The Astrology Blog
![La Biblia de los Tránsitos de Plutón a los Planetas y Asteroides de la Carta Natal: Predicciones y Tips](
The Bible of Pluto Transits to the Planets and ...
The Bible of Pluto Transits to the Planets and ...
Pluto is one of the slowest planets in its journey around the zodiac, completing one revolution in approximately 248 years . Its orbit is elliptical, meaning that the time it spends in each sign is irregular. For example, in Scorpio, which is its ruling sign, Pluto spends the least amount of time (around 12 years), while in Taurus it can spend up to 30 years. Pluto transits are known to be transformative on a deep level . However, their influence is extremely slow , and when Pluto transits a planet in the birth chart, its effect can last for several... Leer Más
Astrological Weather for November 2024: Key Dates, Challenges, Tips
![Clima Astrológico de Noviembre 2024: Fechas Clave, Desafíos, Tips](
Astrological Weather for November 2024: Key Dat...
Astrological Weather for November 2024: Key Dat...
November is shaping up to be a month of heightened emotions and challenges regarding information – a particular combination of influences that challenge us to maintain clarity amidst a volatile atmosphere. Throughout the month, there are several transits that together suggest a huge tendency to idealize, blindly believe or accept without question, which can lead to rigid or fanatical attitudes if we are not aware. The need for discernment will be key, especially in a context where information can arrive distorted or colored by personal perspectives. This month highlights the definitive entry of Pluto into Aquarius , a historic transit... Leer Más
Tips for Successfully Navigating Transpersonal Planet Transits
![Tips Para Atravesar Los Tránsitos de Los Planetas Transpersonales Con Éxito](
Tips for Successfully Navigating Transpersonal ...
Tips for Successfully Navigating Transpersonal ...
Transits of the transpersonal planets ( Uranus, Neptune and Pluto ) are often accompanied by challenging moments that shake up our lives . For many, these transits can feel like true personal crises, in which everything known seems to shake . They are not easy to go through, as they confront us with profound changes and inevitable transformations. However, although the process may seem overwhelming, these transits offer us an invaluable opportunity to reinvent ourselves and find new ways of being. Disruptions That Our Soul Asks Of Us It is common to fall into the temptation of thinking that a... Leer Más
Astrological Weather for October 2024: Key Dates, Challenges, Tips
![Clima Astrológico de Octubre 2024: Fechas Clave, Desafíos, Tips](
Astrological Weather for October 2024: Key Date...
Astrological Weather for October 2024: Key Date...
The month of October brings with it an emotionally turbulent astrological weather, marked by an intensity that comes from deep within, very different from the volatility of August and September. Whereas the previous months were characterized by rapid and visible changes, October is about the explosion of repressed emotions , feelings that have been hidden beneath the surface and are now coming to light. This more introverted energy can give rise to conflict, as long-held resentments emerge to be confronted. This is a month in which we are faced with the need to purge what no... Leer Más
How to Increase Your Money with Astrology: Part 5
![Cómo Aumentar tu Dinero con Astrología: Parte 5](
How to Increase Your Money with Astrology: Part 5
How to Increase Your Money with Astrology: Part 5
(Read Part 1 here , Part 2 here, Part 3 and Part 4 of the series) In this series of posts, we have so far explored in depth the unique potential each of us has to attract abundance and maximize our finances through astrology. We know the tools and energies that are at our disposal, but understanding that potential is the first part. Now is the time to put all that knowledge into action. To do so effectively, it is essential to understand planetary cycles and how to take advantage of those key moments that boost our finances. These cycles tell... Leer Más
Chile and its Jupiter Revolution of 2024: Transformation in the Legal System?
![Chile y Su Revolución de Júpiter de 2024: ¿Transformación en el Sistema Legal?](
Chile and its Jupiter Revolution of 2024: Trans...
Chile and its Jupiter Revolution of 2024: Trans...
In this second post about Chile, we will explore the possible situations that could occur in the medium term in the face of the current crisis facing the country, marked by the scandal of the Audios Case and the growing internal tensions. Beyond the corruption exposed by the Audios Case, we will evaluate whether the generalized crisis that the country is going through can be resolved or if, on the contrary, the problems will continue, affecting its stability. (you can check the previous entry about Chile here ) A key element to understand this panorama is that Chile began a... Leer Más
Eclipses 101: Everything You Need to Know
![Eclipses 101: Todo Lo Que Debes Saber](
Eclipses 101: Everything You Need to Know
Eclipses 101: Everything You Need to Know
Eclipses are special lunations, representing a break in the regular pattern of cycles we experience on Earth. In ancient times eclipses were greatly feared because the Moon and the Sun were relied upon to schedule crops, they were also used as the main sources of illumination and to measure time; so when light diminished during an eclipse it was believed that this meant a decrease in life. Eclipses act as powerful catalysts for change, offering revelations and serving as turning points in our personal and collective path. Although their visibility varies according to geographic location, the influence of eclipses extends... Leer Más
Astrological Weather for September 2024: Key Dates, Challenges, Tips
![Clima Astrológico de Septiembre 2024: Fechas Clave, Desafíos, Tips](
Astrological Weather for September 2024: Key Da...
Astrological Weather for September 2024: Key Da...
September is a month that continues to challenge us to process, be flexible, and adapt to circumstances quickly, all while keeping a cool head . The Sun in Virgo, and also when it enters Libra, will provide us with essential support to achieve this, inviting us to take distance and avoid overreactions. The key during this month will be to remain calm in the face of unforeseen events and not let ourselves be carried away by frustration . This is an ideal month to work on letting go of what we no longer need, to accept situations... Leer Más
Calculadora de carta natal
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator .
Explora tu carta natal gratuita con el birth chart calculator.
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