The Astrology Blog
Chilean Astrology: Will You Be Able to Redirect...
Chile is currently at a critical crossroads, facing a crisis of security and confidence in its institutions that has left the country far from the stability that once characterized it . In recent years, the increase in crime, especially linked to organized crime , has generated an atmosphere of fear and radicalized public opinion, which now supports heavy-handed policies as a solution to insecurity. This context of violence is aggravated by structural problems that Chile has not managed to resolve, such as inequalities in education, health and social welfare , which have fueled growing social discontent. Recently, the scandal known... Leer Más
The Fall of Alberto Fernandez, Argentina's Firs...
Alberto Fernández, former president of Argentina (2019-2023), is currently at the center of a storm of scandals that have shaken both his personal life and his political legacy. During his term, Fernández presented himself as Argentina's "first feminist president" , and on more than one occasion expressed his desire to be remembered as "the president who gave a lot and took nothing" . These statements reflected his commitment to women's rights and his intention to be seen as a leader of integrity and selflessness. However, he is currently facing serious accusations of domestic violence brought by his ex-partner, Fabiola Yáñez,... Leer Más
Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024: The G...
"None of us know all the potential that lies dormant in the spirit of the population, or all the ways the population can surprise us when the right interaction of events occurs." - Vaclav Havel The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19 is by far the most explosive, unpredictable and transformative of the year . It will occur at 27°15' of the sign. During it, many things will be happening simultaneously: Uranus at 27° Taurus will be making an exact square to the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius ; that is, we have a T square.... Leer Más
Astrology of Spain: Present and Future Cycles
The entire world is experiencing turbulent times, and Spain is no exception. This article is the first of several in which we will explore the astrology of Spain, providing a detailed analysis of current events and their impact on the future of the country. Context of the 2023 General Elections On 23 July 2023, Spain held a general election that left the country in a state of political uncertainty . The Popular Party (PP), led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, won the largest number of seats, but fell short of the majority needed to form a government. The Spanish Socialist Workers'... Leer Más
Venezuela's Next Jupiter Revolution (2024 and 2...
Jupiter revolutions represent a significant cycle that occurs approximately every 12 years, when Jupiter returns to the same position it occupied in the natal chart of a country or individual. In mundane astrology this transit symbolizes a period of expansion, growth and opportunity in the areas that Jupiter rules, such as justice, law, education, religion and international relations. During a Jupiter revolution, a country may experience a renewed focus on legal and judicial issues, political or legal reforms, and an increase in international visibility. This transit may also be associated with economic growth and cultural development. However, Jupiter amplifies what... Leer Más
Upcoming Astrological Cycles of Venezuela, Madu...
Venezuela is at a decisive moment with the recent presidential elections on July 28, 2024. Nicolás Maduro, in power since 2013, has been declared the winner, generating controversy and accusations of fraud by the opposition and the international community. Despite widespread discontent and a crisis-ridden economy that has led millions of Venezuelans to emigrate, Maduro seeks to maintain his position against a strong opposition led by Edmundo González Urrutia. In this context, we will explore what the stars say about the future of the country and Maduro's leadership. Venezuela's Birth Chart: People Versus Government Letter of Independence of the Provinces... Leer Más
Kamala Harris' Astrology: A Glimpse Into Her Fu...
Kamala Harris, born on October 20, 1964, in Oakland, California, has been a prominent figure in American politics, most notably as the first woman and person of color to serve as Vice President of the United States. With Joe Biden's recent withdrawal from the presidential race, all eyes have turned to her as the presumptive Democratic Party nominee, tentatively set to be ratified at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago from August 19-22, 2024. Let's take a look at whether she has what it takes to be president and what planetary influences she faces heading into the election. Kamala Harris... Leer Más
Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21, 2024: Antici...
"The truth is so difficult to tell, that sometimes it needs fiction to make it plausible." - Francis Bacon This July 21st we will witness a lunation with an extremely dramatic energy and from which we can really expect anything , for several reasons: This is the second Full Moon in Capricorn this year, which is unusual as we normally only have one. It will happen in grade 29 °8' of Capricorn. The 29th degree (called the Anaretic Degree) of each zodiac sign colors the planets that transit through them with an energy of urgency, completion of pending tasks, anxiety... Leer Más
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