The Astrology Blog
Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 2, 2024: Things That No Longer Make Sense
![Eclipse Solar en Libra, 2 Octubre 2024: Cosas Que Ya No Tienen Razón de Ser](
Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 2, 2024: Things...
Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 2, 2024: Things...
"We are drowning in information, but we lack knowledge." - John Naisbitt On October 2nd at 18:45:04 UTC We will have a annular solar eclipse in Libra . It will be visible from southern South America, Antarctica, Hawaii and Polynesia. This eclipse will occur in the degree 10°03' of the sign. Since it is a solar eclipse, the Sun and Moon will be in exact conjunction at this degree. The last time there was an eclipse at 10° of Libra was on October 2, 2005 , so the themes we were experiencing at that time could "rhyme" with what we are experiencing for this... Leer Más
Astrological Weather for October 2024: Key Dates, Challenges, Tips
![Clima Astrológico de Octubre 2024: Fechas Clave, Desafíos, Tips](
Astrological Weather for October 2024: Key Date...
Astrological Weather for October 2024: Key Date...
The month of October brings with it an emotionally turbulent astrological weather, marked by an intensity that comes from deep within, very different from the volatility of August and September. Whereas the previous months were characterized by rapid and visible changes, October is about the explosion of repressed emotions , feelings that have been hidden beneath the surface and are now coming to light. This more introverted energy can give rise to conflict, as long-held resentments emerge to be confronted. This is a month in which we are faced with the need to purge what no... Leer Más
Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, 17/18 September 2024: A Portal to the Intangible
![Eclipse Lunar en Piscis, 17/18 Septiembre 2024: Un Portal a lo Intangible](
Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, 17/18 September 2024: ...
Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, 17/18 September 2024: ...
"It is the invisible and the spiritual in people that determines the external and the real." - Oswald Chambers On September 18th at 02:44:18 UTC we will have a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces . It will be visible from all of America (except western Alaska), all of Africa, all of Europe and the Middle East. This eclipse will occur in the degree 25°40' of the sign. For reference, we haven't had a lunar eclipse in Pisces since September 2006. And because this is a lunar eclipse, it means that the Sun and Moon will be in exact opposition (Sun at 25°40'... Leer Más
Eclipses 101: Everything You Need to Know
![Eclipses 101: Todo Lo Que Debes Saber](
Eclipses 101: Everything You Need to Know
Eclipses 101: Everything You Need to Know
Eclipses are special lunations, representing a break in the regular pattern of cycles we experience on Earth. In ancient times eclipses were greatly feared because the Moon and the Sun were relied upon to schedule crops, they were also used as the main sources of illumination and to measure time; so when light diminished during an eclipse it was believed that this meant a decrease in life. Eclipses act as powerful catalysts for change, offering revelations and serving as turning points in our personal and collective path. Although their visibility varies according to geographic location, the influence of eclipses extends... Leer Más
Chilean Astrology: Will You Be Able to Redirect Your Path? Analysis and Predictions
![Astrología de Chile: ¿Podrá Reconducir Su Camino? Análisis y Predicciones](
Chilean Astrology: Will You Be Able to Redirect...
Chilean Astrology: Will You Be Able to Redirect...
Chile is currently at a critical crossroads, facing a crisis of security and confidence in its institutions that has left the country far from the stability that once characterized it . In recent years, the increase in crime, especially linked to organized crime , has generated an atmosphere of fear and radicalized public opinion, which now supports heavy-handed policies as a solution to insecurity. This context of violence is aggravated by structural problems that Chile has not managed to resolve, such as inequalities in education, health and social welfare , which have fueled growing social discontent. Recently, the scandal known... Leer Más
Astrological Weather for September 2024: Key Dates, Challenges, Tips
![Clima Astrológico de Septiembre 2024: Fechas Clave, Desafíos, Tips](
Astrological Weather for September 2024: Key Da...
Astrological Weather for September 2024: Key Da...
September is a month that continues to challenge us to process, be flexible, and adapt to circumstances quickly, all while keeping a cool head . The Sun in Virgo, and also when it enters Libra, will provide us with essential support to achieve this, inviting us to take distance and avoid overreactions. The key during this month will be to remain calm in the face of unforeseen events and not let ourselves be carried away by frustration . This is an ideal month to work on letting go of what we no longer need, to accept situations... Leer Más
William Turns 42. Abdication? Divorce? Something More Serious?
![William Cumple 42 Años. ¿Abdicación? ¿Divorcio? ¿Algo Más Grave?](
William Turns 42. Abdication? Divorce? Somethin...
William Turns 42. Abdication? Divorce? Somethin...
On June 21, Prince William of Wales turns 42 and finds himself in the spotlight once again. This past Saturday, June 15, during Trooping the Colour - an event celebrating the king's official birthday - the reappearance of his wife, Kate Middleton, has generated a wave of rumors. While some claim that Kate was seen at the event, the murmur that she might have been a doppelganger is growing ever more, fueling speculation about a possible divorce, a serious illness, and even more extreme theories about Kate's royal status (to read the first article in this series on the crisis... Leer Más
![Astrologia Elecciones 2024 Estados Unidos Trump vs Biden](
Colossal Changes: Predictions for the United St...
Colossal Changes: Predictions for the United St...
It is no mystery that the United States is going through turbulent years. And this turbulence has been in crescendo gradually over the years, in accordance with the planetary cycles that the country experiences. On December 28, 2022, the United States began its first Pluto revolution, which is still in its first breath (let's think that this revolution lasts until the year 2268). In addition to this, it is also approaching its next Uranus Revolution, an astrological event that occurs every 84 years when Uranus returns to the same point it occupied at the time of the country's founding. This next Uranus... Leer Más
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Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator.
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