In my June 7 blog post, I addressed the impending Uranus Revolution in the United States, explaining how these critical periods often coincide with moments of intense transformation and challenge (you can read it here ). Uranus Revolutions are times of abrupt change and, at times, conflict. In keeping with this astrological climate, sadly significant events such as the one that just occurred appear. In that post I also mentioned how Donald Trump is practically the personification of the current moment in the social and political fabric that the United States is going through. His birth chart and his public...
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It is no mystery that the United States is going through turbulent years. And this turbulence has been in crescendo gradually over the years, in accordance with the planetary cycles that the country experiences. On December 28, 2022, the United States began its first Pluto revolution, which is still in its first breath (let's think that this revolution lasts until the year 2268). In addition to this, it is also approaching its next Uranus Revolution, an astrological event that occurs every 84 years when Uranus returns to the same point it occupied at the time of the country's founding. This next Uranus...
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