The Astrology Blog
Lunistice 2025: What It Is and What It Means for Us
![Lunisticio 2025: Qué es y Qué Significa Para Nosotros](
Lunistice 2025: What It Is and What It Means fo...
Lunistice 2025: What It Is and What It Means fo...
The Lunistice is a very special transit, and we will experience it this 2025. As we can guess from its name, the lunistice is an astronomical phenomenon comparable to the solstice, but starring the Moon. While the solstices occur annually marking the highest or lowest points of the Sun in the sky, the lunistices take place every 18.6 years , when the Moon reaches its maximum declination, either its highest or lowest point in the sky, depending on the hemisphere where we are (don't you know what declination is? The explanation in this post ). In January 2025, the Moon... Leer Más
Full Moon in Gemini on December 15, 2024: A Layer Breaks
![Luna Llena en Géminis del 15 de Diciembre 2024: Una Capa se Rompe](
Full Moon in Gemini on December 15, 2024: A Lay...
Full Moon in Gemini on December 15, 2024: A Lay...
We live in an age of rampant information crisis. Terms like fake news and brain rot —the latter chosen as the word of 2024 by The Oxford Dictionary—reflect how our ability to process and discern information is being put to the test . Critical thinking, journalism, and the way we understand the world have been deeply affected, generating confusion, polarization, and a disconnection from the truth. As we approach 2025, a year that promises to bring enormous (and enormous is an understatement) social, economic, and spiritual transformations, a clear and focused mind will be essential to face these changes. This... Leer Más
The Sun in the 12 Signs in Love: from Aries to Virgo
![El Sol en Los 12 Signos en el Amor: de Aries a Virgo](
The Sun in the 12 Signs in Love: from Aries to ...
The Sun in the 12 Signs in Love: from Aries to ...
The Sun in our birth chart represents the spark that drives us to be who we are and to express our identity in an authentic way. In love, the Sun is the part of us that seeks a space where its light can shine fully, be recognized and valued . This is not about selfishness, but about the human need to connect from our authenticity and enjoy the person we are by sharing our vitality with someone else . In synastry, the Sun reflects where and how each person needs to feel that recognition and project their light into the... Leer Más
The Ultimate Guide to Mars Retrograde in Leo and Cancer 2024 - 2025
![La Guía Definitiva Para Marte Retrógrado en Leo y Cáncer 2024 - 2025](
The Ultimate Guide to Mars Retrograde in Leo an...
The Ultimate Guide to Mars Retrograde in Leo an...
We have several months ahead of us with a rather turbulent astrological climate and many changes on a global level. Within this context, it could be said that Mars retrograde marks the beginning of these somewhat crazy months. This retrograde — which will begin on December 6, 2024 and end on February 23, 2025 and in which Mars will retrograde from 6°10' of Leo to 17°0' of Cancer — represents a key moment to stop, reflect and readjust our actions. Let’s face it: this is an uncomfortable retrograde. Mars is the planet that retrogrades the least often—about 70 to 80... Leer Más
Houses in Astrology: A Beginner's Guide
![Las Casas en Astrología. Una Guía Para Principiantes](
Houses in Astrology: A Beginner's Guide
Houses in Astrology: A Beginner's Guide
Astrology is a very rich language, full of symbols and deep meanings, but it has certain basic elements – which, if we want to start learning about astrology, are essential, because we will use and review them constantly. The houses are part of the basic language of astrology and form one of its fundamental pillars. Houses in astrology are essential to understanding how a birth chart is constructed, since they are what give it its structure . As their name indicates, houses are places where things are “housed”, and it is precisely this concept that allows us to understand how... Leer Más
New Moon in Sagittarius on December 1, 2024: It All Begins With A Vision
![Luna Nueva en Sagitario del 1 Diciembre 2024: Todo Comienza Con Una Visión](
New Moon in Sagittarius on December 1, 2024: It...
New Moon in Sagittarius on December 1, 2024: It...
The New Moon in Sagittarius of this 2024 will occur on November 30 or December 1 (depending on where in the world you are) , in the grade 9°32' of the sign. In it, the factors to highlight are: It will be in square with Saturn retrograde in Pisces . It will be in opposition to the ruler of the lunation itself, Jupiter retrograde in Gemini. It will make a trine with Mars in Leo. It will occur simultaneously with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. This lunation will affect us all, but Its impact will be greater if you have planets or angles between degrees... Leer Más
Astrological Climate for December 2024: Key Dates, Challenges, Tips
![Clima Astrológico de Diciembre 2024: Fechas Clave, Desafíos, Tips](
Astrological Climate for December 2024: Key Dat...
Astrological Climate for December 2024: Key Dat...
If we're looking for a month that delivers certainty, December won't be that month. This will be a period that asks us to be adaptable in the face of uncertainty, coexisting with confusion, slowness, and disorder . With Mercury retrograde for half the month, Mars entering retrograde, and Jupiter and Neptune also in retrograde motion (although Neptune will resume direct motion), the feeling of uncertainty will be a central theme. In this context, it is essential to keep fear at bay and work through any feelings of loss of control that may arise. This does not mean ignoring anxiety or... Leer Más
The Complete Guide to Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius 2024 (November 25 - December 15)
![La Guía Completa Para Mercurio Retrógrado en Sagitario 2024 (25 de Noviembre al 15 de Diciembre)](
The Complete Guide to Mercury Retrograde in Sag...
The Complete Guide to Mercury Retrograde in Sag...
And we have the last Mercury retrograde of 2024. This time, in Sagittarius. Between today, November 25, and December 15, it will go backwards from degree 22. °40' at 6 °23' of the sign . In astrology, Mercury rules a wide range of aspects that are part of our daily lives. In addition to communication , commerce , and travel , Mercury rules areas such as advertising , automobiles , bicycles , books , the brain , engineering , journalism , contracts , and criticism . This planet also influences activities such as writing , history , health , intelligence... Leer Más
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Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator .
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator.
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