The Astrology Blog

Luna Llena en Leo del 12 de Febrero 2025: Iluminando la Pérdida de Libertad

Luna Llena en Leo del 12 de Febrero 2025: Ilumi...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Luna Llena en Leo del 12 de Febrero 2025: Ilumi...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

  La Luna Llena de hoy 12 de febrero de 2025 trae una energía cargada de tensión. Es volátil, incómoda, marcada por la resistencia al cambio y por la rigidez de posturas que no ceden fácilmente. Hay una fuerte predominancia de signos fijos, lo que hace que, aunque el mundo esté transformándose a gran velocidad, muchas estructuras—y personas—nos aferremos con fuerza a lo conocido. Pero una Luna Llena siempre ilumina, y esta no es la excepción. Tanto en lo personal como en lo colectivo, revela lo que quizás no hemos querido ver. Nos empuja a cuestionar, a reconocer lo que... Leer Más

Actualidad Acuario Asteroides Elemento Fuego Lunaciones Planetas Fuera de Límites Planetas Inaspectados Símbolos Sabianos
Luna Nueva en Capricornio del 30 Diciembre 2024: Mirando el Miedo a la Cara

New Moon in Capricorn on December 30, 2024: Loo...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

New Moon in Capricorn on December 30, 2024: Loo...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

This December 30, the second New Moon in Capricorn of 2024 closes a cycle that began on January 11 with the first New Moon in this sign. These two lunations have acted as the gateway and the exit door for 2024. It's a fact: we are saying goodbye to the Capricorn energy as we have known it. In 2025 there will be no New Moons in this sign , which indicates that the focus will be on other issues. With Pluto's definitive exit from Capricorn, 2024 has put a strong emphasis on this energy, but now is the time to... Leer Más

Abundancia Capricornio Planetas Inaspectados Símbolos Sabianos
¿Valdrá la Pena? Los Aspectos Más Difíciles de Sobrellevar en la Carta Compuesta de Pareja

Will It Be Worth It? The Most Difficult Aspects...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Will It Be Worth It? The Most Difficult Aspects...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Relationship astrology is simply fascinating. One of the most commonly used ways to understand interpersonal dynamics is through composite charts (don't know what a composite chart is? I'll explain it here ). If we look at it from a theoretical perspective, any composite chart – any relationship – has the potential to work. However, putting that theory into practice is another story . The synergy between two people can be seen as relatively harmonized and optimized, but there are cases of composite charts where we find ourselves with extremely challenging factors at play: At what price do we maintain such... Leer Más

Amor Carta Compuesta Neptuno Planetas Inaspectados Plutón Saturno Urano Yod
Chile y Su Revolución de Júpiter de 2024: ¿Transformación en el Sistema Legal?

Chile and its Jupiter Revolution of 2024: Trans...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Chile and its Jupiter Revolution of 2024: Trans...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

In this second post about Chile, we will explore the possible situations that could occur in the medium term in the face of the current crisis facing the country, marked by the scandal of the Audios Case and the growing internal tensions. Beyond the corruption exposed by the Audios Case, we will evaluate whether the generalized crisis that the country is going through can be resolved or if, on the contrary, the problems will continue, affecting its stability. (you can check the previous entry about Chile here ) A key element to understand this panorama is that Chile began a... Leer Más

Actualidad Astrología Mundana Chile Géminis Países Planetas Inaspectados Política Predicciones Revolución de Júpiter Tránsitos

Venezuela's Next Jupiter Revolution (2024 and 2025)

by La Casa 8 Astrologia

Venezuela's Next Jupiter Revolution (2024 and 2...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Jupiter revolutions represent a significant cycle that occurs approximately every 12 years, when Jupiter returns to the same position it occupied in the natal chart of a country or individual. In mundane astrology this transit symbolizes a period of expansion, growth and opportunity in the areas that Jupiter rules, such as justice, law, education, religion and international relations. During a Jupiter revolution, a country may experience a renewed focus on legal and judicial issues, political or legal reforms, and an increase in international visibility. This transit may also be associated with economic growth and cultural development. However, Jupiter amplifies what... Leer Más

Astrología Mundana Nodos Lunares Países Planetas Inaspectados Política Predicciones Revolución de Júpiter