The Astrology Blog
New Moon in Scorpio on November 1, 2024: The Power of Emotions
![Luna Nueva en Escorpio del 1 de Noviembre 2024: El Poder de las Emociones](
New Moon in Scorpio on November 1, 2024: The Po...
New Moon in Scorpio on November 1, 2024: The Po...
The New Moon in Scorpio of 2024 will occur on November 1, in the grade 9°35' of the sign. In it, the factors that will differentiate it from other new moons in Scorpio are: It will be in trine to Saturn retrograde in Pisces . It will be in conjunction with the fixed star Nusakan. There will be 6 planets in water signs by then. It will occur simultaneously with 3 oppositions (Mercury-Uranus, Venus-Jupiter, Mars-Pluto) . This lunation will affect us all, but Its impact will be greater if you have planets or angles between 7°-11° degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio... Leer Más
Donald Trump Assassination Attempt: A Sad Prelude to the Uranus Revolution
![Intento de Asesinato de Donald Trump: Triste Preludio a la Revolución de Urano](
Donald Trump Assassination Attempt: A Sad Prelu...
Donald Trump Assassination Attempt: A Sad Prelu...
In my June 7 blog post, I addressed the impending Uranus Revolution in the United States, explaining how these critical periods often coincide with moments of intense transformation and challenge (you can read it here ). Uranus Revolutions are times of abrupt change and, at times, conflict. In keeping with this astrological climate, sadly significant events such as the one that just occurred appear. In that post I also mentioned how Donald Trump is practically the personification of the current moment in the social and political fabric that the United States is going through. His birth chart and his public... Leer Más
William Turns 42. Abdication? Divorce? Something More Serious?
![William Cumple 42 Años. ¿Abdicación? ¿Divorcio? ¿Algo Más Grave?](
William Turns 42. Abdication? Divorce? Somethin...
William Turns 42. Abdication? Divorce? Somethin...
On June 21, Prince William of Wales turns 42 and finds himself in the spotlight once again. This past Saturday, June 15, during Trooping the Colour - an event celebrating the king's official birthday - the reappearance of his wife, Kate Middleton, has generated a wave of rumors. While some claim that Kate was seen at the event, the murmur that she might have been a doppelganger is growing ever more, fueling speculation about a possible divorce, a serious illness, and even more extreme theories about Kate's royal status (to read the first article in this series on the crisis... Leer Más
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Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator .
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator.
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