The Astrology Blog

Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21, 2024: Antici...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

"The truth is so difficult to tell, that sometimes it needs fiction to make it plausible." - Francis Bacon This July 21st we will witness a lunation with an extremely dramatic energy and from which we can really expect anything , for several reasons: This is the second Full Moon in Capricorn this year, which is unusual as we normally only have one. It will happen in grade 29 °8' of Capricorn. The 29th degree (called the Anaretic Degree) of each zodiac sign colors the planets that transit through them with an energy of urgency, completion of pending tasks, anxiety... Leer Más

Actualidad Astrología Mundana Capricornio Era de Acuario Grado 29° Lunaciones Política Predicciones

The Bible of Neptune Transits to the Planets of...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Neptune is one of the slowest planets in its journey around the zodiac, taking approximately 165 years to complete one revolution. We sometimes fool ourselves into thinking that a Neptune transit doesn't have much of an effect because its influence can seem subtle. Unlike transits of Uranus and Pluto, which often trigger sudden, radical crises, Neptune acts gradually. However, this doesn't mean that Neptune doesn't have a profound impact. The transformations it induces are slow but definitive, and although they are not violent, they are just as profound and significant as those of Uranus and Pluto. Neptune and the Veil... Leer Más

Aspectos Espiritualidad Neptuno Tránsitos

Donald Trump Assassination Attempt: A Sad Prelu...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

In my June 7 blog post, I addressed the impending Uranus Revolution in the United States, explaining how these critical periods often coincide with moments of intense transformation and challenge (you can read it here ). Uranus Revolutions are times of abrupt change and, at times, conflict. In keeping with this astrological climate, sadly significant events such as the one that just occurred appear. In that post I also mentioned how Donald Trump is practically the personification of the current moment in the social and political fabric that the United States is going through. His birth chart and his public... Leer Más

Actualidad Análisis Astrología Mundana Estados Unidos Estrellas Fijas Marte Personajes Destacados Política Urano

Introduction to 21st Century Mundane Astrology

by La Casa 8 Astrologia
Astrología Mundana del Siglo XXI

Introduction to 21st Century Mundane Astrology

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Introduction to 21st Century Mundane Astrology

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Mundane Astrology is one of the oldest branches of astrology. Since time immemorial, humanity has sought to understand and foresee events that affect societies as a whole, such as governmental stability, natural disasters and other phenomena. Thus, Mundane Astrology was developed to meet that need. However, times change, and although these phenomena continue to be an important part of the field of study of this astrological branch, less solemn but equally fascinating aspects have also made their way, aligned with current times. In this way, this type of astrology can offer us a broader and more diverse application of its... Leer Más

Astrología Mundana

Time to Materialize, Without Excuses: The 3 Rev...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Saturn revolutions or returns represent decisive moments in life. Saturn is known as the great teacher and lord of time, limitations, materialization on the physical plane, taking responsibility, our sense of inner authority, maturity, karma, and the law of cause and effect. It completes its orbit around the Sun approximately every 29.5 years. When Saturn returns to the exact degree and minute of the sign in which it is located in our birth chart, a new Saturn revolution occurs. No More Excuses Each revolution of Saturn forces us to leave behind previous stages of our lives and take full control... Leer Más

Revolución de Saturno Saturno

The 12 Ascendants in the Natal Chart: The Essen...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

The Ascendant in a birth chart is the sign that was rising over the horizon at the exact time and place of birth . It represents the intersection between heaven and earth, marking the beginning of the astrological houses and functioning as the starting point of the chart. In this sense, it acts as a container for all the energy of the astrological chart , whether it is a natal chart, a composite chart, or even a planetary revolution. However, on this occasion we will focus on the natal chart. In the case of a birth chart, the Ascendant symbolizes... Leer Más

Ascendente Carta Natal

New Moon in Cancer on July 5, 2024: The Importa...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

"Life is short. Drive fast and leave a sexy corpse. That's one of my mottos." -Stanley Hudson, The Office This July 5th we will witness a powerful New Moon at the degree 14°23' minutes of Cancer, in exact conjunction with Venus, also in Cancer. Compared to previous lunations this year, this New Moon stands out for its more harmonious and sensual character. It is a lunation conducive to enjoyment, where due to the abundant sextiles and trines the energies are aligned to promote emotional balance and joy. What Can We Manifest With This New Moon? The New Moon phase is... Leer Más

Abundancia Actualidad Cáncer Lunaciones

Retrograde Planets In The Natal Chart: Discover...

La Casa 8 Astrologia

Often in my astrological consultations, I encounter people who are alarmed to discover retrograde planets in their birth chart. Does this sound familiar? If so, prepare for a 180-degree turn in your perception. What if I told you that this could be a sign of good luck and abundance awaiting you, rather than insurmountable obstacles? (Undeserved) Bad Reputation Retrograde planets are undoubtedly one of the most misunderstood themes in astrology. However, far from signifying delays or complications, they can be your greatest allies on the path to personal growth and fulfillment. These special planetary positions invite you to look inward,... Leer Más

Carta Natal Planetas Retrógrados

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