The Astrology Blog
Major and Minor Aspects
![Los Aspectos Mayores y Menores](
Major and Minor Aspects
Major and Minor Aspects
( Read the introduction to aspects here ) The Major Aspects Major aspects, also known as Ptolemaic aspects , are the most important angular relationships between planets in a birth chart. These aspects intermingle energies in clear and obvious ways , making them the most noticeable dynamics in our daily lives. The more exact the aspect (i.e. the closer it is to the exact angle, such as 90° in a square), the stronger its effect . This makes them major themes that influence how planets, elements, and dynamics fit together in a birth chart. In astrology, these aspects are five:... Leer Más
Full Moon in Cancer on January 13, 2025: The Pinnacle of a Revelation
![Luna Llena en Cáncer del 13 de Enero 2025: El Pináculo de Una Revelación](
Full Moon in Cancer on January 13, 2025: The Pi...
Full Moon in Cancer on January 13, 2025: The Pi...
The world is going through a period of deep upheaval, marked by climatic phenomena (such as the California fires and severe storms in Buenos Aires) and widespread discontent and crises that have destabilized governments in multiple regions. In Syria , the fall of the Bashar al-Assad regime at the hands of the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham militia has generated regional uncertainty. In the United Kingdom , Keir Starmer’s government is facing a serious political crisis, with criticism for its management and a lack of internal cohesion in the Labour Party. In Canada , Justin Trudeau announced his resignation after losing political... Leer Más
The Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo (2025 - 2026)
![Los Nodos Lunares en Piscis y Virgo (2025 - 2026)](
The Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo (2025 - 2026)
The Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo (2025 - 2026)
In 2025, the lunar nodes enter the Pisces-Virgo axis, with the North Node transiting Pisces and the South Node in Virgo. To be more precise, they will be on this axis from January 29, 2025, to August 29, 2026. This movement marks the background against which the other important transits of the slow planets that will change signs this year will be outlined (read more about them here ). The arrival of the North Node in Pisces - the last sign of the zodiac - connects us with endings and closures . Where the nodes are, circumstances arise that feel... Leer Más
Glossary of Basic Astrology Terms
![Glosario de Términos Básicos de Astrología](
Glossary of Basic Astrology Terms
Glossary of Basic Astrology Terms
Do you want to start learning about astrology but feel overwhelmed by the amount of new information and concepts? This glossary is designed to introduce you to the essential terms of this fascinating “language.” It is a clear and simple starting point for you to understand the basics of astrology and take your first steps with confidence. 1. Archetype A universal symbol that represents specific patterns of behavior or energies. Signs, planets, and houses in astrology function as archetypes that reflect human characteristics and experiences. 2. Ascendant The zodiac sign that was on the eastern horizon at the time of... Leer Más
Astrological Weather for January 2025: A New World Begins to Bloom
![Clima Astrológico de Enero 2025: Un Nuevo Mundo Comienza a Florecer](
Astrological Weather for January 2025: A New Wo...
Astrological Weather for January 2025: A New Wo...
( Download this month's transit calendar at this link .) We are entering a crucial stage of transformation. This is a month that marks the beginning of a new world , a time when the seeds already planted begin to germinate, and the changes we have long sensed begin to manifest. However, this new beginning brings with it a mix of emotions: hope for what is being born, but also a certain nostalgia and mourning for what we are leaving behind. This month’s Lunistice brings to the surface latent emotions that need to be released, creating an ambivalent feeling .... Leer Más
New Moon in Capricorn on December 30, 2024: Looking Fear in the Face
![Luna Nueva en Capricornio del 30 Diciembre 2024: Mirando el Miedo a la Cara](
New Moon in Capricorn on December 30, 2024: Loo...
New Moon in Capricorn on December 30, 2024: Loo...
This December 30, the second New Moon in Capricorn of 2024 closes a cycle that began on January 11 with the first New Moon in this sign. These two lunations have acted as the gateway and the exit door for 2024. It's a fact: we are saying goodbye to the Capricorn energy as we have known it. In 2025 there will be no New Moons in this sign , which indicates that the focus will be on other issues. With Pluto's definitive exit from Capricorn, 2024 has put a strong emphasis on this energy, but now is the time to... Leer Más
The Sun in the 12 Signs in Love: from Libra to Pisces
![El Sol en Los 12 Signos en el Amor: de Libra a Piscis](
The Sun in the 12 Signs in Love: from Libra to ...
The Sun in the 12 Signs in Love: from Libra to ...
The Sun in our birth chart represents the spark that drives us to be who we are and to express our identity in an authentic way. In love, the Sun is the part of us that seeks a space where your light can shine fully, be recognized and valued . This is not about selfishness, but about the human need to connect from our authenticity and enjoy the person we are by sharing our vitality with someone else . In synastry, the Sun reflects where and how each person needs to feel that recognition and project their light in the relationship . Understanding... Leer Más
2025: The Threshold Towards a New World
![2025: El Umbral Hacia un Nuevo Mundo](
2025: The Threshold Towards a New World
2025: The Threshold Towards a New World
2025 will mark a before and after in our evolution as humanity. We are facing the end of a stage that, although familiar, no longer supports the needs of the world on this path towards its transformation. The structures and paradigms that offered us false security are coming to an end, opening the way to a profound process of reconstruction. So, this year invites us to perceive reality from a completely new perspective. It challenges us to rethink our ability to adapt and move forward, to let go of that which no longer resonates with the collective purpose of this... Leer Más
Calculadora de carta natal
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator .
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator.
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