The Astrology Blog
Luna Llena en Leo del 12 de Febrero 2025: Iluminando la Pérdida de Libertad
![Luna Llena en Leo del 12 de Febrero 2025: Iluminando la Pérdida de Libertad](
Luna Llena en Leo del 12 de Febrero 2025: Ilumi...
Luna Llena en Leo del 12 de Febrero 2025: Ilumi...
La Luna Llena de hoy 12 de febrero de 2025 trae una energía cargada de tensión. Es volátil, incómoda, marcada por la resistencia al cambio y por la rigidez de posturas que no ceden fácilmente. Hay una fuerte predominancia de signos fijos, lo que hace que, aunque el mundo esté transformándose a gran velocidad, muchas estructuras—y personas—nos aferremos con fuerza a lo conocido. Pero una Luna Llena siempre ilumina, y esta no es la excepción. Tanto en lo personal como en lo colectivo, revela lo que quizás no hemos querido ver. Nos empuja a cuestionar, a reconocer lo que... Leer Más
February 2025 Astrological Weather: Are We Dreaming or Awake?
![Clima Astrológico de Febrero 2025: ¿Estamos Soñando o Estamos Despiertos?](
February 2025 Astrological Weather: Are We Drea...
February 2025 Astrological Weather: Are We Drea...
( Download this month's transit calendar at this link .) We have already noticed: the world is changing at a speed that we can barely process. Everything moves, everything changes, everything seems to collapse and rebuild itself in a matter of moments. The feeling of instability is no longer something external, but something that seeps into our everyday perception. What is more real, what we feel or what we see outside? Do we cling to what the information circulating tells us, or are we guided by what our intuition shows us? The astrological climate of February has a similar tone.... Leer Más
New Moon in Aquarius on January 29, 2025: No Need to Be Dramatic
![Luna Nueva en Acuario del 29 Enero 2025: No es Necesario Ponernos Dramáticos](
New Moon in Aquarius on January 29, 2025: No Ne...
New Moon in Aquarius on January 29, 2025: No Ne...
We are already in the midst of a remarkably different astrological climate than in 2024. The instability, accelerated changes and great turbulence that we are experiencing on a personal, collective and even climatic level are already being strongly felt. In the midst of this process where so many things are changing, it is natural that as human beings we look for certainties, something defined that allows us to regain a little control. This New Moon in Aquarius comes in that context: a lunation that, of course, awakens the need to start something, to find a direction that gives us security.... Leer Más
Astrological Weather for January 2025: A New World Begins to Bloom
![Clima Astrológico de Enero 2025: Un Nuevo Mundo Comienza a Florecer](
Astrological Weather for January 2025: A New Wo...
Astrological Weather for January 2025: A New Wo...
( Download this month's transit calendar at this link .) We are entering a crucial stage of transformation. This is a month that marks the beginning of a new world , a time when the seeds already planted begin to germinate, and the changes we have long sensed begin to manifest. However, this new beginning brings with it a mix of emotions: hope for what is being born, but also a certain nostalgia and mourning for what we are leaving behind. This month’s Lunistice brings to the surface latent emotions that need to be released, creating an ambivalent feeling .... Leer Más
The Complete Guide to Pluto in Aquarius (2024 - 2044)
![La Guía Completa Para Plutón en Acuario (2024 - 2044)](
The Complete Guide to Pluto in Aquarius (2024 -...
The Complete Guide to Pluto in Aquarius (2024 -...
Pluto enters Aquarius for good on November 19, 2024 (after a very brief stay in this sign in 2023). With this, a period begins that spans from 2024 to 2044 , and which represents one of the most important astrological transits in decades. Pluto is known for being an extremely slow -moving planet, and its transits often profoundly transform the areas it touches , leaving an impact that goes far beyond the immediate or superficial. In this guide, we will explore in detail what we can expect on a personal and collective level, the challenges that might arise, and how... Leer Más
Astrological Weather for November 2024: Key Dates, Challenges, Tips
![Clima Astrológico de Noviembre 2024: Fechas Clave, Desafíos, Tips](
Astrological Weather for November 2024: Key Dat...
Astrological Weather for November 2024: Key Dat...
November is shaping up to be a month of heightened emotions and challenges regarding information – a particular combination of influences that challenge us to maintain clarity amidst a volatile atmosphere. Throughout the month, there are several transits that together suggest a huge tendency to idealize, blindly believe or accept without question, which can lead to rigid or fanatical attitudes if we are not aware. The need for discernment will be key, especially in a context where information can arrive distorted or colored by personal perspectives. This month highlights the definitive entry of Pluto into Aquarius , a historic transit... Leer Más
The Moon in Aquarius in the 12 Houses of the Natal Chart
![La Luna en Acuario en las 12 Casas de la Carta Natal](
The Moon in Aquarius in the 12 Houses of the Na...
The Moon in Aquarius in the 12 Houses of the Na...
The Moon in the birth chart is a key element that reflects our need for protection and nurturing . It not only symbolizes the focus of our personal growth, but also drives our emotional development. It is closely linked with our feelings, reactions and instincts , and plays a central role in how we deal with everyday matters and our habits . Furthermore, the Moon has a deep connection with our body, our instinctive needs and our perception of the past. Traditionally, it is associated with memory, imagination and the ability to communicate emotionally , as opposed to objective facts.... Leer Más
The Age of Aquarius: The Ultimate Guide
![Astrologia Era de Acuario](
The Age of Aquarius: The Ultimate Guide
The Age of Aquarius: The Ultimate Guide
“A crisis is an opportunity riding on a dangerous wind.” -Chinese proverb Are We on the Brink of a Revolution or the Precipice of Anarchy? In a world rocked by unprecedented change, the promise of the Age of Aquarius may actually be a double-edged sword. With one hand, it offers us a vision of a unified humanity , freed from the shackles of outdated hierarchies and restrictive traditions. With the other, it threatens to plunge us into a chaos of extreme individualism and social disorder. But what exactly is the Age of Aquarius? Or rather, what is an Age? As... Leer Más
Calculadora de carta natal
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator .
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator.
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