, journalism, and the way we understand the world have been deeply affected, generating confusion, polarization, and a disconnection from the truth. As we approach 2025, a year that promises to bring enormous (and enormous is an understatement) social, economic, and spiritual transformations, a clear and focused mind will be essential to face these changes. This... Leer Más
Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 2, 2024: Things That No Longer Make Sense
![Eclipse Solar en Libra, 2 Octubre 2024: Cosas Que Ya No Tienen Razón de Ser](
Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 2, 2024: Things...
Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 2, 2024: Things...
"We are drowning in information, but we lack knowledge." - John Naisbitt On October 2nd at 18:45:04 UTC We will have a annular solar eclipse in Libra . It will be visible from southern South America, Antarctica, Hawaii and Polynesia. This eclipse will occur in the degree 10°03' of the sign. Since it is a solar eclipse, the Sun and Moon will be in exact conjunction at this degree. The last time there was an eclipse at 10° of Libra was on October 2, 2005 , so the themes we were experiencing at that time could "rhyme" with what we are experiencing for this... Leer Más
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Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator.
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